Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold 0 - NYL

129773700844218750_59$(document).ready(function() { $(".newgame").hover(function() { $(this).addClass("newgame_on"); $(this).removeClass("newgame_out"); }, function() { $(this).addClass("newgame_out"); $(this).removeClass("newgame_on"); }); }); var __JS_DG_RANDOM = 5; News Home ranked picture inventory of mainland media topic quote feature an interview with global industry review figures show grand 囧 Atlas collection of celebrity news ∴ > News > Wu Shizhi angrily news > body 2012-03-27 10:01:24 "welcome correction/comment" "hot news TOP10" I would like to comment (0) [guided reading]var summarize=document.getElementById ("summarize_content"). InnerHTML; if(typeof(summarize) != "undefined"lock"; } To get the Wu Shizhi anger more in line with the tastes of the players tera gold, so far Russia team heard the voices of Chinese players, by the giant (more manufacturers) 3D Fantasy MMORPG for the agent of the Wu Shizhi anger first bilingual communication platform, specifically designed to address some core questions in the game. Players can be directlyOn the platform and Russia research team communication tera power leveling, your voice to Moscow!   In addition, all developers respond to players, also get the Wu Shizhi while measuring the second test qualification. Bilingual Wu Shizhi anger platform addresses the development team the first transnational communication platform for cross-sector communication platform for the Wu Shizhi anger bilingual, is currently the game cityThe first direct communication platform for the exchange of players with foreign developers. Over the years, the Wu Shizhi anger of Russia operations Developer Mail.RU attaches great importance to the players of the game experience and feelings, but there's one of the most direct and effective way to communicate with players. "Although our operations team and China via the Web, phone, telephone, But we did not hear the players the most authentic, direct sound. "The main designers of the Wu Shizhi anger yiliya·mayasuofu said reluctantly. As the first person to eat crabs, Elia has taken the lead in opening up China microblogging communication with players. "But this is not enough tera gold, we also would like to hear more opinions and suggestions". Elia admits that this is creating doubleLanguage platform in the first place.   Bilingual communication platform for line literal translation-Russian bilingual platform zero distance in of course, in addition to Ilya, the Wu Shizhi rage Creative Director yalishanda·mishulin, head of international weitali·geerban-Russian research and development team member will be landing platform, for answers to questions provide more specialized and targeted player. Maybe part ofPlayers concerned and there are language problems and cultural differences between the research and development team, we have thought of a solution approach. Communication platform for as long as you specify in the dialog box, enter and submit any information on the idea of the Wu Shizhi anger, systems will be released after the audit is passed into English in the platform, Russia development team members see and reply, MoscowPeople to reply directly to the players in a way that in English, so the system will subsequently turn into Chinese, for players to read. Some may think, this way too complicated, and even superfluous, but in fact the move is necessary. Bilingual in the platform, operations team in China "letting go" players direct dialogue between Russia, ChinaOf staff just up to translation of role, and does not on which problem, and answer do any of changes and distorted, from a species significance Shang,, had across in players and overseas developers before of together intangible of "wall" has disappeared, more near China independent development game in the players and development members Zhijian of communication, this also great mitigation has overseas game does not knows domestic players of heart, andAnd thus a variety of climate sickness problem. Exchange of progressive measures to ensure that the localized testing time of the Wu Shizhi anger bilingual platforms on the line, also formally announced the game in China carried out two tests become more imminent. This initiative is the Russia team stationed in China, producers after the open microblogging, Russia facing the Chinese player to make aMajor moves. It has been learned that, the Wu Shizhi anger also will be released in stages over the next few weeks the second test of the new localized changes, which greatly expanded on the existing game content, had a controversial new system, all kinds of questions about the games, I hope our players through bilingual platforms, forums, micro-blogging, and we and Russia together for exchanges with a view toWere angered by the Wu Shizhi localized changes to fully meet the needs of the players. "Edit:" publishing this article only for transmission of information, does not mean that agree with their views, or confirm the description. Others:

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