Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold was shot black black.   After more than six months after the investigation - ZNM

129773928422031250_18Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog rolling financial capital history of the domestic economic and industrial economic current affairs news consumption in international economic life financial reviewThematic depth interviews a week topic hexun Newsweek predicted public laws and regulations cover data reading business school training weather collection luxury calendar finance ministries financial products news > body print RSS size 2012-March 27 source: Xinhua author: Deng Yihui one high school reunions, suffering from depression Guan Jianjun enjoyed a day of rare relaxation.   He was brought by several students to open their own wine, a male student to tell jokes, makes he look nervous for a while. With doctrine: "The army, some people say you are on the Internet ' in yangquan mafia boss ', you know? "Guan Jianjun a wry smile and replied," you gave me a book, tell me the story.   "At that time was the winter of 2009, Captain of the Public Security Bureau in yangquan city branch of patrol Squadron Guan Jianjun, are experiencing from the police force for 10 years maximum mode. Swirl makerIs Jiang Xuebin. 3 years ago, "Ginger's brother" incident, called by the media "the first case of yangquan black", Jiang Xuebin prison.   Guan Jianjun was Ginger who reported the case, together with the special investigation group on Jiang Xuebin mafia gang arrested. In 2009, Jiang Xuebin released in advance, will report to Guan Jianjun Inspector Corps of Shanxi provincial public security and Criminal Police Corps. Report said Jiang Xuebin, customs buildingMilitary-related, to open casinos, 10 homicide cases in the hand. Whirlpool will close swallowed up by the army. On May 11, 2010, Guan Jianjun and several student dinner drink until early this morning, "he is happy, there is no sign.   "At about 8 o'clock in the morning of the next day, a residence on the outskirts of yangquan, Guan Jianjun was the special case group of drunk sleeping policemen pushed up. Used to obtain Shanxi "Underworld "second-class meritorious Guan Jianjun Lok.   Report had been reported, was shot black black.   After more than six months after the investigation, Shanxi provincial public security Department informed the public that, destroy mafia, led by Guan Jianjun, freezing and seizure of assets at nearly $ 400 million. It is reported that, after careful investigation, the special team found more than more than 80 members of the Organization, and arrested 56 people; extraction and collectionPaid weapon tera power leveling, various machete, and bayonet more than 100 over to, picks to, and pipe, modus tools more than 70 over root, imitation 64 ball gun 7 support, and shotguns 1 support, and crossbow 3 support; collection, and finishing its suspected illegal crime of card, and exhibits more than 1000 pieces; catching has 56 name involved members, identified the Organization more than 10 years to illegal crime case 46 up, freeze the organization funds 259.4 million Yuan;Sealed up the organizational value of more than 100 million yuan in Beijing real estate 27; seizure than more than 30 vehicles, Guan Jianmin in a Rolls Royce car worth more than 8.4 million Yuan. Plus two supplementary investigation, the special team took 11 months during investigation, identification of the organization in a dozen years in yangquan long evil, great potential after. They wantonly opened casino monopoly entertainment tera gold, Protection rackets, owns the coal resource, extortion, unlawful detention, had seriously affected social stability in yangquan, against the people's safety. On January 19, 2012, Changzhi city intermediate people's Court of the first instance of yangquan "off brothers" criminal gangs ruled, identified Guan Jianjun, who convicted of organizing, leading underworld organization. Prosecutors accused Guan Jianjun 15 count, was eventually identified 5. Led by Guan Jianjun, Guan Jianmin tera gold, Wang Hongyu respectively were sentenced to 15 years, 20 years, 10 years ' imprisonment. Then, Guan Jianjun, Guan Jianmin, Wang Hongyu expressed an appeal.  At present, the case has been transferred to Shanxi province High Court. In a trial, the prosecution has closed the army, who constitutes "mafia", contend the fierce. Today,That is still not open around a second topic.   Shanxi yangquan Sekiya brothers, bright sunshine could not disperse the city shrouded in haze. Facing economic transition pains "little Shanghai", seems very lonely. Yangquan is the first city in 1947 created personally by the Chinese Communist Party. For more than 100 years in the underground coal mining, the originalThe biggest anthracite production base in China, gradually dried up. District of yangquan city, an asphalt road through the peak, where a fresh air than the urban areas.   Guan Jianjun was founded in yangquan city dog Association of base is located here. Guan Jianjun used referred to here as "dogs". One of the Red Mansion door dog of 5 meters high and cut off from outside. Here, Guan Jianjun raising dogs,Stand up, and two two-storey house was built, decorated for the living.   Prosecutors had accused their farm land expropriation procedures are not all that is under construction, is "not for use" illegal. Shanxi police formed "5·6" black special investigation group, will close the army arrested here.   Yangquan City Public Security Bureau in the number field and Cabinet attached to the door seal. Native RiverNorth of positive definite Guan Jianjun, was 43 years old, their life stories are mostly concentrated in Shanxi yangquan. Guan Jianjun school love fights, after graduating from junior high school in yangquan transport company drivers. In 1988, Guan Jianjun to contracts entered on behalf of yangquan City Public Security Bureau of police, Council leader to drive.   At this point, his father the post of Deputy Director. In 1995, Guan JianjunStanding under the Deputy Director of the police station chief of was promoted to city, is less than 26 years of age.   He then transferred to Deputy Director of the police station on, in charge of law and order in the most flourishing in yangquan area.   Also at this time, younger brother of Guan Jianjun Guan Jianmin, began selling cooked beef, spare parts and other business go to the entertainment industry. Understanding Guan Jianmin Jiang Xuebin. Ginger in yangquan localFrom started operating noodle house, investment after the hotel. "On the head, far more sound than Guan Jianmin Jiang Xuebin. "Guan Jianmin Jiang Xuebin was once a good relationship, cooperation was briefly opened lobby. In 1997, Guan Jianmin began his career in the Casino, businesses increasingly booming.   In the first instance judgment, Guan Jianjun brothers were found guilty of the crime of gambling. Police in Shanxi province "5·6"Special team leader Liu Jinxiang has indicated to the media that:" open the Casino is the main means of extorting money Guan Jianjun groups. Not only close brothers, and their members are also open. "Coincidence is that Guan Jianjun served when the Deputy Director of the police station, responsible for arrest gamblers, and" outstanding achievements ". These excellent results into its future fire promoted for urban patrol Battalion Chief of Branch shopMat. Different brothers, close the building work has a fiery temper, and Guan Jianmin calm restraint.   Two people out of a dark, yangquan local people more used to call them "off". Known yangquan entertainment industry insiders, "said later, close brothers and almost all casinos more or less relevant in the urban area. "Since then, sauna, hotel Jiang Xuebin management, closedYan Jian-min also operate dance hall, bath Center.   Before Guan Jianjun incident, yangquan's two best local bathing establishments, a Jiang Xuebin operating "and fare thee weel", and the other is Guan Jianmin "nanyuan days dew." 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