Sunday, March 18, 2012

diablo 3 gold the Socialist democratic constructionSet combines - RPO

129756711707343750_1113"Small" is "cheap" prerequisites, flush, belly-worship and the Dominion Government of all government organizations is very likely to be expensive. Li Jinhua, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC, 6th in the CPPCC group discussion suggested that the increase in the Government work report "thrift oppose extravagance". Li Jinhua said that "if we bear a bear in a province, the provincial, the style is slightlyMicro-improvements, hundreds of millions of dollars in a year is not a problem. The "two sessions, topics are not that much this year, against the official reception banquet, extravagance and access concerns of many deputies and Committee members, deputies Xu Jinglong, CPPCC members Feng Peien, Lin Jia騋, bachok, from a different angle, make relevant recommendations and approaches. Lin Jia騋 raised "on the prohibition of the use of public funds to consumption of maotai liquorThe proposal ", Feng Peien proposed" use criminal means to eat and drink to contain public funds ". Li Jinhua, and certainly add weight to this camp. "Three for public consumption" of how controversial the amount diablo 3 gold, no small civil disagreement with the Government tera power leveling, as a place for the past more than 20 years before the Audit Commission official, Li Jinhua "saved hundreds of millions of dollars a year" argument should be informed. The people's dailyNot long ago, and there have been annual "eat and drink $ 300 billion of public money appropriation". Ruolijinhua is set up, save hundreds of millions of dollars a year, so what can we do? Deputy Liao Xinbo, Director of the Health Department of Guangdong Province has calculated that universal free health care will take about $ 500 billion; according to the CPC Central Committee, State Councilor Liu yandong revealed that all primary and secondary school students in the country are equippedColonel by car, needs financial investment in $ 460 billion. In other words, if public spending "in a" universal free medical care, the national school bus equipped with is not a big problem. On March 25 at the fourth Commission of the State Council work Conference held last year, the premier warned "look at the ancient feudal dynasty in China by Sheng to decline, almost all from the playground and greatness, Under construction start ", and stressed that" every penny we spend, from the people, is replaced by the sweat of the people, must be used for the people good, do solid work, will never allow the waste. "When it comes to this level, explains the Central Government to this understanding is clear, deep, on the advice of officials at all levels are also serious. Reality often is, yanzhezhunzhun, the listenerDespise despise. Is the so-called "thrift to luxury, from luxury to go hard" for some used to feast, lavishly spent money like water, officials, "the bear a bear in a province, the provincial" is not an easy thing. "Three for public consumption" is no less high, except for part of the necessary expenses, more degenerate into hidden benefits for civil servants, or even directly into their waistPackage, such as car repair, the housing supplement, price subsidies, "the bear" and "province" is bound to move to their "cake", the difficulty. As Governor of Guangdong Province, said Zhu xiaodan site at the open day of the Guangdong delegation, reform of the current pattern of resistance is the largest vested interest, "revolutionary leather on his head" is a test, "courage of leather for to come up with their own lives". Therefore, only by "styleMicro-change the "save hundreds of millions of dollars a year is not realistic. Create "cheap Government", with minimal administration costs, achieving optimization of the Government management diablo 3 power leveling, compression on the size of Government in the first place. Because, "small" is "cheap" prerequisites, flush, belly-worship, package all of the Government Organization is very likely to be a costly government; second is to be implemented by external and internalExternal supervision, from bottom to top. Any organization to expand its scale of natural impulses, if not reasonable, rigid external constraints, eventually could not brake the car. In short, the "three funds" governance impossible soldier thrust must be placed under the environment of deepening the reform, and change the Government's functions, structural reform, the fight against corruption, the Socialist democratic constructionSet combines, simultaneously. (Editor: Liu Jin)

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