Monday, November 21, 2011

Lucas-Vaskess says

129626054184843750_557"Occupation of Wall Street" protestors plan to expand in New York's camp L3151 zhongxinwang quoted foreign news agencies reported that the "occupation of Wall Street" protest has entered its fourth week, the protesters said on 8th diablo 3 gold, their teams will be spreading from lower Manhattan to other public places in New York. Zuccotti Park near World Trade Center ruins in New York brings together more than three weeks protesters in most cases to carry out peaceful demonstrations diablo 3 power leveling, but they alsoHave had conflicts with the police. 8th, hundreds of thousands of protesters to upstate New York's Washington Square Park to discuss plans to expand to other areas camps. One of the leaders of the procession, Lucas-Vaskess says, the demonstrators sought to expand Washington Square Park and battery Park, but he stressed: "we will not give up freedom Plaza," demonstrators ZuccottiNew name to the Park, where about 250 people camping. Vaskess said "we too much. Sometimes there was too crowded. "" Occupation of Wall Street "movement has spread to the United States a few major cities, demonstrators protest topics include corporate greed and economic equality. 7th, the activities of the New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the demonstrators "no benefit",Hurt the local tourism industry, but he also said that certain demands of the demonstrators he expressed sympathy. Demonstrations have spread over more than 20 cities throughout the United States, but other city procession of size less than New York. The night of 8th, a large group of demonstrators tried to break through the security guards into the National Aviation Museum in Washington. Witnesses said at least one of the demonstrators were pepper sprayedAerosol spray that, when the protesters attempted to hold the Museum does not allow large signs and other items into the Museum. It is not clear if the protesters belonging to the "occupation of Washington" protest. "Occupation of Washington" protests appeared in Washington last week, this is the beginning of last month in New York "occupation of Wall Street" part of a campaign. Responsible editor: NF053

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