Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling engine room resources and antenna-feeder system resources - ICI

129773162591250000_24Vendors TD-LTE network: network interoperability is the second stage of the challenge According to the Research Institute of Ministry of industry and information technology, telecommunication planning, scale test TD-LTE the second phase will focus on three areas: first, implementation, and verification of R9. Second, Zu Chongzhi encryption algorithm implemented. Thirdly, promoting multimode Terminal and chip development. At present, the manufacturer scale test on the basis of the first phase is completed, is in the second phase test. A stageSite gets the difficulties of the communications industry report: summary of first-order scale breaking test, what experience worthy of reference in the second phase? Zhao Qun: in the first phase of testing, the biggest challenge is to build networks get more difficult in the early days, as the second phase no new station, so you do not have such problems. In response to these challenges, Shanghai Bell and make full use of their wealth of experience in network constructionCollective wisdom, overcome difficulties through a variety of ways, such as to reduce the tension resident on the wireless antennas, in some hot spots used to beautify the antenna and produced remarkable results. Ma Yanzhe: TD-LTE scale problems in the test phase has two main aspects: first, the operator's site gets more difficult, which directly affects the speed of progress. WhileBecause of the difficulties of site selection, site address is not very good, there are some weak coverage and gaps. In this regard, Huawei, give full play to the end-to-end delivery capability, excellent completion of all tests under limited conditions. In addition, some commercial Terminal in the test are not mature enough, affecting the progress of the test. Huang Bangshou: TD-LTE scale test in the first stageZTE for different scenes present different solutions to solve a variety of network problems, and has accumulated a great deal of engineering experience. Panoramic view of this networking programme implementation on TD-LTE scale field test of more practical significance. The other hand, the network through the development of GSM, 3G, engine room resources and antenna-feeder system resources, development of TD-LTENeed to take into account the needs of both. Cai Yuemin: expansion and subsequent application against TD-LTE, Datang mobile to launch this year a series of new products and networking programmes, including the TD-SCDMA to the TD-LTE smooth evolution of two-mode programme, highly integrated LTE baseband processing Board, RRU, integrated 8 channel supports 40M broadband base station, IR interface bandwidth compression technology, micro base station complement blind Beamforming technology, innovation technologies for the future, flexible network construction covering policy and network performance with strong support. Combination of test items and the specific scene, Datang mobile to ensure double-beam-forming network of performance gains, highway scene, MIMO technology, network technology, micro base station complement blind interference suppression technology supplementHeat, TD-SCSMA smooth network of important issues such as evolution. Soeki: TD-LTE-scale test in the first stage, NSN good lots of new technology and products to test. NSN and TD-LTE the start of the world's shipping FDD LTE platform for software and hardware to ensure TD-LTE maturity based onA commercial secure system on the platform. Second tera gold, NSN TD-LTE smart Scheduler on the base station (Smart Scheduler) provides powerful scheduling algorithms, combined with changes in the wireless environment in real time, adequate allocation of resources, achieve dynamic optimization of system performance. Particularly worthy of mention is that when TD-LTE with frequency network, interference managementMore important, NSN has many unique advantages in the field. NSN's unique A-ICIC technology, can double the downlink capacity of promoting community and 35% community uplink capacity of improving, it gives our operators with spectrum network provides a very good support. Tian Qinghe: from the perspective of eco-systems, Ericsson considered terminal by inheritance and continuity isSecond stage should pay attention to the problem. From a project management perspective, how to effective coordination within the external communication tera power leveling, organization and management, is challenging for all manufacturers participating in the test. Two-stage network interoperability will be measured of the communications industry report: scale test in the second stage, what is the most challenging test items? do your company prepared? Tian Qinghe: second-orderThe most challenging tests in the test project should be TD-LTE and network interoperability, this part of the test content is the future for TD-LTE network coverage, improve the situation in the early days and have access to existing 2G/3G network support, network and need to be upgraded, and joint system parameters. Huang Bangshou: second stage of testing will focus on TM8Model tests, TDS/TDL test different systems interoperable, multimodal terminals, ZTE has for many years in the area of TDD technology accumulation, is ready for technical reserves, fully cooperate with the Ministry and China Mobile's testing efforts. Soeki: 2012 start networking and is the second phase of testing both NSN first to complete two-stage field test task. Moving wideWith time, operators can provide continuous, fast wireless access service will determine the end user experience, network interoperability and multimodal terminals at the technical level in response to this challenge, this is the second stage of the test is meaningful content. Depending on the application requirements, a terminal condition, network coverage, local conditions to provide users with the corresponding network hosts to ensure goodUser experience. Particularly worthy of mention when on the NSN TD-LTE, with particular attention to and strengthen support for end-to-end industrial chain and input, we have introduced a variety of single-mode and multimode terminals, network application has been deployed in two stages. Zhao Qun: currently, biggest challenge comes from the second test between 2G, 3G and TD-LTE each otherAs a test, because now 2G, 3G need to be upgraded, and test preparation is relatively complex. At present, Shanghai Bell is actively communicating with the operator to coordinate relevant network vendor support. Ma Yanzhe: TD-LTE second phase due to be expanded scale test test, regardless of network size and quality has a new requirement. For carriers and equipment manufacturers, Equipment delivery, installation and delivery of network (including network planning, optimization and testing) will be a great challenge, in which case the overall delivery capacity of the equipment manufacturers tera power leveling, network planning and optimization capability is very important. Others:

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