Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera gold directors - OQN

129773903171562500_46US shares shareholders infighting over the actual control of the Court or happen On March 2 the United States shares (000782, closed at $ 4.86) released the results of express, 2011 net profit rose nearly 30% of their performance, a lot of investors rather pleased. Today, the United States shares a clarification announcement, major shareholder of Guangdong Tian Jian industry group co Ltd (hereinafter referred to as tip top group) is the "separation" of the exposure.Shareholders conflict brought to the Court to dissolve the Group share-largest shareholders Tianjian Group shareholders conflict is no longer a secret. However, when the media reports forced out of the company when a clarification announcement, its intense infighting continues to surprise: day 33.33% health group shares held, and Liang Weidong, Chairman of us shares, to the Court to bring to justice solutionsTip top group. Notice disclosure, on February 17, 2012, Xinhui District Court had accepted plaintiff Tianjian Liang Weidong Group shareholders sued the defendant Health Group, Liang Shaoxun and Liang Guangyi civil complaint, request for the dissolution of the judgment day of action health group. Objurgate in Liang Weidong reply to the us share of Liang Guangyi, Liang Shaoxun relatives, and say that you tip top three shareholders of the Group and Mr TungIn partnership, business ideas, make a huge difference, discrete, confrontation between the shareholders, directors, has lost the trust of at least, into confrontation, mutual cooperation basis have gone. Tianjian currently deadlocked, cannot be resolved through other channels. If we do not start proceedings to dissolve health group, TianJian, employee legal rights and interests of the group tera gold, as well asInfringement of their legitimate shareholders ' rights have been more serious. And the event the other party, tip top shareholders Liang Guangyi, Liang Shaoxun authorized principal Zhang Chongbin reply says, as a passive response to party tera gold, have held a negative attitude towards the dissolution, also want to minimize the impact of the dissolution of the company litigation, without affecting its holdings or joint stock company management as a guiding principle.At present, the case still needs to wait for the Court in accordance with the appropriate procedure for trial. Investor concerns the actual controller or: a the daily economic news reporter notes that Mita shares in such notice once again reiterated that the projected 2011 full year profit and net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies are about $ 144.43 million, and $, per cent, respectively,And 39.82%, mainly companies in the current period adjustment of product structure, attributable to increases in Gross profit. However, the growing tip of big shareholders Group shareholders of infighting, even if its performance remains stable, still hard to ease investors fears. Information display, TianJian Group shareholders Liang Guangyi, Liang Shaoxun, Liang Weidong trio holdings accounted for more than 33., 34%, 33.33%, and Liang Guangyi, Liang Shaoxun on suspicion of bribery, has the legal authority to take enforcement measures. Liang Weidong and strongly urged the judicial dissolution of Tianjian group. For investors for us shares held, is most concerned about the above events will have an impact on listed companies. Liang Weidong, Yu Tianjian group holdingsUS shares underlying shares, subject to legal procedures to make arrangements, is not yet clear. However you can clear is tera power leveling, if the group dissolved according to the law on court days and health, control of listed company and they will change. Others:

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