Monday, March 12, 2012

world of tanks power leveling as well as arrears of wages.  Zjs - QNS

129756355817968750_253Franchising represent parts of the shipment disappeared, postal administrations begin to enter, understand their employees wages owed this newspaper (reporter Su Manli intern lousailing) morning star urgent is still investigating the collapse, many dealers to reflect customer shipments have no place to query. Yesterday, reporters learned from authoritative sources, national post offices have been overnight, to the local CouncilIssued a notice requiring local post Office do a morning star urgent remedial works. "Customer messages disappeared" on March 4, those who are claiming to be the stars urgent staff claimed that on the Web, company founder and CEO world of tanks power leveling, Mr Chan Ping, "running", the company has closed down.  Media coverage morning star urgent headquarters has gained momentum. "Today was busy looking for customer shipment world of tanks power leveling, I nowKnow there are 6 Express does not know where to go. "A morning star in Beijing told reporters urgent courier franchisee. Hangzhou another franchisee also reflected to reporters: "customer last week send out the shipments and it is still not received. Hefei, courier appears to have never had no message, phone couldn't be reached, people are now not found. "Journalists access to national post offices after the enactment of theExpress market management rules, factors such as the closure of express delivery companies, transfer, bankruptcy, stop the express business activities, should be promptly and properly deal with the acceptance of the shipment, and report to the provincial postal sector. State Post Bureau involvement according to express Advisory Network's Chief Adviser said Xu of China, collapsed there were also hosted that year express delivery detained for selling of express itemsOperating mode.  He suggested that regulators should intervene immediately. This reporter has learned from authoritative sources yesterday, the national post office has issued a circular to local Council overnight, and urged all localities to post offices involved in morning star urgent events, morning star urgent remedial works. Reporter has learned from the dealer in Shanghai, Shanghai postal authority has been involved in yesterday morning star urgent failures under interrogation and whenAssets wot power leveling, as well as arrears of wages.  Zjs (micro-blogging), Xin Fei acute or skimming in the morning star urgent case following, zjs, and last year was to discuss cooperation before being acquired by morning star urgent Xin Fei hurriedly skimming its relationship. Zjs express and the stars urgent · Xin Fei temporarily does not have the feasibility of cooperation, and Xin FeiRe-enable the original slogan, was renamed "Fei".  Zjs yesterday with morning star urgent is the two companies, issued a statement in Beijing zjs Express, hold a positive attitude of understanding to verify and in early morning star urgent · Xin Fei made some contact. Zjs Express, after the early contacts know, both sides in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta resources cannot form a mutualFill, on the business development and network management model differences, both companies will not have the practical feasibility of cooperation, contact survey of zjs have been terminated.  It is understood that Internet rumours, morning star CHAN, President of urgent transfers assets to a zjs, morning star urgent franchisee zjs blocked the gate. Zjs Xiong Dahai, Deputy Chief Executive, said: "zjsXin Fei does not have any ownership relation between the two sides, no money exchanges, no debt. They over unpaid debt we are very sympathetic, but after all, is a matter of both companies. "Xin Fei was renamed" Fei "rallied" all expectations Taikang (microblogging), zjs investment comes as morning star urgent cadre and staff on March 2 overnight transfer of assets, And go south more than 200,000 funding disappeared.  "Xin Fei official website reads. It is understood that Xin Fei currently in temporary stop of North China, East China business, but business still continues in South China, and renamed "Fei". "Guangdong as the core, based on the South, radiation, covering the whole of the city. Continue with Taobao and comprehensive e-commerce business development。  "Xin Fei said. (Su Manli) recommendation "express enterprise bankruptcy fund should be established" expert material that, in China there are 20 domestic Express brand, market concentration is low.  Mergers and the fittest is inevitable. Express is a public service, the operation involved a wide range of conduct, impact, recommendations to speed upExpress credit system construction, establishment of the express delivery companies of the asset-liability ratio line reporting system, the service quality guarantee system and the express corporate bankruptcy fund, by way of financial indicators and venture funds, will express company closures and mergers to the negative impact on society is reduced to a minimum. (Su Manli)

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