Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold the gold market ups and downs - GGI

129773932905000000_53Further to ICBC's "the accumulation of gold" business, agricultural Bank's "living gold pass", Chamber of gold investment and business have on line, greatly enriched the investor choice. Unilateral in the Gold bull market, buy and hold strategy has brought investors huge returns. But since last year, the gold market ups and downs, aggravation of risk at the same time, also brought challenges to investors.However, overall spreading of gold investment and business, gives investors a new path. Further to ICBC's "the accumulation of gold" business, agricultural Bank's "living gold pass", Chamber of gold investment and business have on line, greatly enriched the investor choice. And ideas similar to fund investment, gold casting business refers to the establishment of investment plans, in accordance with certain frequency purchased some yellow, And cumulative to the investor's account. Than for a one-time investment of gold will take maximum advantage of share of investment costs, reducing investment risk, especially for recent turmoil. Also, gold investment and lower the threshold of, single minimum invested hundreds of dollars, has also become a popular investors a way to accumulate wealth. On the industrial and commercial bank, agricultural Bank andGF compare three banks of gold investment products, investment ideas similar to, but also had a lot of difference in product design. Investment price of gold investment and business on how to determine the three banks were Shanghai gold exchange AU99.99 based on gold prices, but for investors, selecting different investment platform, you will find that, even if the investment plan of the same,Three banks in transaction value is not the same. Why is this? Because the three banks offer to customers is different. Among them, GF's gold investment and business is to AU99.99 the Shanghai gold exchange price quotations in real time, investment and investors to specify debits, Bank consolidated deduction by Instant gold exchange offer for trading, that is, theTsugisada investment and prices. ABC "living jintong" quote refers to the ABC "handed down treasure" standard price of precious metals, it is reported that the gold price is applied to 10:00 Exchange AU99.99 offer is based on, and be "handed down treasure" processing fees, distribution fees, and so on. Industrial and commercial bank of "accumulation of gold" used in the business concept is based on the average price of gold, againAU99.99 offer tera power leveling, ICBC in accordance with investor investment amount of each investment period for share of the vote. Take, for example, investors each month is set as an investment cycle, scheduled investment amounting to $ 2000/month, then the "accumulation of gold" in accordance with the plan of $ 2000/30=66.67 per day for investors to buy gold, even for 2Deposit amount of $ 000 tera gold, "the accumulation of gold" also achieved the cost-sharing from a single investment cycle, always in this product as it relates to investors at an average price of gold investment. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content tera power leveling, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, riskTAM. Others:

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