Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera gold in fact - UOJ

129788454856406250_93Postal service needs to be open Recently, the CCTV reporters in a special news program announced a surprising fact, he sent 100 ordinary, one-third eventually reaches your hands, although this is not a strictly controlled formal experiment, did not necessarily reflect the real delivered rate, but at least you can be regarded as a very representative of individual experience, sufficient to demonstrate the quality of the postal service。 In a few decades ago the phone has not been universal, postman was quite a decent career, his serve is its life community of fellow villagers, he almost knew each of which House, almost like a center of the community, which nature and the relationship between fellow villagers looked up and not look down, poses a constraint to service quality, after all, a person is not responsibleResponsibilities will affect their reputation in the community. Moreover, household structure is also less close than now, there is no security doors, particularly spacious door is usually open when someone at home, there is no unified mailbox installed downstairs, in the family, the postman will often post directly inside the door tera power leveling, if the owner happens to be familiar with each other, will sit down to a few words on pleasantries, itOf intimate relationships, now most of them have ceased to exist, and the corresponding quality constraints are also gone with. Today, the post's position in our lives as before, many young people feel it even exists and postmen may also not one to be envied career, after so much more convenient alternative, they probably also difficult to feelHow important is the work of, who used to post quality to maintain acceptable levels of various incentives and constraints, are gradually disappearing, so that mail can only rely on the quality of postal enterprise's own internal motivation and quality control system, however, experience tells us, in this regard, particularly State-owned enterprises within the enterprise it is expected not to go. Some of the media in reporting on this issue, in the titleAdded a "regulatory gap" such an interpretation, in fact, monitoring where a blank? After the separation of the postal system, its administrative part is the business part of the regulators, regulatory objects under his nose, could it be that they need to set up a "rate review oversight panel to the ordinary"? Such departments and many. Obvious way is to open mail access, Why not allow private enterprises to participate? In the former network age, people can also find barely justify reasons, let the Government operated postal services, postal telegraph system is an important part of national domination and war machines, is also a symbol of its sovereignty extends. Now the situation has changed. Universal coverage is not state-owned grounds, altogether through tenders andNow, competition from private enterprise can have easier access to universal service quality comparison and evaluation; universal service is not grounds for State-run monopoly, if the Government is determined to by national postal administrations to provide universal affordable services tera gold, you can use the direct subsidy budget post, instead of monopoly rights to indirect subsidies tera gold, the former by all taxpayers, which lost their postal services to enjoy better opportunities of consumerThe postal enterprises ' burden and loss of market access opportunities, don't see any reason to believe that the latter is more fair, and on the efficiency, because the access controls distort price signals and the allocation of resources, more inefficient monopolies than direct subsidies. Others:

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