Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold my fear was confirmed. It may be said - OYE

129773162593593750_34Investors need to be profitable in the stock NetEase technology columnist Yang Ge (micro-blogging) earlier this year, I believe the current listed Chinese stocks are not mature, as the losses listed only after the break of changinghis all the way tera power leveling, my fear was confirmed. It may be said, at any rate have also been listed, is a pile, but also because it is the first successfully listed in New York for over 1.5 yearsInternet companies in China, so say yes-but also underwrite and debut performance from any point of view, let the person feel sad. The company plans to raise $ 117 million, each ADS priced price range between US $ 8.5-10.5. But is rare in the listed company tera gold, not only does it keep price range of pricesAnd the opening price at $ 6.5 per share – it's lower than the interval lower limit for one-fourth! This means that the company just raised $ 71 million, almost 40% lower than the target ceiling. Savvy investment does not show much interest the money company, overseas-listed Chinese Internet companies since last year on the scandals. If the earlySignal is not clear enough, then take a look at investors in opening the first day's response: continue to fall 15% per cent to 5.5 m with a market value of us $ 26.8 million. Compared to the year before last August on a successful initial public offering of stocks-China-awkward the first show of the potato, misery to many. Potatoes, of course also in losses, its issue price in the middle price range, First trading day by 12%. If you say potato "failure", the only product you can call it a disaster. It is true, but only a small role in the electrical industry in China, potatoes, was second in the field of online video player, so both may be unfair. But the message is clear: the investor is interested in loss-making companies, even if it is profitableCompanies, but also to achieve a market leader in level, would have likely received the attention of the market. Prepares listing of China car rental, used as a car rental company of giants, rather than its Web Rings only when they took him. Bookstore and handles in the cloud, there are more problems, because although each online literature and group leader, but they have been losing money. I thinkThe three companies should be listed according to their own plans, but if the profit does not improve, almost predictable that fell immediately after the listing. In a word: only bleak picture that after listing, for a loss of Chinese Internet companies, investors ' interest is not high. (For NetEase technology zhuangao Yang Ge, reprint, please indicate the source. Article only represents the author views)About the author: Yang Ge (Doug Young) is a veteran financial journalist and was a Reuters journalist in China, edit 10, mainly reported news of China listed companies tera gold, now lives in Shanghai. See his blog in English (www.youngchinabiz.com). His column was tailored for the investors and shareholders of China online community, forRetail investors, fund managers and other kinds of crowd participation. Blog is not the simple hot on the news facts and market, but wise comments on the mining depth of meaning behind the news. Others:

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