Tuesday, November 29, 2011

unless the issuing earnings decline in the future

129667840451865392_113Large stocks such as chicken ribs from the perspective of management issued by implementing market-oriented ideas, gain little or even break the new listings are a good thing, but rational stepwise regression in favour of the IPO price. Therefore, unless the issuing earnings decline in the future, otherwise large stocks purchase, profits will become more and more difficult. Checked hard early gem gem IPO gains, were small investors earn by checkingA fortune. Checking of the gem, however difficult, so many people hate, millions of funds is not in the case of a share are. In fact diablo 3 power leveling, checking key gem is shall I purchase, there is no guarantee that check, capital ratios but character strengths. Small and large stocks rise as gem has attracted a primary market of the main funds, making small and new share purchaseThe success rate has improved diablo 3 power leveling, but also small and new shares rise remained impressive, successful applicants is as profitable. Of course, is also a question of small and medium-sized disk cannot be stable, even when shall I purchase, its success rate is still unable to determine, not suitable for the amount of small investors. To sum up, blind-arbitrage theory tells us: renqiwoqu. In the primary market on this battlefield, the above rulesStill working.

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