Friday, March 23, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling class Shi Zuhui are classmates of acceptance. In this class - YPY

129756711604531250_864Zeng Jiahui walking on campus "around the law" and "pioneers". Reporter Huang Chengfeng "If you ask me, why do you want to learn from Lei feng, in my opinion, to learn from Lei Feng is to let everyone have a happy. "High in the Guangzhou Railway (4) class Shi Zuhui are classmates of acceptance. In this class, students with a disability Zeng Jiahui.Due to childhood illness can't stand up walk, school meals, even to the bathroom so the privacy thing, she needs the help of classmates. "If I have to make one thanks list, every student's name is not falling! "Zeng Jiahui said with gratitude. "Very grateful to the school for my concern, especially grateful to my classmates, and without them, I was difficult on the campus diablo 3 power leveling,Anything can be accomplished. "Zeng Jiahui simply listed a few leave the classmates she couldn't do things: laboratory experiments to climb several stairs, students step by step to lift her up, and she cannot go to the dining hall meals, delicious meals by the students to do and even toilets on such a private thing tera gold, must please help. Now, almost a year of timeAnd almost every girl in the class has had help Jia hui to the bathroom experience, while Chen Yuxin Yue Zhao Ning, several female students are often responsible for Jia Hui cleaning potty. In an interview, Chen Yuxin said: "now is used, do not feel embarrassed. "Led by Shi Zuhui boys in the class, every day someone is responsible for sending her to a different floor of the classroom," about the law refers to, About two men carry wheelchairs, pioneer is a before and after, when you go upstairs, is high in a wheelchair pushed behind tera gold, went downstairs, is short in the rear wheelchair lift. "Shi Zuhui says:" Hi, who are willing to give. "(Reporter Tan Qiuming reporter Li Xiukui) (Guangzhou daily Tan Qiuming Li Xiukui) (Editor: Qiu Yuming) Others:

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