Saturday, April 14, 2012

tera gold CPI gains control at around 4% - QCM

129779483505468750_124Zhang xiaoqiang, Vice Chairman of China's national development and Reform Committee "of the financial report" at noon on April 3, monthly luncheon of the Boao Forum world economic prospects for 2012: on certainty and uncertainty, Deputy Director of the national development and Reform Commission Zhang said, according to China's "research institutions" preliminary data, China's GDP growth in the first quarter of about 8.4%,CPI inflation is about 3.5%.  He said, this shows that China's economy a good start this year.  According to the National Bureau of statistics published schedules, statistics will be published on April 9, CPI data for March tera power leveling, released on April 13 in the first quarter GDP and other economic data. At the same time, Zhang reviewed the Government work report made in 2012 the economyExhibition expectations, with GDP growing 7.5%,CPI gains control at around 4%, growth of foreign trade 10%, 7.5% per cent of real income of urban and rural residents. Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012Technology channel) reproduced, does not authorize the Sina partners to reproduce tera power leveling, such as all rights reserved Sina partners constitute an infringement tera gold, your own responsibility.Reference and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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