Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling Shen Wanling Fund recently published its investment and development view - LHK

129771823091031060_56 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera">tera power leveling</a>Shen Wanling Fund recently published its investment and development view, integrated mobility, performance of the CPI and the related coupon types, 2012 bond investment opportunities will be more determined. Shen Wanling said expects inflation will continue to decline in the second quarter of this year, the reserve rate is still lower. At the same time tera gold, this year share both debts with bond funds outstanding, becauseCredit debt is mainly performed well this year, easing on short term-limited variety of funds and low-rate credit products have some push, coupled with a higher chance of some bond funds to participate in new stock, resulting in bond funds as a whole doing well this year. Looking to the future, Shen Wanling believes that credit debt, convertible bonds or a greater opportunity. Convertible bond, good fundamentals, liquidityImproved background, coupled with a convertible bond valuation is still low tera power leveling, with stock dual characteristics of debt investment value of convertible bonds will have a certain amount of time. But convertible bond bull market needs are rising trend of promoting the emergence of, may need to consume during the time cost. Others:

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