Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera power leveling and CFO Jason · Rothschild - APH

129779403789531250_5SINA science and technology held in Beijing on April 3 message this morning, according to people familiar with the matter said, United States Securities and Exchange Commission (hereinafter referred to as "SEC") is Groupon changing after the listing of the first results of investigations. Preliminary investigation sources said tera power leveling, SEC's investigation is still in its early stages, has not yet decided whether to launch a formal investigation. The adjustableCheck from the Groupon after recent listing first quarterly changes in November last year, the company IPO (initial public offering) has twice before modifying the results.  Groupon and SEC spokesman declined to comment. Groupon's shares plunge on Monday, decrease throughout the day at 17%, closed at $ 15.27, far lowerIn the issue price of $ 20.  Groupon CEO Andrew Mason (Andrew Mason) and CFO Jason · Rothschild (Jason Child) in an effort to resolve the resulting effect, but does not prevent investors sharply sold off. Investor accounting experts criticized the Rothschild and poor performance, GroupImprovements on to his still-centric.  People familiar with the matter said tera gold, December 2010 from Amazon (micro-blogging) move on to Groupon Rothschild is still supported by the Mason and other company executives. Groupon said on Friday, after finding the Executive user refund is not set aside sufficient reserves, decided to modify the IV quarter of earnings. The company previously publicFour-quarter loss of $ 37 million.  Revised fourth-quarter revenue of $ 14.3 million, losses extended the $ 22.6 million. User refunds to people familiar with the matter said, this amendment originated at the end of February a disturbing discovery: Groupon's chief accounting officer Qiao·daier·pulaituo (Joe Del Preto)Mason and Rothschild said in January, many users return the coupon.  Even worse is, this only 4 years since the founding of the company and does not have sufficient reserves to offset that part of the refund. People familiar with the matter said, Mason and Rothschild were asked: does this mean that the user is interested in Group buy deals are no longer. The people said: "it executives worry that some of hisDo not understand things happen. A business will not plummet overnight.  "The people familiar with the matter said, through the analysis found that turned out to be after the number of coupons being refunded, they will slightly feel relieved. The crisis has shown that, as a just-listed Internet company, Groupon has suffered many growing pains. In addition to modifying quarterly tera power leveling, the publicSecretary on Friday also released a "substantive deficiencies of the internal control".  According to people familiar with the matter said, Groupon is expected to be released on May 14 when first-quarter results disclose the specific contents of substantive defects. In addition to Ernst, Groupon also hired another accounting firm KPMG and of cooperation. KPMG's responsibility is to ensure that the GroupoN compliance with the Sarbanes Act (The Sarbanes-Oxley Act), which is the one surrounding the accounting information disclosure of listed companies issued by the United States federal regulatory laws.  People familiar with the matter said, in addition, Groupon also plans to hire more accounting and finance staff. Outside United States Villa Nova University Professor AntonNI·katannaqi (Anthony Catanach) and aide·kaici, a professor at Pennsylvania State University (Ed Ketz), wrote in the Grumpy Old Accountants in their blog, Groupon modify its behavior led to the "Groupon if there is a genuine corporate governance"Question. Also it was felt that, Groupon's problems stem from the company's rapid growth in the near future--the company's revenues up to $ 1.62 billion last year, 2009 just US $ 14.5 million.  In response to concerns of the SEC, Groupon twice modifying accounts prior to the IPO. Who refused to disclose his name, GroupoN investors said: "I think it was growing pains. It can be compared to a height of 5 feet (about 152 cm) high school students to senior middle school when all of a sudden grow up to 7 feet (about 213 cm). "Heart Groupon core of this experience comes from a recently called the" Groupon Promise "of services,This refund can take a sheet of coupons.  But people familiar with the matter said, because to compete with rivals such as LivingSocial, so the company is not prepared to change that policy.  But the policy has lead to Rothschild and Pleito to emergency meeting at the end of February, when he was released from Groupon listed first results after just a few weeks. People familiar with the tableAs shown in the Pleito told Rothschild, in January this year has exceeded the amount of refund of Groupon according to user behavior forecast. People familiar with the matter said, Rothschild and his team of dedicated build a prediction model, consider a variety of refunds. They found that the refund of the premium group is set, but the company has just launched last year of suchHigh value services. People familiar with the matter said, Groupon executives decided to delay 10K annual report submission time, until you find out specific situations. In accordance with the provisions of the SEC, 10K submitted annual report final time last Friday, this is why Groupon was forced to modify the results at the last minute. (IM Pei) Others:

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