Saturday, March 10, 2012

world of tanks power leveling supportability housing project expenditure of $ 211 billion - GUV

129756477906718750_314Land and resources department said the latest data added 42 million mu of cultivated land: in recent years world of tanks power leveling, the system of land and resources to raise funds nearly $ 100 billion a year, developing rural land management. China added more than 42 million mu of cultivated land, for food in China continue to increase and guarantee food security played an important role. "Twelve-Five" 400 million mu ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain during the high standards of basic farmland,Added 24 million acres of cultivated land, strengthening the construction of 500 standard treatment of basic farmland in County, modification improving model 116 basic farmland protection area wot power leveling, help food production and farmers ' incomes. Affordable housing expenditure of $ 315.7 billion on December 11, 2011 Ministry published data showing, 2011 during the first 11 months of housing security spending 315.778 billionYuan, an increase of 73.7% (supportability housing project expenditure of $ 211 billion, an increase of 1.3 times times) world of tanks power leveling, 122.2% of the budgeted (formation of additional budget expenditures in implementation). In addition, the November revenue growth and continued the fall since September, under the influence of commercial housing sales decline, decline in real estate sales tax 6.5%. ReserveRate cut 0.5% people's Bank of China decided, as of December 5, 2011, lowered deposit financial institutions renminbi deposit reserve rate 0.5%. This is cut for the first time in three years, releasing 400 billion worth of market liquidity. Sales fell by 27% Beijing real estate transaction management network statistics, before 201111 months, domestic sales of commercial housing in Beijing area totals 8.192 million square metres, is expected in 2011 year turnover at around 9 million square meters, dropped by 2010, than in 2008, down nearly 2 million square meters, the 9-year low. Beijing second-hand total sold 109,000 copies, 38% per cent decline, compared with 2009Down 52% invasive to their lowest level in 3 years, second-hand total turnover for the year 2011 is expected at around 118,000.

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