Sunday, March 4, 2012

tsw gold he has several times in the White House - ZAE

129742915876406250_448Summary: XI Jinping Vice President to visit the farm, back in 98 years to maize, this is a friendly card, is a humorous foreign. Before the "noodles" diplomacy, now has "to foreign corn." Phoenix on February 19 with the news aired on the today show, "Yumoto:" corn diplomacy "in response to" noodles "diplomacy, following is a text record: Zhao Qingqing: this time, he and Washington after the meeting with officials of many officials and elected XI Jinping's assessment is very positive. And you think he and his party travel arrangements you think what kind of features? Yumoto: we feel that featured many, first he was smiling, and many people think he's smile is sincere, even United States politicians all think his smile is quite charming, and recognitionHe was a very gregarious person, and often full of confidence, because the leader if there is no confidence, we of course China's leaders should be like the strong United States leaders are strong, Obama is a very strong person, have team spirit and spirit of personal struggle and also a sports enthusiast. Chinese leaders are people of strong character, veryHave confidence, but confidence does not mean they are displaying arrogance everywhere, proud people to hide proud in heart or hidden behind the ridge. On the surface he and ordinary people and business leaders, business leaders and entrepreneurs are very amiable and affinity, so his style are multiple and diverse, and have a sense of humor, joke with students, middle school students in a joke laugh,We all laugh I felt not a strange yellow skin of leaders from Asia's largest country, and Americans are Americans of a sense of humor and an affinity, so these will help in his visit to the media to stir, to bring a multilateral pluralist media penetration and delivery of public relations, I think that's what the Chinese leaders are in the modernization of the road towards the worldSector, the continuous learning in the road to globalization, with a mild delicate PR to introduce China, to introduce China's leaders themselves. So this visit was United States departments, including United States intelligence sources and study of Chinese leaders, including some of the policy research department, some senior officials of the Department of strategic studies, such as observation of secrets, secret intelligence Department leadersA chance. They may be mixed around waiter, mix around Obama's aides watched him rift platinum, Obama himself is also an observant person, he has several times in the White House, with XI Jinping, a survey looking eyes, XI Jinping to eye response eyes at once, because the your eyes see another person's eyes are very sincere, love need to look pass tsw gold, make friendsAlso need to look pass, XI Jinping, therefore this does fine, of course, is naturally not acting, he is usually what people in China, Chinese business people, engineers and technicians from all sides, does his thing on the agricultural front was a success when he was sincere, the United States also show his true colors, after the character the AmericansWas very gentle and kind. Here is one we consider him a key word, the key word is siceup, the word is used in measuring lexical meaning is estimated on a body, a wall, a building of capacity, length, width, siceup, but he used to communication between people, there'll be people and mutualVolume, the measure of each other each other and try to figure out each other, mutual evaluation, snoop, understand each other's systems process known as siceup measure. He put a United States departments headed by the White House on his estimate of global media, global diplomacy, the strategic sector on his measure, turned into a personal show, personal show, but the show was not aHypocrisy performance was a display of the sincere, honest personality. I think this is a very successful diplomatic efforts, makes all aspects of evaluation is very high, also led to a series of continuous fermentation media. He visited United States within five days of a wide range of messages are more highly of his, of course there are some objective assessment, there are a few needs further effortLigan good later on to discuss this issue. Overall he is kind of his old friend, do you remember me eq2 plat, we know that access to Iowa town is 98 years, you remember old friends, old friends, new friends, especially new friends, we say is our Vice President, Biden is his new friends, new friends andHe exchanges, although only a year ago, but also to establish the Chinese and United States history a few Vice President communication mechanisms. And we know that Joe Biden when the noodles in China diplomacy, pose at home no Vice President in China also caused a stir, XI Jinping, this time with a diplomatic response to noodles with corn diplomacy, that he is concerned with agriculture, customsFood, clothing, care of food of the common people, we say human life greater than the days of food, people, such concerns led him to show us he has a sense of humor and a good life force, power, vitality and powerful at the same time there is also a modern way, the leaders of the modern style of the modern mode of operation. The news on the today show in Phoenix capitalBroadcast on "program area" broadcast time: Mon-Sun 17:30-18:00 the replay time: Mon-Sun 22:30-23:00, 05:30-06:00 statement: mark "fenghuangwang" sources of work (text, audio, video), without fenghuangwang authorization, any media and individuals are not allowed to reproduce, link,Transfer or otherwise use; have the written authorization of the network, use must be marked "source: fenghuangwang". Violation of the above statement, the NET will pursue its legal responsibility.

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