Sunday, March 18, 2012

tera gold expected in 2013Completed in January. As of December 2011 - KPC

129756711722812500_1151CNS, Beijing, March 6 (reporter Zhang Zhongjiang)-zhongxinwang reporter Shan jixiang, President of the National Palace Museum recently said in an interview, after the end of the ongoing security improvement project, staff will be able to clock alarm information intelligent processing, gets the alarm field reflected from the screen directly, and make accurate within 2 secondsPolice identification, automatic linkage switching time is less than 4 seconds. He stressed that the security facilities of the Imperial Palace and the technology must be the most advanced in the world. And not only world-class facilities and world-class management. 2011 exhibit on theft, due to security problems of unprecedented attention to the world of the Imperial Palace. Have always been regarded as "heavily guarded", has four lines of Defense wallsPalace, how will be claimed to be "the spur" thieves break so easily? How the Museum's security system vulnerability? What should we improve? A few days ago, President of the National Palace Museum's new zhongxinwang reporter Shan jixiang, interview, on the issue of public concern for a detailed answer, multidimensional analysis of insufficient security of the present and future plans. According to the Office of the National Palace MuseumStaff presentation was made, some of which had never been mentioned. Unable to meet the needs of the current alarm system renovation project completed in 2013 Shan jixiang, said, the forbidden city is now running the security alarm system is the 1989 plan design, 1992 begins construction between January 1 diablo 3 gold, 1998 by the Ministry of public security testing center, and by the State Bureau of cultural relics after the acceptance of a formalPut into use. With the development of science and technology, especially in electronic product updates fast, currently run by alarm devices can no longer meet the needs of today's security situation. After multiple rounds of experts, projects, tenders and other work was completed in October 2008, the National Palace Museum. Construction officially started in November 2009, duration of 4 years, expected in 2013Completed in January. As of December 2011, construction units installed complete front-end alert devices accounted for 60% of the total amount, has been put into the working area there are walls surrounding protection, Museum, zhaigong, the Shenwu Gate towers, code Su Temple, Jing Rengong, Hall of Mental Cultivation, reading is building, preserving harmony West rooms at the sides of or facing the principal rooms. As of the end of the year, plan to zhenbaoguan area and the completion of the six East areaAnd put into use tera gold, meeting documents of design work and related specifications-high risk parts of protection means, except for indoor installations outside the alarm, also set a perimeter alarm set up outdoors in protection system in depth, and with Visual and sound means of review, monitoring image coverage with greater promotion. The design of the system is carried out in accordance with the relevant norms and standards, combined with the characteristics of the Imperial Palace,Implementation of national heritage protection legislation, attention to coordination with the ancient building is the original appearance and do not destroy history information, standardization, rationalization of design and construction of the system. System built to meet strict prevention, advanced, practical and reliable performance, simple operation, easy maintenance tera gold, low failure rate, long service life, the price-performance ratio is reasonable, comprehensive performance specification shall meet the national standard and the system engineering andLevel of protection requirements. Watch through the screen for 2 seconds can make accurate alarm identification through a system of strengthening the weak parts of physical protection, Museum staff and out of the booth, warehouse and manage important parts of modern and scientific. Some parts on the open areas during the day, as needed on the situation, the whole image monitoring. Night black lightTechnical or other auxiliary light sources, outdoor camera image quality can be improved to clearly identify people and objects, and to an important channel and indoor image quality using auxiliary light source reaches record demand evidence. Security control by a single scale indoor to outdoor, through the establishment of regional local peripheral and perimeter alarm warning, meet national specifications form a protective system in depth. CrewClock alarm for intelligent information processing, gets the alarm field reflected from the screen directly, and make accurate alarm identification within 2 seconds of time, automatic linkage switching time is less than 4 seconds, to win precious time capture criminals in a timely manner. Through civil air defense, technical security, anti-organic complex, technical security advantages into full play. Make itPalace security system to produce a qualitative leap. Shan jixiang, stressed that the current security project implementation is completed, will significantly improve the level of security of the Imperial Palace, but never stop improving the security level of need to carry out, to keep the concept and technology updates in a timely manner. In other words, in the implementation of this phase of the security project at the same time, it is necessary to further upgrade completeThe programme, through "Internet of things" and other advanced technology, improve the safety and security of the technology content, enabling the collection of heritage buildings, heritage and multiple audience various means of security, protection, comprehensive coverage. Now move on to the next upgrade programme. Shan jixiang, stated that "security facilities of the Imperial Palace and the technology must be the most advanced in the world". Not only world-class facilitiesMore world-class management. Not only would increase capital investment, but also strengthening staff quality, enhance security level, updating security concept. Furthermore, security facilities during reconstruction, on the premise of ensuring the construction quality and progress, to the greatest extent possible, avoid or minimize impact on the audience. (This article source: China daily) (Responsible editor: Ning Zhaogang)

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