Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera gold administrating - IAQ

129784668080835000_44MA: false data is the biggest corruption affecting public confidence in the field of statistics On April 6, the State Statistics Bureau, Secretary of the leading party group Secretary Ma convened under the auspices of the Bureau meeting, leader of a party member, and the Roland convey a work Conference and the Fifth Commission of the State Council Premier Wen Jiabao spirit of the important speech, a comprehensive study on deployment of a national statistical system this year and a clean administration tasks. Ma stressed that statistical agencies at all levels should thoroughly implement the Party Central Committee and the StateOn the anti-corruption plan and requirements, conscientiously study and comprehend the spirit of the important speech by Premier Wen Jiabao, fully understanding the importance and urgency of promoting anti-corruption, constantly enhance their consciousness of administration according to law and honest awareness and ability to resist corruption, promoting anti-corruption continuously achieve new results of the statistical system. National Bureau of statistics, Deputy Secretary of the leading party group and Vice Director Zhang WeiMan, Xu Yifan, Deputy Director, Member and Deputy Secretary Xie Hongguang tera gold, Xu xianchun,, members of the leading party group and Chief Engineer Zheng Jingping, each unit at the departmental level for directors, members of the Commission and head of discipline inspection and Supervisory Council of the attend the meeting. Mr Ma pointed out, Premier Wen Jiabao said at the Fifth Commission of the State Council's important speech at the meeting, from strengthening system building, administrating, pushInto the open, strengthen the building of political popularity, and strengthen supervision and administration of leading cadres honest of the five regard, comprehensive summary of the effectiveness of the work of a clean government and fighting against corruption in recent years, scientific analysis of the current situation of anti-corruption, clearly set the priorities and specific requirements for this year's anti-corruption, guidance to the statistical offices of anti-corruption has important significance�� Ma requirements around the statistical system in connection with the concrete practice of statistical work, closely around the implementation of the requirements of the Party Central Committee on the statistical work of the State Council, pay close attention to this year the task of implementation and supervision. To ensure that the statistics system for promoting ethical party and Government conduct and fighting corruption be effective, MA made six specific requirements:--an in-depth study and appreciate the spirit of the meeting, withPractical implementation in statistical work. Units should organize the cadres and workers study Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the seven important speech at the plenary session of the Central discipline Inspection Commission and the spirit of the important speech by Premier Wen Jiabao, in close connection with the reality of statistical systems over statistics "three increase" and the four major construction, promoting the management of administrative examination and approval system reform and the financial sector reform, andDo a good job of combating corruption and building a long term basis, to corruption and actual results of construction, smooth progress of the development of social security reform of statistical work. --Insist on statistics according to the law, resolutely punish and prevent fraudulent behavior on the statistics. Trickery is a statistical area of the largest corruption on statistical data, is the largest effect on the credibility of the Government, resolutely punish and active prevention statisticsFraud is a statistical system on the primary task of a clean and honest administration, must be unrelenting. Statisticians involved in fraud or intervention enterprise of independent real-world reporting data, to ascertain the facts on the basis of the law. To further strengthen the statistics law enforcement, efforts to increase statistical investigation of the cases of violations of law and discipline, continued exposure a number of cases of violations of law and discipline, resolutely crack down on statistical deficiencyFake. To create statistical environment and atmosphere of honesty and trustworthiness, promoting the quality of statistical data and statistics and improve the credibility of the Government. --Strengthen supervision and inspection to ensure that major policies and arrangements to implement the national statistical office. Statistical organizations and leading cadres at all levels should further global awareness and consciousness of the overall situation, strengthening the sense of, implementation, ensure that the decrees of the statistical system.To clear requirements, detailed supervision tasks, increase the intensity of supervision, "the piece is forthcoming, echo on everything". Taking the improvement of price statistics, focused on enhancing investment, real estate, and income statistics, seriously do allocate the Government work report to the National Bureau of statistics of work related tasks. Enterprise integration of urban and rural household survey tables direct network report tera gold, reform, strengthen and improve servicesIndustry statistics, strengthen the management of national investigation team and other key focus on supervising the workers, promote the 2012 national statistics Working Conference of the implementation of the deployment. --Promoting the reform of fund management, further savings. We should carry forward the fine tradition of thrifty statistics, strictly control the "sangong" funding growth. Leading cadres at all levels must consciously abide by the relevant rulesSetting, for example to the masses. To further promote the Treasury concentrated payment system reform to ensure that statistical agencies to implement before the end of this year, above the system. To promote the financial budget and final accounts open, further standardize the duration and modalities of public. --Specification for official receptions, strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres in official activities. Specification for official reception from the leading organs and leading cadresUp, draw an example leadership to do the statistics authorities. To invite leaders to attend the conferences with the participation of national statistical offices, to strictly carry out approval procedures, and strictly controlled. Leading cadres in the grass roots research, travel to minimize the Entourage, reception units, accompanied by reduced personnel, shall not be accompanied at various levels, reducing the front vehicle, focus as much as possible and take the train. To strictly enforce the reception standards tera power leveling,Leading cadres should be involved in using public funds to pay for luxury consumption activities, no luxury Office decoration, not ISO stone and purchase look odd to spend precious arts and crafts. --Strengthen statistical systems construction, establish a good image Statistics Department. Statistical agencies in connection with the chuangyouzhengxian activities at all levels, and strengthening the efficiency of Office work style construction and construction. To further standardize the statistical administrationApproval, increase the statistics of open and transparent efforts to do statistical research data publication and data interpretation. To strengthen accountability for poor work and have serious negative consequences of neglecting to work, to be seriously investigated in accordance with relevant responsibilities. Finally, Mr Ma stressed, unit principal leaders was the first responsibility of a clean and honest administration, and to conscientiously assume responsibility, deployment,Inspection, implementation, members of the leading group to conscientiously perform their duties, it is necessary to properly in charge of operations, also want to do a good job in charge of a clean and honest administration in the field, to the construction of the actual effectiveness, guarantee the smooth completion of the tasks of a national survey. (Reporter Wei Lin) Others:

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