Tuesday, November 29, 2011

PepsiCo continues to receive and read the many letters from all over the Union

129668688766093750_49Unchanged at invest 3.5 billion plan reached with the master by how the equity strategic alliance are complemented each other, win-win strategic cooperation---yesterday, about Pepsi bottling plants of transfer ownership to the master, raised many suspicions and some staff dissatisfaction of public opinion about the PepsiCo Vice President of greater China Group Tai Xiangmei positive response to the media for the first time: Master Kang TongOver how the equity strategic alliance, is a complement each other, win-win strategic cooperation, originally promised to invest $ 3.5 billion in China does not change. Master Kang holding and PepsiCo on November 4, 2011 to reach strategic alliance agreement diablo 3 gold, still waiting for the approval of the Ministry of Commerce in China. If approved, master drinks with Pepsi cans enterprises in China now, PepsiCoFranchise bottlers, PepsiCo through offshore holding companies, and indirectly in China 24 Pepsi transferred its stake in wholly-owned and joint venture bottling Enterprise master drinks, Pepsi get master drinks 5% 's indirect stake while 2015 is entitled to raise an indirect stake to 20%. According to reports, the Pepsi in the United States the biggest outlying Centre and test workshop will settle inShanghai, China, is expected next year. Tai Xiangmei explained that if the Union was granted, PepsiCo businesses in China the status of legal persons, the shareholder structure, business name, the articles will not be changed, bottling plants continue to be managed by their General Manager, to their respective Board of Directors is responsible for, the existing regional management team will also continue to play with his functions of management. Among them, Pepsi bottling plants operating decisionsThe Board, only the Pepsi share transfer to the master. Because in China 24 transferred its stake in wholly-owned and joint venture bottling Enterprise master drinks, Pepsi in which possession of shares varies. Following the Pepsi and Master Kang's commitment two years does not alter the terms of existing contracts and related staff, and the remuneration at least maintain the level now, PepsiCo President Meng Keshi in greaterAll PepsiCo employees sent a new communication letter, Meng Keshi in the letter refers to a "staff programme" "unchanged for two years," "Union prospect" and other issues, and Pepsi are listed first in China to develop "staff programme" a detailed timetable. Employee said "right," complaining of impaired, Tai Xiangmei also explained that since Pepsi was United States the New York Stock Exchange listed company, Master Kang is in Hong KongExchange-listed company, limited by the disclosure of the information required by local law, to the filling plant trade unions or employee disclosed information in advance. Pepsi denied the Union message, result in the phenomenon of some factories suspended, saying its normal business operations. And is being widely listen to the views of all parties, including all regions diablo 3 power leveling, all canned factory management, employees, local unions and ChinaFederation of communication and consultation, as is reasonable and legitimate solution to both sides. Pepsi gives "staff programme schedules". "Within this week, we will develop a comprehensive programme as possible, and taking into account the multiple demands. "Tai Xiangmei said that Pepsi had been promised, November 28 and the regional and bottlers related to negativeAccountability discussion and explain to the Union on November 30. It is reported that since November 5 Alliance publishing, PepsiCo continues to receive and read the many letters from all over the Union, and employees, received hundreds of messages, and received thousands of employees microblogging, intranet mail. November 22 to 24th, Pepsi is continuing to meet with the canned factory unions and employee representatives.

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