Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera gold missile firing range is less than the high.  Japan - JBI

129788443037968750_210According to reports, the message indicates that North Korea carrying "Star, 3rd" satellite "milky way 3rd" rockets 11th fuel, but so far has not been raised "ignition of fuel."  North Korea may 13th as a rocket fuel, 14th launch. Korea Government said one source on 12th and 11th for the rocket fuel injection have been, but it isDo not raise the "ignition of fuel."  Reported that, generally speaking, igniting fuel will raise the day before launch. According to reports, when ignition fuel refers to press the launch button rocket fuel ignition need. The sources said tera gold, despite thick clouds around the 12th North Korean tieshanjun, but does not affect the launch, North Korea is expected to be in the 13th endorsement ignition fuel, 14thLine emission.  According to the Meteorological Office observed, firing rockets in the North East of bunker 13th little clouds a sunny, wind is not too large. United States does not rule out a military response to it has been reported that the United States and said it for North Korea rocket program, United States and its allies will consider the next step, does not rule out a military response. United States White House spokesman said the United States began to develop anti-Policies, primarily language of condemnation, but according to the North Korean rocket news, does not rule out possible military action.  At present, the United States has withdrawn a food aid has just finalised plans, want North Korea to reconsider satellite launch program. No experts to North Korea to observe Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Weimin, China 12th question and answer session, said at a regular press conference, ChinaNorth Korea announced the satellite's position has not changed on the issue, key word is to focus on the overall situation and calm restraint, work together to preserve peace and stability in the region. "China has maintained close communication and coordination with all parties concerned. I have not heard of experts will visit the DPRK to observe.  "Liu Weimin said. Japan and South Korea want to stop rockets are not easy to major general Luo Yuan, Deputy Secretary General of the Association of military sciences in ChinaSzabo said, South Korea and Japan on satellite interception capability is limited. Korea had arranged for the aegis-class destroyers currently limited ABM capabilities, missile firing range is less than the high.  Japan, its standard installed on aegis-3 sea-based anti-ballistic missile system and Patriot-3 missiles on the island has some ABM capability, but its ABM capability and cannot be guaranteed. In addition to the technicalOutside, Romanian aid also believe that Japan and South Korea faces two problems in intercepting satellite. First, Japan and South Korea and North Korea too close, so that early warning time is too short, could block satellites in a short time to be concerned. Second, Japan and South Korea United States dependencies are too large. "Missile launch button is actually still master at the hands of the Americans.  "He said. It is reported that in 2009, North KoreaSatellite launch across Japan over island, Japan also claims to block, the result is not implemented. Report debris eventually fell Australian waters since North Korea announced its launch satellites, Japan and South Korea announced that North Korea "luminous star, 3rd" satellite rocket boosters if the fall in the country will be blocked. Emission reports submitted to the International Maritime Organization in Korea, has beenRockets landed coordinates is explicitly released. According to the data displayed in the report, "Star, 3rd" satellite launch vehicle "milky way 3rd" first-stage boosters will fall to Korea the Yellow Sea to the West, rocket Japan flew east of Ishigaki; second-level falls to East of Luzon in the Philippine Sea.  Rocket debris is expected to eventually fall in Australia near sea areas. Expert10 minutes after the shooting, see Korea rocket experts pointed out that North Korea "3rd Galaxy," and 2009 's "Galaxy, 2nd" compared to boost equipment should be improved, not at present forecast track.  But within 10 minutes, you can determine its success or failure. Experts speculate that the "Galaxy, 3rd" will launch more than 110 seconds after the separation of primary and secondary rocket。 Between 3 to 3 minutes and 30 seconds a rocket that will fall second rocket in the separation of 4-6 minutes after launch. Whether the three-stage rocket to 7.9 km/sec speed is key to continue flying. If you do not reach this speed, will not be able to enter the orbit into atmosphere corrupted.  Experts say this entire process will end in 10 minutes. North KoreaKim was elected, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, according to a report, representative of the workers ' Party of Korea 4th meeting, held on 11th decision, nominated Kim Jong-UN, Member of the Standing Committee of the Korean workers party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. This meeting also nominated Kim Jong-UN as first Secretary of the Korean workers ' Party, Kim Jong-Il "support as a General Secretary of the workers ' Party of Korea forever". MeetingThe decision on revising the party Constitution, provided as first Secretary of the party's head of State, on behalf of the party and led the entire party.  Kim duty is Vice Chairman of the military Commission of the CPC Central Committee of the workers ' Party of Korea. Observe North Korean propaganda successful United States angry according to North Korea's claim that North Korea has to rocket fuel, satellite launch is inevitable. North Korea's launch ofWhat is a satellite or a ballistic missile, the international community, particularly the United States is not of particular interest.  They are more concerned about North Korea, a move that triggered widespread media attention around the world, from a propaganda perspective, North Korea has succeeded, and the United States for addition to condemn North Korea launches program, options are limited. North Korea's launch tera power leveling, United States Government perhaps of more concern is no longerAt the launch itself. North Korea launched what satellites and ballistic missiles tera power leveling, launch of this progress is not technically great. Americans upset is that North Korea's launch plans have attracted the eyes of the world. According to the New York Times reported that the United States Government is now trying to reduce North Korea's propaganda value of this launch. Nevertheless, the United States has to come up with whatSpecific responses. This comprehensive series of articles of Xinhua News Agency, the evening news, the legal evening news Others:

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