Thursday, March 29, 2012

tera power leveling Liu Tao - BFZ

129773160910937500_67Liu Tao, the wife of Star wife claiming to be a good example to his daughter Liu Tao swtor credits, playing the role of a good wife to talk about marriage. Liu Tao denied "erhun" rumors refused to take passion play (video) yesterday by the Beijing times reported on March 26, by Hsu Li-kung screenplay, directed Lin, Liu Tao (click to watch the film Liu Tao, and the film version of the story of the treasure of the night) (micro-blogging), William and the baojianfeng (click to see baojianfeng film of the Hong WudaAnd the girls are in a State of excitement rushed) family drama starring the wife held power on the Conference. Liu Tao admitted: "this play wife is for her daughter to be a good role model. "The play tells the story of an ordinary women's successful defence of love and family. Wife of Liu Tao plays easy and nice bear patiently Han Dayun. Liu Tao, laughing: "the story is about how salted fish stand up stories。 Woman like to be living in the Home-cured salted fish tera power leveling, losing yourself, no taste. However tera gold, after the lost her husband and children, she was still able to defend and protect the most beloved family, can regain her husband's love. So just stick to it, can diced stood up. "Turning to the cooperation and baojianfeng, Liu Tao said, they both have played four times and his wife, "Baojianfeng and his wife were recognized me. Baojianfeng wrote to the cast of competitors play actor first wrote in the will to me. ” Others:

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