Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling analysis and study. Through extensive testing results analysis - SQP

129756269947812500_151-From "wine Su zhe smoking" phenomenon of the next five years China's consumption market in 2015, 30 trillion call of China's consumer market in China is entering a new consumer society, according to the Commerce Department to develop domestic trade "Twelve-Five" planning prediction: by 2015, the total retail sales of social consumer goods throughout the country rose to 30 trillion from 2010.Over the next five years and expanding domestic demand release of mass consumption in the domestic market, there is no doubt that China has become the focus of global consumer goods manufacturer spotlight. "Eastern world", 30 trillion market calls will undoubtedly allow consumption market of East China in the forefront of competition. In the Yangtze River Delta in East China has a total market consumption structure and enhance the potential of not only many productBeautiful seagrass, quenched from a number of sources of local brand.  Liqun as Zhejiang, Jiangsu yanghe and representatives of "wine Su zhe smoking" phenomenon that note to the above scenario. Interpretation of yanghe River and Lee group in recent years development experience, whether yanghe to "soft intoxicated" appeal to create a "soft, low, and good drink and relaxed" style of liquor productsAlso is Liqun from the "flavor" to start with "light meets" leads for the attribute "entry easy, comfortable, results meet the" trends in consumer experience, reflecting them grasp the consumer "feel", the creation of consumer "trend" developing common. In the consumer market researcher's eyes, "wine Su zhe smoke" show is actually the power consumption. China's consumer marketField of development enables optimal consumption becomes a reality, quality excellent, meets consumer easily and value is more consumption in China's three major components, which is fully confirmed in yanghe, Li Kwan's experience. "Wine Su zhe smoking" phenomenon: Chinese consumer trends curtain opening China's consumers need? How Chinese consumers spending? It needs from in recent yearsFind consumer market for the success of brand, seeking enlightenment. Yanghe brand originated in Jiangsu yanghe distillery was established in 1949, now has yanghe Blues classics, yanghe daqu, Dunhuang ancient BREW and other high grade in three series. Since its 2003 yanghe Blue Classic market, annual market growth of close to 100% for 8 consecutive years, rapid sales growth,Brand development of fast impressive. Liqun brand was old smoke in Zhejiang, was founded in 1960. Later in the mid 1990 of the 20th century began, Zhejiang province's economy gradually in the nation, in the face of significant changes in consumption, interest group focusing on market fluctuation, timely product upgrade innovation: in 1995, Liqun old products are refurbished and positioning upscale consumer needsSeeking 2000 Li Liqun group successfully launched the long mouth, build successful product style conform to current consumer trends, brand sales were yilupansheng.  2010 Liqun successfully breaking through the million box, scale and structure of China tobacco industry representatives of both brands. Yanghe Liqun success under grasping based on consumer demand, through the product, experience and emotionsSystems engineering to improve in order to gain market recognition, it just goes perfectly excellent consumer trends.  Yanghe interest group has also successfully opened under the Chinese consumer brands practice. Consumption on the rise in the 780, European and American markets, as consumers improve the quality of life in China today, and rising overall consumption, consumptionHas seen signs in China. Because of differences in history, culture and social psychology, European and American markets and market tendency of consumption patterns which have a certain degree of similarity, there are also some differences.  We found excellent quality, consumption and value meet is easily under the Chinese consumer's success. Quality: Chinese consumer products under upgrading quality isThe soul of Chinese consumption, process innovation is the key to brand the quality promotion. Yanghe, facilitate mass mailings originating from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces area, where the climate is pleasant, not wet not dry, light on the taste preference, emphasizes the authenticity, taste so unique geography gave birth to their calm, mellow and normal style. In recent years, the rapid development of both brands in their respective market-leading factsTo indicate to us: yanghe "soft intoxicated" and benefit groups "light meets" has become the Jiangsu and Zhejiang market quality standards for alcohol and tobacco consumption. Yanghe "soft intoxicated" and benefit groups "subtle met" there lurks behind the mystery of how?  We find that they are spontaneously from the consumers are most concerned about "taste" was found on the base of innovation. Yanghe blueClassic innovation proposed "soft" type style, breaking to jump out from the flavor Division rules of the traditional categories, forming its own unique style. The so-called "soft" is not simply drop can be settled, support needed by a large number of advanced brewing technology. For soft incense, yanghe in use based on traditional technology, has carried out a large number of technical innovations. These seeminglyProgramming process, it is brewing technology of yanghe can not be copied.  Accurate grasp of yanghe River by consumer demand, with "flavor" as the core articles, innovations made "soft fragrance" style, with the consumption of consumer demand in order to gain rapid development.  And this is, Liqun's success comes from its "light meets". "Hint of fullPigs "a seemingly contradictory Word, revealed the essence of most consumers consumer demand. With the improvement of people's living standards, consumption idea and also used to be essentially different: now consumers demand for tobacco is more entertaining, easy and stress-free, and also have a certain sense of satisfaction.  This interest group has its own secrets. First, the innovation of production processes. Liqun brandOut of consumer-friendly interests, through the classic process of extra long filter, while you play a filtering function, retain its aroma and taste. 2000 Lee Group launches "a long interest group" and "soft long interest group", Johnny crash in the market, extra long filter into the high-end products followed suit. Today, the long cigarette filter has become an integral part of high-end products priceValue symbol. Followed by the raw material formulation innovation, Liqun is flavor aroma followed in the natural way. For flavor and fragrance, Liqun in the "best not to add, add as little as possible" principle, adhere to the "light and fragrant, light-weight feed" exclusively through better deployment of pure leaf recipe, highlighting the natural of this fragrant taste mellow and normal. Today, on raw material formula, Liqun and innovationMeasures, enabling unique Oriental tobacco resources in xinchang, Zhejiang province for the first time, pure flavor and achieve "no flavoring, not feeding" quality upgrading, Liqun core competitive advantages of the brand can not be copied. Last is the provision on technology innovation, Liqun abide by is to balance the sweet taste. Liqun product development experts through the study of the origin of raw materials of the world of differences, set the regional gold, Director of the variety, the product's unique style. Through the "flavor" on the innovations, yanghe realization of improving the quality of the product separately from the Liqun, this in the consumer demand for quality brand laid the foundation of success. Today, yanghe "soft intoxicated" and benefit groups "light meets" has been implanted deep into the minds of consumers. They becameUnder Chinese consumption benchmark for quality improvement has established a high level. Consumption easily: Chinese excellent experience upgrade consumer experience is China's excellent consumer qualities of extension, rich in commodities today, only made explicit features can capture the hearts of consumers. Functionality of the product experience essence also needs our attention to consumer's needsSeeking. With the improvement of quality of life as well as the acceleration of the pace of life, consumption trends of green and healthy, easy and comfortable experience.  Yanghe, Liqun is firmly grasp this kind of consumer psychology, to the value of products with innovative features, bringing easy and comfortable experience. Liquor is a traditional consumer goods in China, to fit the contemporary consumer demand, will have cancellationChange of habits examined in depth. Yanghe has invested a lot of money, manpower, analysis and study. Through extensive testing results analysis: the biggest hangover after drinking liquor was mainly headaches, followed by a nasty ingrown toenail. Under the consumption trend of yanghe "soft incense" came into being: "cotton" is motivated by the fact that wine with a plump wot power leveling, don't prefer light "softening"Soft world of tanks power leveling, tender, spicy not storm. Yanghe focus concern of is: drinking Qian aroma elegant Yi people, fragrance does not necessarily is large, but must to let people is is comfortable; entry sponge sweet soft, sponge sweet long, does not so explosion spicy stiff cool; drinking in the carefree dripping, drinking is consumer expression feelings of needs, wine both can in warmth Shi small cup slow products, and can in pride full Shi large cup drinking; drinking HouComfortable, minimize consumer discomfort such as headache after drinking.  The consumer perspective, classic blue soft style liquors can give consumers a bold hero, because of their comfort and health to meet the psychological needs of the consumer and sensory needs, applauded the listed becomes a popular liquor. The same as a hobby, interest group has always been concerned about the consumer viewsEvolution and change, an experienced hobby goods experts of feelings about this: "now, I think it is pursuing to sense of ease, comfort and satisfaction", saying what the secret. In order to meet consumer demand trends, interest group concerns on the throat of the consumer comfort improvements, around the "sense of ease, comfort and satisfaction" three consumers be able to personally experienceThe move. Easy, is to make the consumer feel a burden; comfort, is the ability to let consumers experience products is to enjoy the process of meet, are the features that enable consumers to meet the product brings experience not only taste, but will not allow the throat does not apply. Liqun "hint of meeting" this product characteristic is correspondence this consumer demand. PortalEasy, woolly sweet gentle; smoking comfortable, carefree continuous very moist, charm meets, balancing nature of flavor; that's what people feel when enjoying Liqun's experience. Entry easy, comfortable, results meet, Liqun grasp the most essential consumer needs, and gives consumers a real, tangible consumer experience, thereby winning a consumer favorite.Values meet: Chinese excellent consumer satisfaction marketing upgrade value in is the core driving force of Chinese consumption, often affects consumers ' buying decision. Value meets from the accuracy of positioning, meaning it has two levels: the first is the brand positioning, brand positioning accurately, to fit the emotional needs of consumers, consumers gain spiritual satisfaction;Second, the product positioning, appropriate product line expansion and completion of the product structure makes it easy for consumers of different levels have, make the product "value for money", to consumers to purchase satisfaction. Yanghe Blue Classic since the launch, yanghe brand started with blue as the core, in terms of packaging, brand names and subject matter demands expressed it, original, thus forming aEffect of brand distinction. Blue Classic changed the traditional high-end liquor "thick and heavy, and mellow", more accurately meet the core needs of consumers. Blue is a symbol of open, a symbol of fashion, is a modern feel wot power leveling, is a sign of taste. It's natural produces a clean, pure legend, this Association, when forming tendency of the consumer in the consumer choices. It can be said thatBlue has created "yanghe" modern sense, carry forward the "yanghe" personality.  "Yang he" blue culture, business and consumers, is being widely recognized, formed a consensus that blue is "yanghe", blue is "yanghe" cultures, blue is "Yang he" brand of genes. On the structure of the product line, high-end price segment formation in the Blue ClassicDream blue, blue sky of blue and sea of three grades of products of different price segments, to meet the different needs of consumers of different levels.  Yanghe Blue Classic product positioning, and wuliangye, Mao-branded products, such as positioning dislocation in forming a cross, avoided a direct confrontation in the market, so as to get the market's rapid growth. "Blue storm" after two years of the rise of a siteFresh images into people's eyes: blue sky and white clouds, vast land, the Mercedes-Benz train, as well as "Lee-let your heart go traveling" this element of a series of peaceful, carefree, Liqun brand image advertisements. It from the brand connotation on the mining has completed the transition from corporate culture and consumer culture, a vivid manifestation of the interest group "peace" core value, touchedHeartstrings of consumers. Are consumers able to keeping in mind the deep peace of brand advertising, it is because the Chinese people since ancient times, is a peaceful nation. Peace is a kind of cultural values, philosophy of Zhejiang in the smoke are deposited on Enterprise gene in the blood. "Let your heart take a trip" is one, stretching and relaxing the emotional realm, meaningHigh grade, positioning in the new generation of Chinese wisdom class, express their feelings, as a sign attached to the taste and fashion of the brand. This mood is a spiritual experience, is on your own ideals, vision, value of life sustenance. In an era of rapid economic development, social change, Liqun will inject the spirit of the times, meeting those who have lofty ideals, dreams, aspirations and lifeValue demands on the people in the spirit of, intoxicated them for one's own life. "Peace" not only give people spiritual sustenance, also meet real consumer demand. Around the "peace" is a core value, Liqun creating differentiation of product family. According to the different levels of consumer demand, Liqun brands formed the Department of recreation, Sun and the original three differentProduct selection to better meet the different grades for different types of consumer demand. Yanghe, Liqun through rich connotation of the brand culture, deep fit a consumer's emotional needs. Echelon product series of more is so that consumers can easily have different levels, its exact location so that consumers really get value meet, giving many consumers warmSought after.

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