Monday, November 21, 2011

the price by $ 0.20 per litre. Recent oil price adjustments on April 7

129626184545468750_2108"Belated" cut questioning the domestic oil price mechanism China Business Times reported on October 9 in international oil prices frequently "changing faces", the domestic oil prices finally adjusted. Today from the national development and Reform Commission was informed that as from 9th, highest domestic gasoline and diesel retail prices are reduced by 300 yuan per ton. This is the oil price cut for the first time in 16 months, after winning run 4 times. NDRC, which lowered domestic productionOil prices conducive to reducing social costs, mitigate price increases pressure, promote national economy fast and stable overall development. NDRC's energy Institute Assistant Gao shixian said oil price cuts on high price levels will have some influence but limited role; oil price adjustments under the operational cycle is shorter as possible. Shenyin wanguo Chief macro-analysisMaster Li Huiyong believes that oil prices lowered inflation directly affects very small. If the oil price cut by 10%, reflected in the CPI data will correspondingly decrease 0.1% and therefore lower fuel prices for CPI effects is very low. The price margin on April 7 the previous price of up to six months old. Pursuant to the relevant sectoral market monitoring, duringCoexistence of international oil prices were mixed diablo 3 gold, and since August there was a rapid decline in the oil price trend. Responsible person of the State development and Reform Commission explained that only when international markets oil 22 working days in a row when the moving average price change exceeds 4%, the State will adjust domestic fuel prices, this is mainly to avoid dramatic swings in oil prices led to frequent adjustment of domestic oil prices in the international market.This year, overall high oil price shocks in the international market, the specific trends show the following three stages: first, in late April to early May, international market continuing oil price upward second since early May, international oil prices high; three international oil price shocks in the market downward since the beginning of August. Queries on society and human domestic oil prices "rose fell less", "rises the fastest falling slow"The phenomenon of diablo 3 gold, national development and Reform Commission official said, does not exist. Because domestic oil prices required when raised, taking into account the impact on the downstream industry, as well as inflationary pressure; when oil prices fell sharply on international markets, States that by the time when a price adjustment on international market prices and the fall in time for the level lower domestic fuel prices. Out December 2008 the ROCOn refined oil price and tax reform established the current oil price formation mechanism. But price mechanism process also revealed the pricing problem, insufficient transparency mechanism, long cycle. This responsible person stressed that within the framework of the existing institutional mechanisms, around reduced price cycle, speeding up the frequency of price adjustment, improved oil price adjustment operation mode and resize the linked areas such as oil, into theStep in perfecting oil price mechanism. At present, the reform is in the research process, all comments after the consensus on the Basic, more or less launched. It is understood that, at present, three oil refinery parts in China is still at a loss, this time after the price cut is bound to bring some impact to the production and supply. National development and Reform Commission said that countries have taken a series of measures, in particular the requirementsInterests enterprises into full play and downstream oil business regulation mechanisms, balancing the good relations between all sectors of interest, in particular ensuring agricultural harvest of autumn with oil demand. Concern was, before the oil price adjustments, some oil companies based in Beijing, some gas stations in the suburbs, already own "high price" has been adapted, 93rd gasoline per liter of 0.10 per cent price cutYuan, the price by $ 0.20 per litre. Recent oil price adjustments on April 7, 2011 development and Reform Commission on April 7 to a rise in oil products the highest retail prices, gasoline up 500 Yuan/ton, diesel up 400 Yuan/ton. On February 20, 2011 development and Reform Commission decision from February 20 to an increase in diesel prices; diesel pricesBy 350 Yuan per ton. On December 22, 2010 national development and Reform Commission decision with effect from December 22 to raise retail prices for diesel and petrol. Gasoline and diesel price increase of $ 310 and $ 300 per ton respectively. On October 26, 2010, national development and Reform Commission decision raising retail prices of diesel and petrol since October 26. Per ton respectivelyIncrease of $ 230 and $ 220. On June 1, 2010, national development and Reform Commission decisions since June 1 would cut the retail prices of diesel and petrol. Supply steam, diesel price reduced $ 230 and 220 per tonne respectively on.

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