Monday, November 21, 2011

people suffering from bullying

129626049656406250_493Of opening the national revival a century journey written in the 100 anniversary of the revolution (A) in recent years, a number of important historical node anniversary ensued: in 2008, the 30 anniversary of reform and opening up, and in 2009, the 60 anniversary of the founding of new China 2011, 90 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party, and Xin Hai Revolution the 100 anniversary of sth These far-reaching historical events, from the near to the distant, wave after wave, painting Chinese distant mountains near ShumMagnificent couple. And that's with one climax following another century-old starting point started in Xinhai year crisp autumn day Wuchang city gun. Long history of China, not a single century, like this century as a soul-stirring, reborn, earth-shaking. Shots of the Wuchang uprising, was the start of China's unprecedented social change, in one fell swoop was the start of the long journey towards modernization in China. From that point onCentury, the new culture movement, and movement, reform and opening up, Sino-Japanese war, the liberation war, new China was founded, deep river flows through a century of history forward, and downright cursedness generations, had been left outside the world modernization process of the Chinese nation, marched usher in the dawn of national rejuvenation. Despite the historical tasks of the revolution against imperialism and feudalism never seen completely, although the ChineseThe tragic fate of the people has not been altered, but all as Hu Jintao, General Secretary pointed out: "the revolution led by Dr Sun Yat-Sen, overthrew the Qing dynasty, put an end to autocratic monarchy lasted thousands of years in China, and created a full sense of the modern national democratic revolution, opened the gate to China's progress. "(B) any great change will not be isolated from the human societyHistorical periods, from the revolution to the end less than hundred days, was hosted by China huanghuang 3,000-year history of pulsation. Two months after the outbreak of the revolution, across the Pacific United States predicted the Atlanta Gazette, if this revolution succeeds, replace the monarchy with Republican, "China's progress, there can be limited". After a century, between KMT and CPC in Sun Yat-Sen's revolutionary cause successorParty leading the 1.3 billion Chinese people, to the world stage "Chinese miracle" confirms this to link the great progress. Today, when the Emperor's robes into stage costume, opium smoke dissipated in the history of the wind, marched along the revolution generation opening of modern China's journey, we must also think about �C across the new democratic and socialist revolution two glorious history, theWhat looked at the revolution of the "great beginning of Chinese history"? In the century of modernization in China, which inaugurated Asia democracy first shot of the great revolutionary plays what role? This is different from the past under the social upheaval of the change of dynasty, there's what age logic, providing the history of how the pros and cons, and represents what legacy? (Iii) history is always good atHappen to expand it magnificent plot. 100 years ago, many people believe, attacks of high imperial power, detonation caused by the collapse in new military battalions in Wuchang rush guns, as thousands of years advantage of Imperial China, in any case never thought of, and its modern enlightenment was in a State of flux, passive under the situation of national subjugation and genocide began. Any accidental behindHide the inevitable trend of historical development of logic. Follow this logic, we can clearly find it "incredible" and "never think" is closely associated. "China was a disgrace to the capital, was captured by the enemy into the 20th century", Deng Xiaoping once said that national history of pain. 1900 powers the army parade held in China Palace, BeijingDoor again suspended occupying forces flag. 1902 in early spring, when Empress Dowager He Guangxu Emperor in the West to escape back to the capital city, zhengyangmen Tower has been completely burned in the war. Avoid Qing dynasty rulers too sad, hallmark of capital put a false Tower set. This fantasy setting, is a true picture of the late Qing dynasty and the feudal system. 1840 opium warYilai, in East Asia mainland reproduction accrue thousands of years of Chinese nation, began faced Western intrusion this a "thousand years is not has of large variable Council", this directly led has two large history consequences, a is in Caine ship Lee gun of threat and abuse Xia, China of national crisis day than day deep; II is in "open eyes see World" of shocked and awakening in the, traditional China began occurred "new civilization fissile", in theLinks are becoming closer with the world, more and more profoundly the historical process of China under the influence of modern civilization. "Bad as ancient ancient, strong adjacent strong long snake", an ancient Millennium has been within the framework of the development of modern industrial civilization calibration self-reliance and self-improvement? External threats, internal crisis, China's social history can no longer afford to continue the "dynasty" ershisishi logical andWas national independence and Liberation of the people, facing the unprecedented prosperity of the country and people of the two historical tasks. "Tiller of its field" of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement, "self-seeking rich" Westernization movement, and as teacher of the reform movement between Russia and Japan, last decade of the new deal in late Qing dynasty, before the revolution of the last hundred years, stumbling in China has been struggling to start the history of this new process.However, the result of efforts, it was a disastrous defeat of the Sino-Japanese war, British and French troops and the Allied forces of the capture of Beijing, the Russo-Japanese war "uninvolved neutral" rampant "carve up spree". Mistakenly States "private" words a person trapped there "". "Knowing the Imperial Court but do not know national" King is bound to cannot be total since the leather of their lives. "Jesus Christ, wing wing Zun"Under the selfish motives, so-called political transformation of the Qing dynasty, jump out of the maintenance of imperial rule and save the monarchy of the frame. "Axioms are not known, that is, through its revolution out of. Furniture of the old customs, that is the revolution ". Select revolution, overthrow of the Qing dynasty and the feudal monarchy, inevitable logic of development of human society as the representative of the Dr Sun Yat-Sen's Revolutionary Party people onto the stage of history. Changing China's destinyPolitical trend, it is in this context of the surge. (D) "the world trend, mighty rushing, shunzhizhechang it perish", from opium war to more than half a century of vicissitudes of the revolution on behalf of, just to the iron law of history, added a case. "XING Yun, street dogs" hard times, Xinhai year that ordinary autumn day, fromCountry's first claim to be "Emperor" of Ying Zheng, and he reigned more than 2,130 years, from the old summer palace was the flames have been 51 years by British and French troops from Qing dynasty was forced to reform implemented new policies over the past decade, from Lin Juemin left, and many other revolutionary party the wife and people in Guangzhou Huang Hua gang "for the world people blower operated by Combusting" and generous to die less than half a year. Us therefore cannot but this shocked the world leatherLife, and put into a more historical perspective of consideration. Only put the revolution on Chinese society for nearly 3,000 years of development in the evolution to understand its meaning only put the revolution in 20th century journey of 100 years since Albert Renaissance, to understand its pursuit; only placed in the pursuit of modernization of the next 100 years of the revolution, it can be more clarity of pricingValue. "The Chinese nation is only a problem in the past century, and that is: the modernization of Chinese can do? Can you catch up with Western people? : Could you use science and machinery? Abolishing our concepts and organizing an modern family and hometown of nation State do? If our peoples ' prospects are bright; not, we the nation no future. "Historian Jiang Ting-Fu's 1938 the Chinese history this century in asked, saying what previous mission of Chinese nation 200 years thereafter and pursuit. What road to achieving national independence and Peoples Liberation? What road to bring prosperity and people? What road to rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, leading China into the world's advanced level? The revolution, is the disasterDifficult twists and turns of the suffering of the Chinese nation drive from darkness into light voyage, carrying the key "Ferry". Great revolutions, for boss how Empire "change" way and exploration direction and road; the Chinese nation how "changes" we keep up world and accumulated experience and lesson, initiating a transformation Chinese society, changing fate century-modernization of Chinese people it.(E) Lenin's revolution as "the awakening of Asia". In the works of Lu Xun, China's awakening is a battle stance: "shoulder to the darkness of the gate, let them go where wide bright". In Xinhai revolution, Chinese nation first awakening,, youthful and passionate life, shoulder the darkest moments before dawn. "Difficult to pay for plunge oneself into the sea to commit suicide is also a hero"Chen Tianhua, "as the Republican revolution at the expense of the first person" Lu haodong, "to spend in the year, dare to go to war" fangshengdong sth Huang Hua gang battle, "the blood shed in a just cause cross flying, noble spirit four plug plants of hanbei, thus tarnishing"; in Wuchang, the heroes when the time of execution "looked Yi Zhuang", in public speeches, ganwei "the 400 million people die," revolutionary sacrifice of soldiers, mostlyEarly age of 20; armed uprising defeated award-winning wars, "Comrade mainland sake, Comrade overseas care finance" overseas Chinese "mother of the revolution", in "restoring China" under the banner of, forming a global Chinese "revolutionary National Salvation" strong magnetic field of sth Great national heroes, great patriot, the great pioneer of the democratic revolution of China Sun Yat-Sen's lament that the revolution: "revolutionMartyrs has no other strengths is not man's life and family possessions and fight for country. "Worried and indignant of national subjugation and genocide in the revolution of martyrs took the lead in issuing" rousing China "stirring cry, for his" serious need of life saving people from fire and water, pour, cut and lifted building "of noble character," contusion and laceration of Yu-fen, build "strong will, of the innocence of seeking the truth and keep making progress,Eyes of the world, to catch up with the ambition, as well as "all under heaven are equal" broad minds, set the spirit of patriotism for latecomers monument, injected tremendous spiritual force into the great cause of national reconstruction. This is a part of national democratic revolution to be critical, spiritual awakening and enlightenment of the thought, a sense of ownership of the publicity. Revolution, revolution! "Emperor", the "democracy can be established"This is known as" the world turmoil new sources "the revolution of modern features. Wake up, wake up! Modernization needs autonomous consciousness of people. Revolution generation is to adhere to his dedication to show the world: State of the world State, therefore the rise and fall of China, ordinary man an ignorant person has responsibility; human freedom, and therefore the strength of China, everyone has to play. (Six) stirred up the revolution peopleInfinite expectation, it Chinese ideas from free from feudal yoke of tyrannical opened up for milestone in Democratic Republic. The Dragon Chair was withdrawn, spurned by the restoration of the Emperor, and the perverse acts of the world; "foreigners of the Imperial Court" was overturned, colonists and harder to find control tools global domination; social structures to re-establish, national capitalism started to develop, the proletariatNG and rapidly growing. Revolutionaries in a democratic country, and political ideals of the founding of the Republic, constitutional rule, to unprecedented transformation of the Chinese society. Past thousands of Chinese history, feudal autocracy are political no escape the only options "on heavenly country" private Chinese rulers are most self-cognition. Wears people or Li Chu Crown and Crown always hangsAbove the Huaxia people; son of the Emperor ' s audience Hall or Chinese or full, and imperial power has always been the "super strong bastion in the East". Hegel made the point that: China's history in essence is not history, its only monarch of repeated destruction, it is not possible to produce any progress. A shot of the revolution, for thousands of years to wear the Crown beating on the ground and raised the feudalThe death knell. Shifting from the constitutional revolution of Zhang Jian is keenly aware of the history of the revolution and China all "revolutions" the essential difference between: "revolutionaries, on behalf of many people; but the fleeting-last name-change, discredited variability. Sun Yat-Sen's revolutionary, for reform of the State system, with a change of surname is different in the fleeting. "For this" very different ", Mao Zedong very passVulgar language, discover the history of it brings consequences--"who wants to be Emperor again, just do it. "Yuan Shi-kai" hongxian Empire "dream quickly disillusioned in 83 days, Zhang Xun's restoration of farce after another 12 days shall become bankrupt, historical decisions, the chosen people, a strong voice of the times enlightening:" dare monarchy, there's a total hit! "(G) asOne of the three changes of the 20th century historical, Xinhai revolution and the new democratic revolution under the leadership of the CPC and the Socialist Revolution, together with the great revolution of reform and opening up new, shining forever in the annals of social progress in China. At that time was not ripe in China's social conditions and determined by the forces of old and new social forces, was a radical change is not made to the revolution. But "judgingHistorical merits, not based on historical things requested by the activists did not provide modern, but according to what they are than their predecessors provided new ". Let the revolution "I shall state" era of history, marked by a natural economy dominated, seclusion, kingship system is very strong in traditional society, steering system as the main body of the Democratic Republic of the modernCommunity track. From institutional aspects to Chinese modernization process explore an access road, cut off Chinese any possible back. Opening the feudalism of the revolution and Inner Mongolia, have brought profound changes in the Chinese spiritual world, emancipating the tide Pentium East. The democratic spirit of waking up, growth of awareness of equality, the head of the Chinese and the knees are no longer prepared to kowtow andWas instead, thinking to advance preparation. Freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, of a sudden, "freedom is full of new fashion". Advanced elements in China to explore the revolution of salvaging the road opened up new horizons and economic base was prepared for the arrival of the new democratic revolution and class basis, for the spread of Socialist thought and the birth of the Communist Party to create a communityConditions, one conforming to the trend of the times, to lead the political change in China's new political force came into being. (VIII) revolutionaries looks forward to the national neonatal, however the overwhelming majority of the people of this nation was not prepared to taste the suffering in the change of perspective. After the revolution diablo 3 gold, warlords, binglianhuojie, people suffering from bullying, the displaced. This is the revolution of the unfinished mission of generation: how to penetrationBottom change in old semi-colonial and semi-feudal China's social nature? How reinvent their tragic circumstances of Chinese people? How to complete national independence, liberation of historical mission? The Chinese Communists are Sun Yat-Sen's revolutionary cause pioneered by the staunchest and most loyal supporters, closest collaborators's successor, they look for leads from the lessons learned from the revolution of China's developmentProgress of the Enlightenment, in the spirit of the revolution in relation to the succession to achieve transcendence and sublimation. Democratic Republic of the why in Chinese society take root so hard? Why Sun Yat-Sen's fighting life, dying still feeling "revolution succeeded yet, comrades should work hard"? Because the system revolution can destroy the old structure, construction and development of people is a long process of Little strokes fell great oaks. "Bad politicsGovernment House, and the construction of good political will never have ", after the revolution, Lurker had sent this sigh deeply. Epoch-why did not bring the revolution of the "dawn of a new era"? Because it fails to further mobilize and rely on deposits in the overwhelming majority of people in the revolutionary forces, so that people will really become the master of the State, society and their own fate. Only Shumin revolution, millions of people constitute a nationalThe basic soil, can be changed to the fate of the Chinese nation. Recognizing this, accepted baptism in the revolution of Chinese advanced elements, continued seeking the road of salvaging, created the most happiness of the Chinese Communist Party, under the guidance of advanced, took over the relay baton of history. Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao holding high the banner of democracy and science, the revolution of enlightenmentPushed to new levels. Young Mao Ze-Dong to join peasant movement, devoted to "arouse the millions of workers and peasants", which in turn open up "countryside surrounding the city," revolutionary road. CPC after arduous struggle more than 20 years, seizing victory of revolution completed in modern times Chinese people and countless lofty ideals are dreaming of independence, Liberation calendarHistory of the task. Why in the nascent Republic of China, wands are still in the unseen world of feudal dynasty ruled the society? Once expectations of equality, freedom, love, ethnic, civil rights, why the modern State of people's livelihood are still unattainable? Because high ideals is desirable, national conditions but must find correct road, meet people it. Scholar Fairbank had the assertion: revolutionRevolution establishing new democracies is covered in a thin layer of the skin on the old China. It distances China civil society is extremely far away. Foreign scholars so that analysis it fails: Republican is foreign, and empty imitations, in China's history and traditions, social without roots in the soil. Recognizes this, Communist Party selected can effectively gather the broadest power, safeguarding the most peopleInterests of the Socialist system, and established the people becoming masters of People's Republic of China, the Foundation for the modernization of fundamental political premises, opened up a new era of development and progress of the history of the Chinese nation. Founded on the hard exploration of Socialist construction, more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China, from the highly centralized planned economic system to a dynamic of socialist market economy system, From the closed half-close to open the doors wide on every side of the great turning point and broaden the way of modernization of the nation State, find the correct path of the Chinese nation rejuvenation--the Socialist road with Chinese characteristics. (IX) from "yellow crane tower head when suddenly the tree revolution flag" counting, 100 years past diablo 3 power leveling, the ancient Chinese as the ashes. For China, 20th century decided to save our national life and deathDead for 100 years. It has run through the distinct theme: struggling for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Realistic ways leading to this goal is to provide had been dumped in the modernization process of Chinese nation in the world, integrated into the broad trends of human development and progress. Revolution if Sun's leadership were brought to ancient China modernization, he first turned, then totalParty leadership of the new democratic revolution, socialist revolution, and reform and opening up, is to push the boat wheels up to unprecedented realm the most magnificent history. From the revolution of gunfire, to the roar of May Fourth, from Shanghai shikumen and South Lake cruise on the "creation", to the founding of new China's "change the world", to the reform and opening up "shaking", the Chinese Communists to completeThe Dr Sun Yat-Sen's unfinished business, writing human surprise on the way of heaven and Earth, magnificent epic of the weeping ghosts, fundamentally changed the future and destiny of the Chinese people and Chinese nation, irreversible end to modern China in the future state of flux, plight of the poor and weak, irreversibly turned on the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will continue to grow, to history, with 5000-year history of civilization of China face an entirely new look. This is by Sun Yat-Sen's revolutionary pioneer yearning day and night: factory located in urban and rural areas, machinery ROAR, high-rise buildings, train ships to and from wild river-sea, the country was in a large production scene. That year, Australia man William �� side is satisfied that in the face of Sun Yat-Sen took out full railway map of China shook his head lament: "thisWith something like a jigsaw puzzle of the game is not implemented ". However, today, a century later, South of the Strait, which has become a reality; Sen in the founding of the strategy contained in the three Gorges Dam, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, North of grand vision, picture of China's modernization has been translated into today's landmark projects. This is by Sun Yat-Sen's revolutionary pioneerNever imagine: World second large economies, largest exporter, economic developments for years on high growth, urbanization rate exceeds 47%, world economy development "China cycle", international community attention to modern "Chinese model," Western observers have lamented, "its rise is 20th century most major events" it. Feudal dictatorship to democratic people's from a plateSha to unity and harmony, opening closed from ignorance to civilization, from lack of food and clothing to the overall well-off society, from being bullied to return to the world stage, sth A semi-colonial and semi-feudal society apart, to stand among the world's modern country change, strike up the vast land of China's most passionate, powerful movements. This is pursued by Sun Yat-Sen's revolutionary pioneer: a country that onlyAdhere to people-oriented, promote democracy and the rule of law, maintain fair, just, realizing common prosperity, promote the free and comprehensive development of people can be truly called modernization of the country. From the three people's principles, "German", "Mr. Science" from "make blood built the great wall", "the Chinese people have stood up"; from "development is the absolute principle", to "people-oriented concept of scientific development"Broad along the Chinese gradually gather this consensus: modernization is an ongoing historical process of deepening and endless efforts in contemporary China, only by adhering to development for the people, development relied on the people, development outcome shared by the people, comprehensively advance the economic, political, cultural and social construction and the construction of ecological civilization, he will not be able to achieve the Chinese nationLay a solid foundation for the great rejuvenation. While future journey remains long, but the Communists with greater determination to promote change, has become today an inevitable choice of China to strive for new achievements and progress. Recalling the, we can comfort of Dr Sun Yat-sen was made him sick at heart of the old China was poor and weak State is gone, he be ever mindful of sth. one is resolved to do the Chinese peopleLife has undergone enormous changes have taken place, to his ideals of China's modernization is the progressive realization of the haunted heart, bright prospects of the Chinese nation's great regeneration has been out in front of us. (X) on October 1, 2011, the Tiananmen Square. Sun Yat-Sen, Mao Zedong, the two looked great man of the century away. In the long process of history, a century is not far away. 1911-2011, the last 100 years, as the starting point of the revolution, the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party, realized national independence and Liberation, ushered in the country's prosperity and strengthening, and the common prosperity of the people, through other States hundreds of years of modern history, interpretation of self-improvement legends in the history of national reconstruction. A century of ups and downs, just as history textbooks, Fully proves that only socialism can save China, only the development of reform and opening up to China, only the CPC led the Chinese people and constantly open up a new situation in the development of core force. 2011-2111, the coming 100 years, blueprint for development has been launched �C to the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party built to benefit a population of a billion of moreHigh levels of society, to the 100 anniversary of the founding of new China to basically achieve modernization, our great Motherland into rich and strong, democratic, and civilized harmonious Socialist modern country, achieve the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Is also a social revolution, the turning point in China, there was "unique in the past", will also have "onlyII-free future ". A century of spirit tradition, is bound to the rise of a prosperous development, peace, unity, democracy and freedom, prosperity, high culture of modern China. The Chinese will win more well-being; this China will make greater contributions to human. China is Renaissance, comrades should still work hard!

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