Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera power leveling the State Statistics Bureau held a press conference - WTM

129788454814531250_13Bureau of statistics in response to stagflation: there is no "lag" does not exist "Swell" Bureau spokesman sheng says today at 10 o'clock in the morning, the State Statistics Bureau held a press conference, introduced by spokesman sheng says first quarter macroeconomic data and question and answer session. Sheng says in response to "stagflation is in 2012 and the biggest problems facing China's economic challenge", said that GDP growth in the first quarter of 8.1%, first-quarter consumer price index CPI up 3.8%, the two numbers together which experts are hard to conclude that stagflation, now is there is no lag and there is no swelling. Following is a text record: BTV reporters: rise in CPI and GDP fell more than expected, some economists made a point of saying that China's economy is likely to go to era of stagflation, stagflation is 2012 the economy'S greatest challenges and tests? Thank you. Sheng says: thank you for your question, this is a very interesting question. If we put one quarter of GDP growth 8.1% in the first quarter consumer price index CPI rose 3.8%, these two numbers together which experts are very difficult to come to the stagflation, delay now is does not exist and there is no swelling. From the front you HonI have already answered tera gold, from China in a future period, economy is likely to maintain moderate growth in comparison to determine. Total retail sales of consumer goods in March, an increase of 15.2% economic data fixed-asset investment in the first quarter rose 20.9% national real estate investment rose in the first quarter cent Bureau: 1 quarter employment stability in cities and townsStatistics Bureau of 3.32 million new jobs: $ 7 tera power leveling,382 urban residents per capita revenues in the first quarter 1 quarterly income grew faster than in rural towns per capita cash $ 2 tera gold,560 statistics: area of 13.6% per cent drop in the first quarter sales in the first quarter 14.6% reporting statistics of national housing sales drop: 8.1% growthNot cheap is much higher than other national statistical offices: 1 quarter economic recovery is faltering growth in external demand pressures in statistics: Statistics Bureau of China's small enterprise production and management difficulties increased in the first quarter: economy sustained increases in the first quarter stabilised the overall characteristics of robust statistics: statistics quarterly income grew faster than in rural towns: a quarter of the money supply growth steady M1MDrop statistics both 2: 1 economic growth in the first quarter fell back but still reasonable growth interval statistics: moderate economic growth this year there are still many favorable conditions statistics: March economic key indicators are faster than 1 growth statistics: growth in GDP is not important when the bottom should strive for high quality Shen Jianguang: slightly below GDP growth expected to steady inflationGive way to steady growth statistics: statistics of agricultural prices high in favour of farmers ' income growth response to stagflation: there is no "lag" does not exist "heave" statistics: experts say a majority of the population whose income is less than average income-quarter GDP: deposit rate will be lowered from the stock market continued to tangle statistics: China's economic growth rate fell largely due to active control onlyWired Liu Xin: Government or quasi-steady growth in this month Liu Fuyuan: GDP growth for the year at around 8.5% Yang Hongxu: negative impact of real estate or stock high Zhu Baoliang: industrial inventory 2-quarter GDP in the period or the year in pin low Cheng Hongqing: falling interest rates may be the first quarter in the second quarter continued to drop in property development and investment growth is notImbalance between Mr CHAN Kwok-keung: real estate adjustment and will not relax for GDP slowdown microblogging hot hot 2012 releases economic data on relevant topics in the first quarter of 2012 March 2012 first quarter economic data index of NetEase projections Others:

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