Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera power leveling respectively - XDY

129779483514531250_142Reporter Liu Lanxiang trainee reporter Zhu Zhichao Beijing Shenzhen Lu Xian soldiers reported one after another as the listed banks to disclose annual reports, local government financing loans have also surfaced. Annual report, by the end of last year, four main line platforms in the industry, building, agriculture, loan balances, 680 billion, respectively, 399.7 billion,900 million, a total of 1.9 trillion.  Four rows are the vast majority of loans cash flow coverage, risk control. On March 30, the Bank of China and China Merchants Bank (micro-blogging) held a performance descriptions, both announced bad loan ratio decline, and 0.56%, respectively. Bank of China President Li lihui pointed out that, for a large commercial bank, 1% defective rate isLow defective rate in the future in the 1% level is reasonable-, BOC will strive to control at this level. Loan to rein in local financing platform in 2011 is in strict control of the banking sector as a whole, clean up local financing loans. According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission statistics, at the end of September 2011, there were more than 10,000 local government financing, loansThe amount of $ 9.1 trillion.  Which have withdrawn from the platform, included in the General Administration of the company loans balance of nearly $ 3 trillion. Platform of the Bank of China and China Merchants Bank loans also fell, particularly focusing on cash flow coverage. Such as the Bank of China at the end of last year, declining the loan balance of $ 5.8% to $ tera power leveling, per cent of total loans also declined as a proportion of about 0.8 percent to 6.2%。  Full coverage and cash flow which basically covered the proportion of 95%, more than 92% at the provincial and municipal levels, in more than five years in the period 59.6%. "Last year, we set aside to local government loans by the end of the scale is $ 1.4 billion, set aside coverage of more than 12 times. In 2012, we will continue to strengthen controls in this area, optimizing the structure, preventing possibleIs risk.  "Li lihui said. China Merchants Bank loans last year to rein in local government financing tera gold, loan balances to $ 114.2 billion, down 21 billion at the end of last year.  40 billion yuan to reorganize for loans to such companies in General, but also in a row is treated as loans; 93% percentage of cash flows full coverage, covering close to 97%. "Last yearBad loan ratio by the Government financing of 0.15%, the previous year fell by 0.1%; $ 38.3 billion last year due, overdue loans of $ 68 million. In addition to the loan of Yichang Highway, local government financing loans can be recovered according to the plan. In addition, there is a $ 40 million loan for debt restructuring, China Merchants Bank gave a loan until compliance. "Zhang Guanghua, Deputy Governor said. He also said that the asset quality of local government financing and macroeconomic trends are relevant. "A lot of local government land sales revenue too dependent on real estate development, financing channel of too narrow, with macroeconomic changes, loan repayment pressure. But for now, 99% loans has matured, the overall risk is still in controlInside. "Bank of China and China Merchants Bank have a tighter control on real estate loans were last year.  Rows within the last year the reserves of real estate and land development loans a loan of $ 252 billion, total loans just 4%, 0.78% bad loan rate, lower than average bad loan ratio in the territory. "China real estate loans amounting to $ 436.458 billion at the end, an increase of 24.279 billion yuan, but the vast majority belong to the individual mortgage loans, real estate loans fell by 1.5 billion yuan, risks remain manageable.  "Zhang Guanghua said. Bank bad loans rose to create and record earnings, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (microblogging), Shenzhen Development Bank, Societe Generale Bank has experienced bad Loan Bank of more than quarter of last year tera power leveling, concernSuch loans, overdue loans per cent from the quarter overall rise, worrying cycle down to bad loans. Bank of China have similarities with the industry-wide, NPL ratio fell 0.1% per cent at the end of last year, but bad loans increased slightly to $ 63.3 billion. Set aside coverage of 220.75%, almost 24%. Domestic institutional loans2.56%, 0.11%. China Merchants Bank better, bad loans at the end of last year to 0.56%, falling earlier than 0.12%; balance of bad loans 9.173 billion yuan, earlier than the loss of $ 513 million.  Provision coverage reached 400.13%, earlier than 97.72%. In 2011,Bank of Bank of China among the 29 the importance of the global system. This Li lihui said, global regulatory requirements for systemically important banks and domestic capital management requirements of basically the same, so do not need additional capital in recent years, but increases in the capital of health supplement and adjust and optimize the capital structure. In order to enhance capital replenishment ability, BOC Board of Directors proposed to be in 2011Interest rates set at 35%. Bank capital ratio and core capital ratios in the late 2011 falling respectively 0.39% and 0.02%, and 12.97% to.  Bank of China Vice Governor Wang Yongli said, not on the capital market financing plan for this year, but did not rule out at the appropriate time in the future to raise capital of moderate size. EnrollmentProposed dividend for 25% this year.  Its Board of Directors decided, starting from 2012, year cash dividend will in principle not be less than a year according to the Chinese accounting standards audit of net profit after tax of 30%, and improving the general shareholders ' reasonable return on investment. From their capital adequacy ratios, China Merchants Bank to 11.53% at the end of last year, core capital ratio is 8.22%,Has increased. Dr. Fu yuning, Chairman of China Merchants Bank, the Bank for shares to raise $ 35 billion yuan plan unchanged, is expected to complete in the first half. By then, 2015, China Merchants Bank's core capital ratio can be maintained over 9.5%, 11.5% per cent of total capital adequacy ratio remains. Others:

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