Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera power leveling 347 - VSY

129773900562031250_78[Color network] Cactus-No. 3080 span: preferred depart 457 Integrated good span: 4 against 5 010 arranged across three 12,079th issued, size 0:3 tera power leveling, odd 1:2, spans 1, set of 3, and a value of 1. Arrange three trend 12,080th span over the forecast period of 10 followed by the size ratio of 4:6 during the 3-5-1-2-5-1-8-3-6-1,10 period, parity ratio 7:3. Under size tera power leveling, odd-even trend analysis across to cover in the near future, this trend look odd, decimal span out of priority. Seen from the chart, nearly 10 012 span big aspect ratio for the period to 3:3:4, near 5 road out of the 1-2-0-0-1 movement, 1-span bounced out. Looking again for the current period 1 across the anti-2-way across the road, a comprehensive analysis of this issue closedNote cross-cross-out anti-5 4 7. Integrated good span: 4 7 across anti-5-span 5 merged group selected a total of 30 notes: 005 015 035, 045 055 126 136 156 166 237 247 267-277-338-348358-368-378, 388, 449-459-469-479-489-499-span 7 merged group selected a total of 24 notes: 007 047 057 077 118, 128, 138 tera gold, 148 158 178 188239-249 259 279 289-span and 4 merging group selected a total of 30 notes: 004 014 024 044 115 135 145 155 236 246 256 337, 347, 357-367, 377 448 468 478 559 569 589 (personal opinion, is for informational purposes only! �� Others:

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