Monday, November 21, 2011

odd and 3

129626198003593750_2308[Buyer knows village] like to play with color large Lotto 118 issues: performance analysis Last issue review: 11,117th winning no: 10 12 28 32 33 03, front area and value of 115, size: 3:4, odd and 3:4, front size than: 3:2, size after 0:2, quqi even than before: 4:1, quqi even after 2:0, the region after the span 2, rear area and value of 8. The next issue numberAnalysis: the 1 diablo 3 gold, pay attention to this period single double single and double than 3:2 than 1:4. Singular showing decline with the last issue. Recent odd numbers slightly low. Next part of the single and double can be dominated by odd numbers, focusing on 3:2. 2, inclusive and values concerned 36-43 it inclusive and values diablo 3 power leveling, more upward last issue, larger changes. Next part of the rise in may, concerned about the FLS value of 36. 3And even concern 14 15 out of a set of even numbers for the current period: 32 33. This stage award, big differential, number concentrated in large areas. Next part of the focus on small areas, preventing even number 14 15 only. 2:3 4, size than concern size ratio of 3:2 for the current period, region number active. Next part of the district number is expected to heat up, size than bullish 2:3�� Anti-28, 5, or 33 out of a heavy carrier: 10. Big, heavy weight slightly on the high in the near future. Next issue out possibility of still larger, heavy and focused on preventing duplicate or 28. 6, first and last space concern 22 first and last space for the current period to 23 points, compared with a rise in the previous issue, rate change is large. Next issue is expected to decline, concern first and last space 22Around. 7, concerns and values of 90 Prize codes and values for the current period of 115, compared to the period and the value is increased, larger. Next issue might have fallen, attention and value of 90.

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