Friday, March 30, 2012

tera power leveling rising share prices - LRR

129760833645625000_44311 55% average rate of listed shares last year to break up 2.48% January 13, 2011 huarui wind power tera power leveling, the issue price is $ 90, closed the same day at $ 81.37, listing break in the day. But it's huarui wind bears start, last Friday, the stock closing price of only $ 17.52 diablo 3 power leveling, also fell to $ 14.91, only during each of 10 get 10 shares of 10 $ bonus, breakMore than 60%. As of market close on March 8, 311 listing new listings since last year, compared to prices has 15 stocks fell more than 40%. Jixin removal technology and outside the Beijing Express, respectively on May 6 last year and September 8, 13 of the remaining stocks are listed before in April last year, huzhi was around 3,000. In addition, there are 24Shares in 30%-40%,42 stocks break break break by 10%-20%,46 Stock 20%-30%,45 stocks break within the range of 10%. Low issuing new shares but hugely lucrative and cover instead of the high offering of new shares, of new shares issued at a relatively low level, after listing is much more spectacular. StatisticsNow, in new share issue since last year, compared to stock price rose more than 50% 26, than only 8.5%. In these times of new shares, Hao biological manifestations of the most fierce, on Friday, compared to the share issue price of $ 18.2, rose 191.6%. Large in 26 per cent of the new shares, Wu Tong communications, Asahi, Central electronics, langma information, goldFinance, and Kat depending on media, and Rong Ke technology, and total up electric sound, and million run technology are is this year February listed of; Burson bio and Yang child new material respectively is this year March and January listed shares; Crown Hao bio, and river powder magnetic material, and Toho bio, and Bai Lee joint, and Dean diagnosis, and Swiss Feng photoelectric is last year July listed of; extension, thought, and furuite loaded, and silver letter technology, and Shanghai steel joint, and blue branch high, and BYDWas listed in June last year. The months in the listing of the new shares, only 4 stocks rose more than 50%, namely May 31 last year listed Mei Ansen zhenghai magnetic material, in November last year and open to environmental protection, jinlei shares listed on October 28 last year. New spreads more and more difficult since the beginning of February of this year, new heat rise again, many small and medium-sized retail short friesNew shares, first buy, sell in a few days, want to make the difference. But statistical listing of new shares since last year, and found that "follow up" short fried new approach did not seem to make money. For example, investors closing price on the first day of new listings to buy, sell after 5 business days, regardless of charge loss, it yields only-1%. On December 20, 2011Listing of wing, on its first day closing price is $ 28.97, after 5 days, its closing price of $ 21.74, or 24.96%. In addition, used the same short fried manipulation out jewelry diablo 3 gold, its rate of return is-20%. Sang Lejin, new Cape, 35 stocks such as century China, listed within 5 business days after drop more than 10%. 302Only you can count the times in new shares, only 129 stocks listed only after 5 days, rising share prices, ratio of 42.71%, close to 60% new shares does not make money. Among them, more than 5% only 65 per cent, than for 21.52%. Rose more than 20% only the South bearing, acrel,, medicine, pharmaceuticals, construction of Ningbo, An Jie technologyBrother technology, ceramic materials, such as 7. In other words, why IPO investors think of hundreds of new listings, find the probability of a cattle stock of short-term profit 15% only 2.31%, not much higher than in Lotto probability. The qianjiang evening post Others:

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