Friday, March 23, 2012

diablo 3 gold before now - PDR

129756711529531250_683We can use words to describe the Buddha's wisdom and Ford shallow and deep size, "the ignorance that is omniscient, and incompetence that is all-powerful." Ignorance is not the same as fools suspects, incompetence does not mean weakness. Yes and no is one of the two, are kept in free, with free capacity; but the "no" to cover all, "" irrespective of how deep it is, and much more, are limited, cannot cover everything. The BuddhaIs a blessing people with intellectual satisfactorily, is complete and will not be able to appearance to describe, nor to have no isolation. From what he said, he was all, all by my body, so called long. Dharma realm again at all, all that long hidden by any one in the world of space and time, is no longer the self-centered, but in all sentient beings, good root induction of Ford, anywhere, at any time, to theKinds of different image, before now, that became the avatar. Now that is avatar, is a local, spatial and temporal restrictions, not all; neither omniscient nor omnipotent, only people with good root Ford can touch and feel his presence. But that's not true, but the result of beings in their induction. So the FA Hua Jing said: "Events occur in the world of the Buddha ". That is, beings and world-wide to the common root of all good, and induction to the shijiashi respect for the world. Therefore, the law of China said: Sakya is tracking. Call trace is the incarnation of the Buddha, the Buddha is so long and; shijiashi statue of senility, and religious order, attain Buddhahood depends, or etc, of course, is not true. Really free, No photo, but that is all. He talked to Pantheism, "God", similar but not the same: God of Pantheism is diffused in all time and space, to be loved, not lover; long Buddha, diffused on all space and time, that all space and time do not fall into any spatial and temporal constraints, foot all the wisdom and power of Ford, to accept the demands of all sentient beings, appropriately in response to, And if not, do not have any work. So, so long and, he is all-knowing tera power leveling, all-powerful and ignorance, incompetence, avatars are not. Buddha's omniscient, omnipotent is not equal to what God said "Almighty God" and "King of Kings", as sentient beings, karma of beings in the Buddha cannot be changed, only be enlightening beings in their efforts to change hisTheir fate, but also needs to look at the condition of beings itself. In this Sutra, Buddha of compassion as sunlight illuminated the Earth, regardless of the root size of sentient beings, he is generally shines, sentient beings diablo 3 gold, the benefits of the different. Born blind are sun exposure, but have not seen the Sun is. Insect life was born in the underground and dark micro-organisms, althoughInterest directly or indirectly affected by sunlight, but nor do they experience what the Sun. When and if shijiashi one who, in its March, there are a lot of people do not know who is. III Buddhas in line when the Saints, has vowed to take off all sentient beings; but Buddhas are Buddha, there are non-sentient beings did not hear the Dharma, Buddha is not omnipotent. When the Buddha liveDuring the said person cannot be bypassed, industry does not go all sentient beings. Therefore, Yuri of Goguryeo in Buddha's home country was neighbouring countries when the extermination of Holocaust, can no longer be relief by supernatural powers. But Buddha Dharma enlighten all sentient beings, sentient beings yourself to fix it well, make, disaster-free, so the Buddha sentient, are actually sentient beings, or contrary to the laws of nature and causeThe order. To Buddha of full known in terms of, he knows ten method territories all sentient beings of three who causal and the led of relationship, because Buddha does not like sentient beings has time of long and space of wide narrow, he to any a time, and space of points Shang, is knows all of all, because he of any point, on sentient beings,, is is is all of spatio-temporal and space; on Buddha,, is non-any a time and spaceBelongs. People know by memory; magical power is based on induction and know the past and the future; all evidence of the Buddha to know everything, but not at the same time be described by words. The space and time is a comprehensive, overall, there is no distance and size, so Buddha said that one of the beings in the past and the future, Buddha knew, but to non-freeGanges River sand, and also said he couldn't do so, with a few examples, in Buddhist scripture, is not one by one back. Buddha is not to say that the past and the future, as long as the master of the present, and is in fact covered from all beings to the Buddha of course, and all of his space. Therefore, he is acting, grasp principles, development wisdom of the heart,Achieve the aim of omniscient. Jeon, but Needless to say is universal, because the Buddha's realm is not thinking, not on the diablo 3 gold, not to think, can not use language to talk. (Editors: Lian Lixin) Others:

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