Sunday, November 20, 2011

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129626185990781250_2122Craft Shen Wu: the development of new energy vehicles cannot bend overtaking Copyright notice: this article for the NetEase automotive all rights reserved, reproduced please specify the source. NetEase automotive October 5 Detroit Auto manufacturing industry exhibition of advanced technology in October 3-in the United States automobile city held Detroit, NetEase automotive editors at the show exclusive interview with the China Association of automobile manufacturers, consultants craft Shen Wu, he said: "the development of new energy vehicles in China cannot bend ultraCar. "NetEase automotive: automotive industry development and energy and transportation of contradictions in how to solve? You to future Chinese automobile industry will continue rapid growth? Craft Shen Wu: conflict is inevitable, many years of rapid development of automobile industry will make conflicts more prominent, problem you mentioned is also a common subject of study in the world, you need to every aspect of governance. Beijing limitsPurchased policies not long-term strategy. About a restriction, I think we need to in two ways, first, because a few years ago we developing so fast, due to lower speed of vehicle development diablo 3 power leveling, secondly we need to reduce speed to improve vehicle quality. I think 2011 auto industry development will not be so high, but also more suitable for the current status quo of production and sales of 150.018 billion vehicles. NetworkCar: in the context of the current development of new energy vehicles in China, breakthrough in China's auto parts from? Shen Ning-Wu: currently, above-scale parts more than 17,000 enterprises, but production value and profits accounted for only automotive industry one-third more, says is large but relatively low profit. New energy vehicle development main auto zeroPart, and only parts development, new energy vehicles in order to achieve a breakthrough. NetEase automotive: you see China new energy vehicle development path should be how? Craft Shen Wu: development of new energy vehicles in China overheating, countries are already adjusting to the new energy vehicle development ideas, but we must understand that the point is the development of new energy vehicles cannot be done overnight, curved passing�� Development new energy vehicles while mustn't give up traditional automotive technology research diablo 3 power leveling, future twenty or thirty years two cars in two parallel. NetEase automotive: car country to automobile power, what steps we should to do those efforts? I think need to be divided into three areas: first, independent brand development needs a breakthrough, and the other is automobile exports continuedGrowth third automotive development capability greatly increases. Addition I think countries need some planning. Introduction to craft Shen Wu is a former Vice Chairman of China Association of automobile manufacturers, in charge of auto parts industry, currently serves as Adviser to the Chinese Association of automobile manufacturers.

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