Monday, November 21, 2011

when you go to an unknown area

129625965595781250_102Hongwei Zhou: entrepreneur Steve jobs is how to successfully Some say that Steve jobs is God as the legend of his life, but I think Apple's success is not forward-looking, the result of careful planning. If he can predict Apple's brilliant like God, that he must be a large sum to buy Apple stock for a long time, not only now $ 8.3 billion worth. From the iPod to the iPhone, what happens in the Middle? ThisIs a matter worth pondering. I met Steve Jobs live, have no chance to communicate with him directly, so only the elephant, starting from off-the-shelf products. Jobs ' second startup, is starting from a universal demand, which is the basis for his achievement of a great cause. It is said that jobs is good at creating demand, I think no one can create demand, demand for music isHumans are born with, jobs did, just listening to music through iPod experience the extreme, meet people's needs. IPod's take on, first of all is that it is a top design, compared to other MP3, is a crowd. A micro-innovation, is inside the small hard drive Toshiba, known as can store 10,000 songs, a lifetime to listen to not finish�� Starting from the iPod, every tiny innovation, continuous change, made a great product. Include a small screen in the iPod, iPod Touch prototype. The iPod Touch diablo 3 gold, any one of us will think, if coupled with a calling module called what if? So, there is the iPhone.With iPhone, widening its screen all at once, did not become the iPad? However, all the seemingly dazzling, Vientiane multiple things, no one not from the "one" begins, the "one" is the iPod. You know, when Apple launched the iPhone, and iPod has sold more than 100 million phones in the world. More than 100 millionIPod not only for Apple to create Word of mouth, creating a brand, but also for Apple to catch a lot of consumer experience. Without this step diablo 3 power leveling, if Steve Jobs iPhone, nor will succeed. Now, Steve jobs and Apple became objects of worship to many people, you start to learn mobile, AppStore, do all kinds of jobs do Pad�� Qi Baishi said: "learn of me, I die. "Meaning, most Shengjin copying business model on the surface, but simple copies from sure death, may only really learned the essence of life. So, if you want to learn about jobs, we must learn his essence, it would have to learn from the iPod. It is like a person ate seven steamed buns were filled, you're like VIISteamed bun is amazing, is made of any special flour. Way to learn Steve jobs is certainly care for truth and the end. Steve Jobs ' strategy of step of the strategy is not, he is to go step by step, each step is constantly capturing current user needs and market conditions. Just like every entrepreneur, jobs into the unknown, first there must be no strategy. You seeSome strategic planning consulting firm, often for a mature industry, is a summary and improvement of already established routine. However, when you go to an unknown area, first you must be from the stones, everything is unknown, you make with your own experience and tough to grasp each step. We do not put jobs praised the altar, he also failed to place.As entrepreneurs, we can think, learn, give up we are unable to learn, we can learn, relying on our own efforts and wisdom, get out of our own success. (Abridged)

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