Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wot power leveling China Newsweek web author - ZZZ

129756442791250000_38Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of economic observations on the unit on social write rapidly current politics comment on literature and history on the gold boutique hot discussion on finance and financial peopleRubric interview and you say the global observation of 2012 national two sessions weekly hexun.com comments > source body font size print RSS March 07, 2012: China Newsweek web author: Yi xianrongFinancial expert Yi xianrong, by the social sciences (data) abstract: the "two sessions" is preceded by both local officials and real estate developers were written in dense "two sessions," proposal of the so-called real estate industry macro control, hoping to or around its political influence to change the current real estate industry macro control policy. It can be said that on the two sessions this year, real estate developerRepresentatives and local government officials will center around the current real estate industry macro control policy as to how to make good their so-called proposal. China's NPC and the CPPCC "two sessions" will be held. It can be said that this year's "two sessions," the real estate game will become the focus and emphasis of the policy. Because, before the two sessions, on real estate markets of the Central Government's macro-control attitude is very strong on the one hand, aTo make housing market prices return to rational level, resolutely crack down on speculation in housing speculation, or go to the housing market wot power leveling, "investment", in order to ensure the sustained and stable development of the housing market. The other hand world of tanks power leveling, both local governments and in the various forces in society and real estate interests, are trying their best to request the housing market adjustment of macro-control policies, requirements of the housing marketMacro-control restrictions. ����The "two sessions," former fierce game of real estate policy will be extended to the "two sessions" on the real estate policy game will be this year's "two sessions," the focus of policy discussions. We should see through excessive credit policy to support the real estate market in 2009 and 2011 speculation speculation, extent of the great real estate bubble in China have no escalation, So its price back through the real estate industry macro control and rationality into a basic consensus between the Government and the society as a whole. But after two years of real estate industry macro control, regulation of real estate and the more in-depth wot power leveling, encounter, the greater the resistance. Especially when the country full of steep decline in home sales, housing inventory down the rising, housing prices in many cities to loose, macro-control of the housing marketResistance is growing. This resistance has local Government's macro-control policies introduced by soft against the Central Government. For example, since the second half of 2011, when home sales plummet around will affect local house prices down when you have, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Wuhu, Foshan, 17 cities have established the property of fine-tuning the policy in different ways.Its objective appears to be in the House to purchase different preferential policy, without outside is actually re-entrants to higher house price market to encourage the purchase of housing, keeping local housing prices have not fallen. There are different ways to whip up opinion, think not domestic housing prices fluctuations, not to have deep down, otherwise there will be Chinese-style sub-prime crisis will, in turn, politicalGovernment to change the current real estate industry macro control policy. Even more important is that both real estate developers and in the interests of local government officials and agents, they not only do not support the Government's real estate industry macro control in public places, or even their soft against the real estate industry macro control of the Central Government, but also in taking about different ways of lobbying in order to influence or real estateMacroeconomic regulation and control policy. We can see that not only the real estate industry organizations, such as the China real estate Association, has been written on the gathered real estate developers to the Government forces, requiring adjustment of the current real estate industry macro control policy, and the upcoming "two sessions" will become a real estate developer and Government officials about important places for real estate industry macro control policy. It can be said that theThe current "two sessions", is to a large extent is a Club of the rich and powerful gather. ����In this Club, not only principal officials of local government-dominated, and real estate developers and entrepreneurs associated with the real estate has a large percentage. The "two sessions" is preceded by both local officials and real estate developers were written in dense "two sessions"Proposal of the so-called real estate industry macro control, hoping to or around its political influence to change the current real estate industry macro control policy. It can be said that on the two sessions this year, representatives of the real estate developers and local government officials will focus on the current real estate industry macro control policies for enabling their so-called proposal.

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