Tuesday, November 29, 2011

individual issue price-earnings ratio high became the focus of new shares. A few days ago

129668631870781250_70Editor's Note: in order to promote the healthy and steady development of China capital market, the Commission recently launched intensive six initiatives. This special launch series, each of these initiatives conducted in-depth analysis and interpretation. 22nd, 23rd and 24th respectively launched the bond market calling for chess policies are still needed at high speed, and the prevention and control of insider trading of capital market from the source "rodent" action step by stepUpgrade and the chaos-ridden under the State Council over more than 300 trading venues will straighten up, today published the change higher earnings to issue new shares of correlation analysis reports. High price-earnings ratio of new shares issued, why not? Has been discussed in the industry, regulators have been promoting. Recently, the regulators are clear means of gradually changing high earnings sharesVote situation. So, how can this situation to crack? New stock issue "three highs" is complete with the introduction of initiatives to be changed? ����Everything is looking forward to. Since its launch in June 2009 in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets IPO deal, accelerated the pace of marketization of Chinese securities market diablo 3 power leveling, however, from the last two years issued new stock market situation, new listingsExposed serious problems. IPO has become high price issue, high earnings release, superb raised the issue of "three high" release. Particularly prominent are second board companies. ����According to statistics, the current gem company 275, the average price of about $ 35, nearly 68 times times issued on average earnings, average more raised than to 200%. A few days ago, the Commission launched sixImportant regulatory reform measures, which made it clear that, by means of gradually changing situation of high earnings shares. SFC official said, "as a regulator, we are not giving reasonable standards for price/earnings ratio. ����But the next Commission will continue efforts to increase the intensity of reforming and perfecting the issuing regulatory ". "Three high" being blamed for a long time, and new shares issued"Three high" was criticized by the vast number of investors. ����However, recently, the IPO price generally lower, individual issue price-earnings ratio high became the focus of new shares. A few days ago, published in traditional media (601,999) a IPO--Phoenix Media announced the industry's biggest success rate and placement results under the network on the Internet, issued as high as 63.4 times times forward earnings,Facing the stock higher issue price/earnings ratio, agency minimum price only $ 5.2/unit, this 1 time difference with the highest bid $ 10.88/unit more than doubled. Prior to this, Phoenix Media findings of a preliminary inquiry, this issue of the issue of the Phoenix Media �� 8.8 price range is $ 8/share/unit (including the lower and upper). This corresponds to the price range 2010Prior to release level is doubled �� 46.11 times times forward earnings, after the release of earnings doubled �� 57.63 times times. Investor Roadshow platform directly questioning its price/earnings ratio is high. In response, the Phoenix Media Chairman Chen Haiyan says, if calculated according to the sustained viability of standards to the issue corresponds to 2010 year earnings level issue25.23 times �� three times before, after the release of doubled �� 31.54 times times 2011 earnings growth on the basis of further consideration company, the company of the a shares issue compared to comparable company earnings and major a-share, it is more reasonable. If Phoenix media in the whole publishing's leading position in the field, Phoenix mediaDetermination of the offering price is for investors to reserve some room. However, prior to this, shenyin wanguo analysis report, 11, 12, 13 is fully diluted EPS of $ 0.28 and $ 0.33, $ 0.36, reasonable valuations $ 6.44 per cent. Combining similar valuations of listed companies, as well as the current market environment, 11 2PE 3-26 times times, the corresponding interval reasonable valuation $ 6.44 �C $. ����China Securities analyst Lin Hu Yu said that taking into account the price of more than 60 times the Phoenix Media PE, it is recommended that the "Beware of the risk of break, do not purchase". ����In addition, a recent listing of new shares is due to higher pricing very concerned about. On November 22, Dominion optical(002632), listed on the Shenzhen small and issuing valuation 67.65 times times, would become the first new shares with the highest earnings since November. ����Listing on the six months in small and new shares, second only to the April Understanding power () 002576 times issued earnings was more prominent. However diablo 3 gold, Dominion optical debut to beat 20% upSite on the day at $ 28.8 opened smoothly after shock, closing $ 28.76, exchange rate up to 88.63%. ����2011 three quarterly reports shows that the company's main revenue increased by 40%, net profit growth of up to 181%, diluted earnings per share of $ 0.544, researchers believe that dynamic watch company valuations are not too high. It was Shenzhen Stock ExchangeResearch on financial innovation lab, October 30, 2009, small and a total of 528 new listings and gem listed, investors to buy shares on the first day of 5th loss of 61.23%, particularly since the beginning of this year, in Shenzhen a shares break phenomenon not uncommon over 70% shares have fallen below issue price. "Three-high"Cause diverse new shares" three high "release was plagued in recent years priority issues for the development of China's stock markets. It not only severely overdrawn on shares in the secondary market value of investments, greatly increasing the risk of investment. ����Many issuers raise funds ultimately can only be tied up in huge Super Bank, resulting in a huge waste of resources. The reason, analysts say, resulting in highPrice issue, there are many reasons to raise more funds, existing distribution system is not perfect, the market mechanism is not perfect, and investment culture and atmosphere is not reason, do not attach importance to risk revealing, blind hype has a larger relationship. And, for a long time, the a-share markets, "every new rose", therefore, we are "every new play", supply and demand leads to higher issue price of new shares, or high cityFull rate and high proportion of Super-raising phenomena occur. In addition, the Investment Bank's IPO valuation report is often higher than the final offer price, even in the worst times, over the final pricing more than 1 time times the valuation report and was not alone. This further led to the inquiry does not trust relationship between agencies and investment banks, inquiry agencies offer also tended to be irrational State, the impact of the capital marketHealthy development. ����And its ultimate result, investment banks lost their authority and influence of research on valuation, when the market is hype atmosphere lost control. ����However, the British Securities Institute Director Li Daxiao also said that this is a product of China towards market-oriented pricing of securities market, cannot be avoided. Li Daxiao believes that compared to mature markets, the a-share markets areStart of a non-market-oriented products, immediately a full market release might have unforeseen consequences. ����Progressive realization of market-oriented, progressive reform is the best choice. It is understood that in the mature markets, secondary market pricing is a two-way trade system, and even naked short selling, stock market policy did not favour either, any company dare to unscrupulously pricingBecause a large number of reverse transactions and arbitrage disks poured out of at any time. Market-oriented pricing, market-oriented release, Enterprise IPO pricing will be free to, as long as people buy. High tide because of too high a price in the market attracts a large number of new share issues, market downturn as shares was too low when few companies are willing to go public. ����However, subsequent financing very liberal. IPO in China have leftOn the way to market, while on the way there yet to be room for improvement and perfection, General also are able to objectively reflect the prevailing relationship between supply and demand and of the corresponding stock market valuations. ����As the new share issue of institutional reforms, gem IPO pricing starting rational return. Data show that since the beginning of this year, the gem IPO price/earnings ratio "byQuarter "gem release earnings is clearly downward trend. The three quarter 2011 gem release earnings declining 73.88, 44.18, times. ����Among them, issued in June of this year listed Masson technology (300,237) release earnings the lowest 18.12 times. But insiders said the IPOFall in the profit rate, mostly because of gloomy market and fund this year under the environment of surface tension, if market conditions improve, does not rule out new share price-earnings ratio to rise again, securities and Futures Commission for the new shares higher earnings results also continue to watch the new deal. Address the high price-earnings ratio required starting with high price-earnings ratio for new shares issued, regulators continue to take measures. CardRegulator responsible person stressed that reform issue regulatory systems, requires sustained effort. In recent years, the Securities and Futures Commission regulating the behavior of inquiries and pricing programs, on the one hand, on the other hand strengthen market discipline mechanisms. Issuing auditing, in addition to constantly raise the level of auditing, strengthening agency responsibilities, establish intermediary asked the nuclear programs, enhanced on-site examination; release link discovery issuesAnd intensify efforts to investigate and; supervision on release process, increasing risk, efforts to increase transparency, improve predictability and so on. Industry sources said, to further changes of high earnings shares should be multifaceted approach. In the process of inquiry, to strengthen inquiry quotation of market supervision, to establish a reward the good and fine [punish] the bad control mechanism, eliminating price qualityBad request object; we should further improve the pricing mechanism, improving small and medium-sized investors to say in the valuations process. ����Many industry experts and scholars are also given his own proposal. Li Daxiao, available from the following address. First of all, you can control the total, dispersing listed for centralized listing, that is, from eating less meals to set meals, thusControl the listing price of new shares can be achieved. At the same time the number of more than a, investors naturally there is not much interested in going to the hype. ����Followed by the first release, delayed for several months or longer listed after, with increased playing time for new risks, control its hype, at the same time can also have plenty of time to recognize the investment value of the company. Wuhan University of technology, finance and securities research, Director of Dong Dengxin recommendations, IPO Netherlands auction pricing, that is, direct quotes by the investors in listed companies, and according to raise amount of shares issued and to determine exactly to what they will release, quoting higher than the final pricing of access to shares, corresponding to the high bidders get shares of market principles. ����Avoid stock boom collapsed in the first trades. WestSouth securities (600,369), Deputy Director of the Institute, the Chief Economist Wang Jianhui suggested that on the need for restraining the IPO "three high" in the system. ����Proposals of intermediaries such as inquiry agencies, securities underwriting agencies hard constraints, so that they can't quote, high price. Investment bankers believe that solving the IPO higher earnings problems, banks have not pushedDischarging responsibilities. Recommendations on the IPO risk, banks should shoulder more responsibility to guide institutional investors offer to give a more rational. Currently depressed market environment for banks provides a very good reflection on the opportunity to strengthen industry self-regulation, perfect IPO issue is imperative to link risk.

has a multiple selection This newspaper in Dongguan--

129668763028125000_3Hongyuan Manager firmly believe that the United Arab Emirates could return to NBA agent: has a multiple selection This newspaper in Dongguan--(reporter tianshu Pan) Yi Jianlian got injuries, NBA there came the halt ends the message. Turning to the future prospects of the United Arab Emirates, Guangdong Hongyuan General Manager Liu Hongjiang says: "Las comes back, we welcome; Las going to the NBA, we offer all the help. "The return to the NBA has a multiple selection? Yi Jianlian was injured, but Liu Hong-Jiang on his weightReturn to NBA confident: "I'm returning to the NBA is fully confident he is very aggressive in line. Before him in the United States to see the effect of training, to his height diablo 3 power leveling, soft and consciousness on the field, find a job in NBA for granted. United Arab Emirates has made many contributions to Guangdong basketball, even more so for Chinese basketball, so of course we will fully supportHim. "Alian leaving will not affect Guangdong team defend, Liu Hongjiang said:" in fact, we have prepared. Las back, when we understand, he is unlikely to Hongyuan playing a season. Now everything depends on him and the United States over how are contacts. During his dislocated ankle, if his contract with NBA team negotiated, and that the help we can provide is, Try to keep his dislocated ankle ready for return to the NBA. "Yi Lu Yu us brokerage team members revealed yesterday that they had made several options for returning to the NBA," is actually still only halt diablo 3 gold, these teams are also no contacts with the United Arab Emirates, yet not publicly announced ". Las injury would affect his return to the NBA, Lu Yu andDo not worry: "will have little effect, after all, he quezhen will not be long, we have full confidence in him. After a 4-year rookie contract exercise, United Arab Emirates had become a full-fledged NBA player, his prime time in the NBA has just started, so the team signing him now is of great value. In addition, he has influence on Chinese basketball and Chinese market, after all, he was the only person on active duty in theNBA game, he led for the Olympic Games next year, so his advantage in business is also unavoidable. ��

worried about infection of hair follicles. She also received psychological counselling and therapy

129668731818281250_255Being scalded maid Al-Mulla.   Gadhafi's daughter-in-law Irene. Gadhafi's son Hannibal's wife often violence against maids, and boiling water poured on the head from the maids diablo 3 power leveling, resulting in severe disfigurement.   25th, this maids after receiving treatment from the ashes. In August this year, when Libya reactionaries after Tripoli under armed attack, kazhafeihaoEthiopians are found in Al-Mulla, at that time her body burned crust, even walking are difficult.   Then was taken to the hospital for treatment, and soon after was transferred to Malta for further treatment. After the 30-year old Al-Mulla 2010 came to Tripoli, Gadhafi's son Hannibal's maid, is responsible for taking care of two children. Al-Mulla expecting to obtainGood salary life superior, results did not think her nightmare began. Al-Mulla said Hannibal shelter on people's tragedy.   Hannibal's daughter had been crying, his resignation, Hannibal's wife Irene considers Al-Mulla dereliction of incompetence, she began lessons. Erin brings her to the toilet diablo 3 power leveling, her hands and feet tied, and sealed with tape her mouth,Used after boiling hot water poured down from head to toe. Led Al-Mulla once blacked out. Later Irene invited violence several times, and has been not to treat Al-Mulla.   When dying Al-Mulla were found when festering maggots. The past few months, the nurse to examine Al-Mulla head injuries every day, worried about infection of hair follicles. She also received psychological counselling and therapy, manyPeople also write to her encouragement. On November 25, was sent for medical treatment after multiple weeks, Al-Mulla had begun to return to a normal life. She is now able to move around freely and conversations. (Zhang Le) ()

total primary energy demand will decrease to 5.1 billion tonnes of standard coal

129667889666396642_161Over the next decade is expected to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 470 million tonnes of international business and economics, Institute for international low-carbon economy and social sciences documentation press release 25th report on the development of a low carbon economy in China. One of the authors of the report, energy researcher at the Institute of national development and Reform Commission said Zhu Yue, if strictly implemented energy-saving emission reduction, per unit of GDP within the next ten yearsConsumption intensity decreased by 30%, then the total primary energy demand will decrease to 5.1 billion tonnes of standard coal diablo 3 gold, save $ 2 billion tons of coal equivalent, equivalent to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 470 million tonnes.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Report saysState Governments in the development of green energy development goals, to non-fossil energy use in 2020 will be increased to 700 million tons of coal equivalent, which means that the amount of non-fossil energy use in the 2010 tons coal equivalent on the basis of a minimum increase of more than 400 million tons of standard coal energy supply from some relief to China's energy so short. Report noted that China in recent yearsSource the unprecedented rapid growth in demand. In 2010, the total primary energy consumption reaches 3.25 billion tons of coal equivalent, than in 2000 increased by 1.2 times times. Zhu Yue believed that from the actual development trend, China GDP average annual growth in the next decade is likely to reach around 8.5%, by 2020, China's total GDP will reach $ 71 trillion。  If the country's strict implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction, within the next ten years per unit of GDP energy intensity fell by 30%, total primary energy demand will decrease to 5.1 billion tonnes of standard coal, save $ 2 billion tons of coal equivalent, equivalent to the reduction of 470 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. Reported that the total amount of oil resources in China is one of the more experienced countries, but because of the energy demand far exceeds theSupply, China from oil-exporting country into oil-importing countries diablo 3 power leveling, external dependence for crude oil has reached 54.8%, apart from the power of all primary energy is required to import countries. Report Editor, Professor of Nagoya University Professor Xue Jinjun said, a large number of foreign sources of energy is highly dependent on oil imports caused a China will increase the risk of China's energy security.

unless the issuing earnings decline in the future

129667840451865392_113Large stocks such as chicken ribs from the perspective of management issued by implementing market-oriented ideas, gain little or even break the new listings are a good thing, but rational stepwise regression in favour of the IPO price. Therefore, unless the issuing earnings decline in the future, otherwise large stocks purchase, profits will become more and more difficult. Checked hard early gem gem IPO gains, were small investors earn by checkingA fortune. Checking of the gem, however difficult, so many people hate, millions of funds is not in the case of a share are. In fact diablo 3 power leveling, checking key gem is shall I purchase, there is no guarantee that check, capital ratios but character strengths. Small and large stocks rise as gem has attracted a primary market of the main funds, making small and new share purchaseThe success rate has improved diablo 3 power leveling, but also small and new shares rise remained impressive, successful applicants is as profitable. Of course, is also a question of small and medium-sized disk cannot be stable, even when shall I purchase, its success rate is still unable to determine, not suitable for the amount of small investors. To sum up, blind-arbitrage theory tells us: renqiwoqu. In the primary market on this battlefield, the above rulesStill working.

medical and Metro specific to an industry stocks

129668688795156250_111Recently, the JP Morgan Asia Pacific managing director Frank Gong pointed out that the opportunity to lower the deposit rate by the end, along with the deposit and reduction in the rate of the a-share market is expected to raise a couple of the great bull market diablo 3 power leveling, not just the wave of the rally. Deposit rate cut could lead to a bull market, "China's stock market rises there's nothing wrong. "Frank Gong believes China's much-needed development of direct financing and fundingThis market, which requires stock tie and the effect of making money, agricultural products in stock market development can avoid idle speculation, avoid capital flows are very reluctant to see the Government's housing market. "In the global economy rapidly deteriorating situations, I think China to loosen policy sooner rather than later. "Frank Gong, rapid worsening of the current European debt crisis had already spread to Germany, the European purchasing managers ' indexFar below the 50% recession and economic boundaries. He also stressed that China's economy is a downstream manufacturing economy, commodities for China is cost. If the global economic downturn, pressure of commodity resources are low diablo 3 gold, this is a very good chance of economic growth. I often speak of crisis of the world, China, issues around the world, United States Europe's economic growth problems, Commodity resource does not come up. Very cheap commodity resource environment, which is positive on China's economy is very important. He believes that next year the inflation rate will return to below 4%, GDP at around 8.3%, in this case reserve at least from the current 21% to 18%. If the reserve ratio cut occurs and may be a good few yearsThe great bull market, not just the rally. Bullish on financial, medical and Metro specific to an industry stocks, said Frank Gong, often in the near future to promote the two tectonic plates, one is the financial sector, is a medical, pharmaceutical industry, along with associated arising from Metro investment sector. "Financial industry not just a cycle industry, there is a long-term growthPotential of a sunrise. "He represents the current Financials valuations are very low, overall GDP proportion of service industry in China at present is 42%, over the next decade China GDP rose from $ 6 trillion to us $ 24 trillion, value-added space is so great that services proportion is expected to rise to 60%, while financial services are services of the Board. In addition, compared to United States direct financingProportion of the total financing of 60%, this proportion is only about 20% in China, there is a huge space for development. Another industry are medical and pharmaceutical industries, in his view, is likely to repeat brilliance of real estate for ten years. Current medical, pharmaceutical industries account for 3% proportion of GDP in developed countries usually in-15%. He is also optimistic about Metro investment in traditional industries sector。 Suggested that MTRC's investment is of green environmental protection, investment, reduces road car, addressing road congestion problems.

home has good combat capability

129668763134531250_230Bo Eagle color 126 winning opening: West Group of people who win Inter win machine 1, and Liverpool VS Manchester City Liverpool Shang weekend League away defeated Chelsea, team this season in 4 strong small League of first round Pulpo is in the made has 2 WINS 1 flat of does not defeated record, recently 9 field competition 6 wins 3 flat maintained does not defeated, and upstart Manchester City mid week in UEFA Champions League competition in the away beaten by Naples, team the events 9 consecutive victories of trend was end, and outlet situation also quite dangerousHurry, the morale is not high, and generally to draw up, Liverpool last 6 has been made in the arena and Manchester City plays unbeaten record of 4 WINS 2, with the two recent State trends, even slightly cheaper side is involved in the home team, optimistic about this match Manchester City team-body exit, recommended 10. 2, Swansea VS Aston Villa the newly promoted trend of Swansea in the League in the near future, the team evenContinued 5 round competition only has 1 WINS, but Swansea is good at home combat, this season 6 a home 3 WINS 2 flat 1 negative, face Manchester United also does not too falls wind diablo 3 gold, and dimension pulled upper whorl League away beaten by Tottenham, team recently 5 field competition lost off 3 field, team this season away 4 flat 2 negative a WINS difficult seeking, Asia disc General to main Johei half in the high water up disc, belonging to home team home advantage of reasonable expression,Note the upper water level fell, but William and LIBO in primary WINS data differences clear, optimistic about primary win and win this game can't leave, it is recommended that 30. 3, Stuttgart Bremen, Bremen VS start to take on a new look this season, the team currently ranks the League record of 7 WINS 2-4 defeat the 5th, but away from home over the weekend 5 ball fiasco feet,Team morale's award-winning combat, and Stuttgart is in home repelled go up horse Augsburg, recently results smooth, Asia disc General to main let hemisphere high water up disc, Bremen this season 6 a home 5 WINS 1 negative victory higher, and team history record also occupy advantage, by note Hou Shang disc water level began fell, marked disc main WINS data more condensed, this field competition bullish Bremen home sat and looked win, It is recommended to 31. 4, meiyinzi VS Bayern meiyinzi disappointing this season, the team is currently 3-win 3-6 defeat in Baoji area hovered, defense is the main cause of decline in team scores for the worst, while Bayern Munich upper whorl Soccer League matches were defeated, the team's League leadership becomes 2, team home victory over depvsvil upset of the week, and General customerHigh water from the ball and a half, Bayern Munich and meiyinzi in recent years to fight does not prevail, note lower plate there is no lack of chips after intervention, disc on water levels began to rise, but standard disc and very little change in Asia under the deliberately induced tendencies evident, Bayern won this match is not difficult, recommended a single 0. 5, Genoa, Cesena VS Cesena fallen into the doldrums this season, the team 11Round League down just made has 1 WINS 3 flat 7 negative of record, currently in League bottom, Shang weekend away defeated Bologna, taste to has new season of first victory, and Genoa is in home small WINS promise Watts pulled, team recent trend also is good, but away record more weak, Asia disc General to guest let flat half in the high water up disc, by note Hou more than company drop disc tied pattern, move isOn the home team real reflection of the inability of ball, this match home team unbeaten bulls, recommendation 31. 6, Siena VS inter the newly promoted Siena are serie a frequent flyer, the team returned to Serie a this season quickly into the match, current record of 3 WINS 5-3 defeat was ranked 11th in the League, home has good combat capability, while Inter Milan more unrest beginning this season, since theLanielilai Hou only gradually go into on track diablo 3 power leveling, mid week in UEFA Champions League competition in the ahead of to group first outlet, team can concentrate on Yu League, Asia disc General to guest let flat half in the high water up disc, Siena recently 6 times and inter fight just made 1 flat 5 negative of record, this field competition disc surface obvious partial shallow, by note Hou Shang disc water level has uplift, marked disc aspects State Bo and William in guest WINS data Shang differencesMore optimistic about this match home unbeaten Siena, it is recommended to 31.

PepsiCo continues to receive and read the many letters from all over the Union

129668688766093750_49Unchanged at invest 3.5 billion plan reached with the master by how the equity strategic alliance are complemented each other, win-win strategic cooperation---yesterday, about Pepsi bottling plants of transfer ownership to the master, raised many suspicions and some staff dissatisfaction of public opinion about the PepsiCo Vice President of greater China Group Tai Xiangmei positive response to the media for the first time: Master Kang TongOver how the equity strategic alliance, is a complement each other, win-win strategic cooperation, originally promised to invest $ 3.5 billion in China does not change. Master Kang holding and PepsiCo on November 4, 2011 to reach strategic alliance agreement diablo 3 gold, still waiting for the approval of the Ministry of Commerce in China. If approved, master drinks with Pepsi cans enterprises in China now, PepsiCoFranchise bottlers, PepsiCo through offshore holding companies, and indirectly in China 24 Pepsi transferred its stake in wholly-owned and joint venture bottling Enterprise master drinks, Pepsi get master drinks 5% 's indirect stake while 2015 is entitled to raise an indirect stake to 20%. According to reports, the Pepsi in the United States the biggest outlying Centre and test workshop will settle inShanghai, China, is expected next year. Tai Xiangmei explained that if the Union was granted, PepsiCo businesses in China the status of legal persons, the shareholder structure, business name, the articles will not be changed, bottling plants continue to be managed by their General Manager, to their respective Board of Directors is responsible for, the existing regional management team will also continue to play with his functions of management. Among them, Pepsi bottling plants operating decisionsThe Board, only the Pepsi share transfer to the master. Because in China 24 transferred its stake in wholly-owned and joint venture bottling Enterprise master drinks, Pepsi in which possession of shares varies. Following the Pepsi and Master Kang's commitment two years does not alter the terms of existing contracts and related staff, and the remuneration at least maintain the level now, PepsiCo President Meng Keshi in greaterAll PepsiCo employees sent a new communication letter, Meng Keshi in the letter refers to a "staff programme" "unchanged for two years," "Union prospect" and other issues, and Pepsi are listed first in China to develop "staff programme" a detailed timetable. Employee said "right," complaining of impaired, Tai Xiangmei also explained that since Pepsi was United States the New York Stock Exchange listed company, Master Kang is in Hong KongExchange-listed company, limited by the disclosure of the information required by local law, to the filling plant trade unions or employee disclosed information in advance. Pepsi denied the Union message, result in the phenomenon of some factories suspended, saying its normal business operations. And is being widely listen to the views of all parties, including all regions diablo 3 power leveling, all canned factory management, employees, local unions and ChinaFederation of communication and consultation, as is reasonable and legitimate solution to both sides. Pepsi gives "staff programme schedules". "Within this week, we will develop a comprehensive programme as possible, and taking into account the multiple demands. "Tai Xiangmei said that Pepsi had been promised, November 28 and the regional and bottlers related to negativeAccountability discussion and explain to the Union on November 30. It is reported that since November 5 Alliance publishing, PepsiCo continues to receive and read the many letters from all over the Union, and employees, received hundreds of messages, and received thousands of employees microblogging, intranet mail. November 22 to 24th, Pepsi is continuing to meet with the canned factory unions and employee representatives.

Exchange settlement for customers to achieve surpluses of $ 3.2 billion

129667864503271642_486Xie Yaxuan accompanied by deepening levels of economic and financial globalization, international capital flow's influence on China's capital market gradually increased. In the people's Bank of China remains the gradual appreciation of the Renminbi under the conditions of sale and purchase of foreign exchange, an important channel of influence of international capital inflow and outflow by central banks and other financial institutions ' balance sheet expansion and contraction, which in turn caused the baseFoundation of currency and money supply increases and decreases, causing interbank liquidity conditions and fluctuations in interest rates, promote equity and bond markets rose and fell. In fact, since many investors even 2010 7-day repurchase rate among banks as a leading indicator of the stock market reversed. Market for October balance of Foreign Exchange accounts for first appearance after a 45-month growthNegative growth would focus so it is not difficult to understand.����October Exchange does growth mean that capital flight, multi-angle comprehensive forecasts and grasp the trend of international capital flows? Study on the current account and trade balance decision flows of capital between 2001 and the BOP, China, the current account surplus wasThe main source of reserve accumulation, accounting for close to 75%, and under the capital account inflows of 25% per cent of foreign exchange reserves increment. While the body of the trade surplus and current account surpluses. Therefore diablo 3 gold, it can be said that the trade balance determines the basic directions and trends of international capital flows. Change of China's trade balance for supplying overseas have a seasonal Christmas market, generally in July,Goods scale higher trade surplus in October and November. Capital flows lagged goods flow to 1-2 months, September, December and January the following year by the Exchange to scale higher capital inflows. In the past 10 years, November, December and January foreign exchange accounted for incremental Exchange throughout the year to the incremental percentage in 11.4%, and 8.5% diablo 3 gold, respectively,Higher than the average monthly level in other months. Consider the scale of recent and future of China's trade surplus, is expected in November 2011 to March 2012 monthly average exchange incremental between 160 billion and 200 billion, below the normal level.����But unless there are sharp deterioration of the situation in the European debt crisis, sustainable growth of the balance of Foreign Exchange accounts for less likely. Spreads, Yuan riseInfluence capital flows to low-risk of interbank rates, for example, since 2010, the mean value of China's interbank repo rate 7 days is 3%, 0.23% London us $ LIBOR interest rate 7 days to the same period, significant spreads determine the direction of capital inflows. Spreads lasted, on the scale of the expected volatility of capital flows of appreciation, Yuan riseValue expected for Foreign Exchange has a strong predictive power. To look at the market of renminbi non-deliverable (NDF) exchange rate and the spot exchange rate of RMB's appreciation of the difference to monitor expected. There are two main starting point: first, we believe that the foreign exchange market transactions of larger, reflected more fully and effectively; second, Hong Kong is an open economy, foreign exchange ratesInterfere with relatively more realistic. November 2010, the domestic inflation rising and the negative effects of European debt crisis will spread abroad, the Renminbi appreciation is expected to decline from November 2010 yearly appreciation of the currency dropped to 4% in 0.6% and devaluation October. Since the beginning of November, because the domestic GeneralHeaving received some control, the expected depreciation of the Renminbi down to 0.2%. Emerging economies into capital flow observation we can watch other emerging economies in international capital flows in order to assess the short-term fluctuation of China international capital flows. Preferred observation of of international capital flows in Hong Kong, the starting point two: first, Hong Kong is a small open economy, free flow of capital, notUnder the control of the capital; second, Hong Kong and the Mainland in economic and financial integration more, will treat Hong Kong as international capital flowing into China a beachhead. The linked exchange rate system as Hong Kong, international capital flows does not cause the Hong Kong dollar continued to rise, but monitor the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate has been able to master the basic direction of international capital flows: strong-side area of the Hong Kong dollar in less than 7.8 mean moneyInflows in the weak-side area of more than 7.8 means capital outflow. The Hong Kong dollar in August and September this year European debt crisis and the United States after the sovereign credit rating was downgraded, many close to the weak side, show capital outflow. In October, although slightly improved, but in November and observed trends in Hong Kong dollar weakened and outflow of funds. Global cool in this heat, we looked at several other representative national andArea of international capital flows, such as one of the BRIC countries of India, representing the newly industrialized countries of Korea, China, Taiwan and so on. As you can see, long hard to put the European debt crisis, United States after the sovereign credit ratings were cut in early August, global risk premiums rise, Korea and China Taiwan capital outflow that showed a significant trend, India was slightly better, but only out of relatively smallAlready. China international capital flow back: United States capital flows around the world, recent international trend of capital outflow in emerging economies, but sizes ranging from. These capital belong where is it? At the end of July to early August United States raising debt ceiling talks failed and the United States during the sovereign credit rating was downgraded, United States capital markets continued outflow of funds in just one month from the ChineseThe outflow of capital in the market of US $ 70 billion. This shows rise in risk factors, a credit freeze and global financial contract. But since the beginning of September, particularly in October, despite the inflow of United States funds in the stock market has continued to reduce, but into the bond market in particular low-risk capital in the bond market continued to rise, United States Treasury yields lower, dollarIndex at the same time strengthens us $ display global superiority as Centre currency. It can be said that United States flows of capital market is emerging economies such as China international capital flow back of the coin: during the crisis or near crisis, lowered the overall scale of international capital flows will be, no one spared; under the high risk premium, limited international capital may need to return for haven United States;In the economic and financial boom, United States and emerging economies, international capital flows are of positive feedback will render a relationship. We believe that the October international capital flows to China's size should have fallen, but financial institutions should not be negative growth of foreign exchange balance of 24.89 billion simply treated as capital flight. The latest data released on November 25, foreign exchangeInitial confirmation that in our judgment, October the Bank received payment for customers to achieve surplus $ 10.9 billion, Exchange settlement for customers to achieve surpluses of $ 3.2 billion, difference between entering foreign exchange accounts, balance of Foreign Exchange accounts in the month than last month, an increase of $ 6.9 billion. This shows the "international capital flight said" basically negative, but we need to combine the forthcoming October people's Bank of China assetBalance sheet and reserves such as more data is more comprehensive and objective analysis.����Under the influence of risk factors such as the European debt crisis, China international capital inflows and foreign currency money occupation may be lower than normal levels of scale, but unless there are dramatic external liquidity shocks, short term change preconditioning to fine-tune the main tone of China's monetary policy is unlikely. (The author of China Merchants securities research and developmentHead of Center for macroeconomic research)

control its hype

129668688752187500_19Editor's Note: in order to promote the healthy and steady development of China capital market, the Commission recently launched intensive six initiatives. This special launch series, each of these initiatives conducted in-depth analysis and interpretation. 22nd, 23rd and 24th respectively launched the bond market calling for chess policies are still needed at high speed, and the prevention and control of insider trading of capital market from the source "rodent" actions escalatedAnd the chaos-ridden under the State Council over more than 300 trading venues will straighten up, today published the change higher earnings to issue new shares of correlation analysis reports. High price-earnings ratio of new shares issued, why not? Has been discussed in the industry, regulators have been promoting. Recently, the regulators are clear means of gradually changing high earnings shares。 So, how can this situation to crack? New stock issue "three highs" is complete with the introduction of initiatives to be changed? Everything is in the midst of looking forward to. Since its launch in June 2009 in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets IPO deal, accelerated the pace of marketization of Chinese securities market diablo 3 gold, but, judging from the market for nearly two years of new shares issued, shares exposed seriousIssue. IPO has become high price issue, high earnings release, superb raised the issue of "three high" release. Particularly prominent are second board companies. According to statistics, the current gem company 275, the average price of about $ 35, nearly 68 times times issued on average earnings, average more raised than to 200%. A few days ago, the Commission launched six major regulatory reform measures, Which made it clear that, by means of gradually changing situation of high earnings shares. SFC official said, "as a regulator, we are not giving reasonable standards for price/earnings ratio. But the next Commission will continue efforts to increase the intensity of reforming and perfecting the issuing regulatory ". "Three high" being blamed for a long time, new issues "three high" by general investmentCriticized by users. However, recently, the IPO price generally lower, individual issue price-earnings ratio high became the focus of new shares. A few days ago, the largest of the traditional publishing industry IPO--Phoenix Media publishes online success rate and placement results under the net, issue price/earnings ratio as high as 63.4 times times, facing the stock higher issue price/earnings ratio, agency minimum bid is only 5.2Yuan per unit, this 1 time difference with the highest bid $ 10.88/unit more than doubled. Prior to this diablo 3 power leveling, Phoenix Media findings of a preliminary inquiry, Phoenix media this release issue price range of $ ~8.80 is $ 8/share/unit (including the lower and upper). This range corresponds to earnings before the 2010 issue of level of 46.11 times ~50.72 times,Earnings after 57.63 times ~63.40 times. Investor Roadshow platform directly questioning its price/earnings ratio is high. In response, the Phoenix Media Chairman Chen Haiyan says, if calculated according to the sustained viability of standards to the issue corresponds to 2010 year earnings level: 25.23 times ~27.76 times before the release, after the release of 31.54 times ~34.7 times, if further consideration on the basis of company earnings growth in 2011, the company of the a shares issue compared to comparable company earnings and major a-share, it is more reasonable. If Phoenix media in the whole publishing's leading position in the field, Phoenix media give investors the determination of the offering price is set aside a certain amount of space. However, thisQian, shenyin wanguo analysis report, 11, 12, 13 is fully diluted EPS of $ 0.28 and $ 0.33, $ 0.36, reasonable valuations $ 6.44 per cent. Combining similar valuations of listed companies, as well as the current market environment, the 11-PE-26 times times, reasonable valuations $ 6.44--7.28Yuan. China Securities analyst Lin Hu Yu said that taking into account the price of more than 60 times the Phoenix Media PE, it is recommended that the "Beware of the risk of break, do not purchase". In addition, a recent listing of new shares is due to higher pricing very concerned about. On November 22, Dominion optical listed on the Shenzhen small and issuing valuation 67.65 times times, into a caps since NovemberNew shares with the highest price/earnings ratios. Listing on the six months in small and new shares, second only to the April Understanding power 76 times times the issue price/earnings ratio, is more prominent. However, Dominion optical to beat 20% on the first day of gains on the day at $ 28.8 opened smoothly after shock, closing $ 28.76, exchange rate up to 88.63%. 2011 three quarterly reports shows that publicDivision specializing in 40% increase in revenue, net profit growth of up to 181%, diluted earnings per share of $ 0.544, researchers believe that dynamic watch company valuations are not too high. According to another study on Shenzhen Stock Exchange financial innovations laboratory data since October 30, 2009, on a small total of 528 new listings and gemMarket investors to buy shares on the first day of 5th loss of 61.23%, particularly since the beginning of this year, in Shenzhen a shares break phenomenon not uncommon over 70% shares have fallen below issue price. "Three high" causes diverse new "three-high" release was plagued in recent years priority issues for the development of China's stock markets. It not only severely overdrawn on shares in the secondary market value of investments,Increased investment risk. Many issuers raise funds ultimately can only be tied up in huge Super Bank, resulting in a huge waste of resources. The reason, analysts say, resulting in high prices raising money issuing and more there are many reasons, both issuing system is not perfect, the market mechanism is not perfect, and investment culture and atmosphere is not reason, do not attach importance to risk revealing to blindHype has a larger relationship. And, for a long time, the a-share markets, "every new rose", therefore, we are "every new play", supply and demand leads to higher issue price of new shares, high earnings and a high proportion of Super-raising phenomena occur. In addition, the Investment Bank's IPO valuation report is often higher than the final offer price, even in the worst times, higher than the final pricing more than 1 time times the valuation reportDivisions are a minority. This further led to the inquiry does not trust relationship between agencies and investment banks, inquiry agencies offer also tended to be irrational State, affecting the healthy development of capital markets. And its ultimate result, investment banks lost their authority and influence of research on valuation, when the market is hype atmosphere lost control. However, the British Institute of securitiesLong Li Daxiao also said that this is a product of China towards market-oriented pricing of securities market, cannot be avoided. Li Daxiao believes that in contrast to the more mature markets, the a-share market is the product of a non-market-oriented starting immediately fully market-oriented issue can have unforeseen consequences. Progressive realization of market-oriented, progressive reform is the best choice. It is understood that in the mature markets, Secondary market pricing is bi-directional trading system, and even naked short selling, stock market policy did not favour which side, any company dare to unscrupulously pricing, because large amounts of reverse trading and arbitrage plate poured out of at any time. Market-oriented pricing, market-oriented release, Enterprise IPO pricing will be free to, as long as people buy. So market upsurge, because of too high a price to attract a large number ofNew share issues, market downturn as shares was too low when few companies are willing to go public. However, subsequent financing very liberal. Marketization of China's IPO has walked in on the road, though in way also has some yet to be room for improvement and perfection of overall, was able to compare objectively reflected the prevailing relationship between supply and demand and of the corresponding stock market valuations. With the IPOInstitutional reforms, the gem IPO pricing starting rational return. Data show that since the beginning of this year, the gem IPO price/earnings ratio "-by-quarter" gem release earnings is clearly downward trend. First three quarters of 2011 gem issue gradually dropped to 73.88, 44.18, times earnings. In June this year listed on the United StatesTechnology issue in the lowest earnings 18.12 times times in the morning. But insiders said the IPO earnings fall, mostly because of gloomy market and fund this year under the environment of surface tension, if market conditions improve, does not rule out new share price-earnings ratio to rise again, securities and Futures Commission for the new shares higher earnings results also continue to watch the new deal. Address the high price-earnings ratioNeed to start with the high price-earnings ratio for new shares issued, regulators continue to take measures. SFC responsible person stressed that reform issued regulation system, requires sustained efforts. In recent years, the SFC specifications inquiries and pricing programs, on the one hand, on the other hand strengthening market discipline mechanism. Issuing auditing, in addition to constantly raise the level of auditing, strengthening agency responsibilitiesEstablished intermediary asked the nuclear program, enhanced on-site examination; release link discovery issues, intensify efforts to investigate and; supervision on release process, increasing risk, efforts to increase transparency, improve predictability and so on. Industry sources said, to further changes of high earnings shares should be multifaceted approach. If in the process of inquiry, it is necessary to strengthen inquiry objects quoteMarket supervision, to establish a reward the good and fine [punish] the bad control mechanism, eliminating inquiry objects offer poor quality; we should further improve the pricing mechanism, improving small and medium-sized investors to say in the valuations process. Many industry experts and scholars are also given his own proposal. Li Daxiao, available from the following address. First of all, you can control the total, dispersionListed as a centralized listing, that is, from eating less meals to set meal, so that you can implement control the listing price of new shares. At the same time the number of more than a, investors naturally there is not much interested in going to the hype. Followed by the first release, delayed for several months or longer after listing, with increased playing time for new risks, control its hype, and still have plenty of time to understand theCompanies ' investment value. Wuhan University of science and technology, Director of the Institute of finance and securities Dong Dengxin recommendations, IPO Netherlands auction pricing, that is, direct quotes by the investors in listed companies, and according to raise amount of shares issued and to determine exactly to what they will release, quoting higher than the final pricing of access to shares, corresponding to the high bidders get shares of the market principle。 Avoid stock boom collapsed in the first trades. Deputy Director, Institute of Southwest securities chief economist Wang Jianhui said that on the need for restraining the IPO "three high" in the system. Proposals of intermediaries such as inquiry agencies, securities underwriting agencies hard constraints, so that they can't quote, high price. Investment bankers believe that solving the IPO higher earningsIssues, investment bank has an unshirkable responsibility. Recommendations on the IPO risk, banks should shoulder more responsibility to guide institutional investors offer to give a more rational. Currently depressed market environment for banks provides a very good reflection on the opportunity to strengthen industry self-regulation, perfect IPO issue is imperative to link risk.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

made to the essential terms of the need to increase and supplement

129667837445459142_355In order to meet the margin business needs from pilot to general business, Securities Association of China in recent days on the margin essential terms of the contract and the articles of margin trading risk revealing book essential modifications, re-released two essential terms come into effect on November 25. This means that the margin turning regular has entered a substantive operationsStage.   75 outstanding margin business qualifications of securities companies will be able to start applying for qualification. Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges have also been amended accordingly and margin trading rules for the implementation of diablo 3 gold, and the margin securities range has been adjusted. Yesterday the implementation rules for the implementation. (Full text of the relevant documents see the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges website. The Shanghai Stock Exchange website: http://Www.SSE.com.CN; Shenzhen Stock Exchange Web site: http://www.szse.CN) Securities Association of China put forward four demands for securities companies. One is to carry out margin financing business of securities companies, should be strictly in accordance with the provisions of the terms, developed the company's margin contract for standard text, in the process of financingMay be expressly agreed upon matters of standard text can be developed separately by financing contracts, margin contracts, you can press the margin contracts unified formulation. Second securities company under the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the relevant provisions of the securities exchanges, securities registration and settlement organizations and financing practical needs of the internal management of the business, in the formulation of the company's margin agreement textShi, made to the essential terms of the need to increase and supplement, also can do text and change in provisions.   Additions diablo 3 power leveling, changes should not conflict with the essential provisions of. Third, securities margin standard contract texts developed by the company should be detailed and specific.   Standard text and margin contracts should be reported to the Association before they are used for the record. Four securities companies should be provided in accordance with the AssociationPattern making margin Exchange securities accounts of customer's credit card and delivered to the customer. It is learnt that the margin trading risk revealing essential amendments to the articles is mainly reflected in the book "pilot securities company" the word was changed to "stock company". The margin of the necessary amendments to the terms of the contract with eight, the modified description of relevant content get into aStep in refinement. If the amendments in the terms of the original "funds derived from party a sells securities, should first be used to pay off debts the party a to party b" was revised to "party a sell buy outstanding credit financing in the securities account contract proceeds of securities you should repay the party finance arrears. "The amendments increase the content also includes:" the suspension of trading in securities, and the recoveryTrading margin after the maturity of the debt financing, margin period can be extended, the specific deadline extended by both parties free to agree, but before the suspension of trading in extended duration of the contract duration calculated totals no more than six months. "In addition, the margin required contract terms relating to the modification or deletion of" party a collateral in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph extraction should be ahead of the twoApplication session to the b "content.

according to the United States and Canada tradition

129668688762187500_4124th at midnight local time diablo 3 power leveling, in the United States, North Carolina city will, customers queued outside a toys door promotional pass the time. 24th, in the United States in San Francisco, after several pedestrians queued for "Black Friday" snapping up the day of the consumer. Shop is discouraged for security made by the Xinhua News Agency wants to advance into customers. (English dailyPost) new express 24th United States Thanksgiving after "Black Friday" has been a bargain and is famous for a shopping spree, according to the United States and Canada tradition, Thanksgiving is the whole family happy holiday store to sport one ' s oak, "Black Friday" business hours and then opened the same day to meet the guest. But in the context of the economic downturn this year, in order to sound attack consumer wallets, many stores throughout the United States by exceptionEarly promotions, many prominent retailers was announced at midnight early doors, resulting in tens of thousands of consumers were forced to sweep goods leaving in the middle of pageantry. Outside the tent to save money is not easy to "Black Friday" as the year's most popular holiday spending season, is a United States businesses most looking forward to the day a year, sales are likely to account for the total of the day 20%。 In order to attract consumers, this year's United States major retailers will open a shop in advance, impact by increasing the hours of operation to higher sales. United States according to the consumers Union, opened United States winter shopping season a prelude to "Black Friday" is expected to attract 152 million people open wallets. According to United States Yahoo News on 25th, the business most of the calendar year in the "Black weekFive "shop around 4 o'clock in the morning the same day, but this year the big retailers, Best Buy, Target, Kohl's Corp, both choices from midnight starting price promotions, and The Gap with toys from the start on Thanksgiving Day on Thursday at a discount. A Best Buy midnight in Saint Petersburg diablo 3 gold, Florida before we open, More than 2000 customers queued outside the door entrance; and New York also opened Macy's attracted at least 9,000 customers Queuing, many consumers even one day in advance at stores outside the camp. Best Buy store in New York outside the front of the local time 23rd moxide brothers came. Destruction of the traditional was very annoyed25th fire of the New York Times reports that the increasing number of consumers in "Black Friday" dispatched is no longer the main purposes of his family's Christmas gift, but hoarding commodities during weekdays, which is still the prospect of economic downturn. Outside the times square toys, yasimin·sangtiyage and dekete·weilisi couples to buy a pair of twin sons and daughtersIs not a toy but a shopping cart full of diapers. Yasmine admits its own maternity, whose income is less than the work, you must take advantage of the discounts start with many necessities. Sago Knoll, Florida residents, aged 24, luobotuo·Lubi start 24th local time queued outside the shop in order to buy cheaper TVs and notebook computers. "Now the economic downturn,"Ruby eventually bought the TV had wanted, "discounted merchandise is important. "But business" the cock crows at midnight "practice throws some forced overtime workers dissatisfied with the earlier store staff to launch online signature petition, require employers to alter this midnight opening of marketing practices. Some water in order to avoid heart of goods sold, is not at ease even Thanksgiving dinner enjoy compelled to midnightTo go out to buy consumers have also expressed dissatisfaction.

the national egg pricesDrop 10. 5%. By region

129667837353427892_120According to Xinhua News Agency National prices of agricultural products and agricultural materials system monitoring, and compared to the previous day (the same below), November 25, vegetable prices rose as the principal; pork, egg prices; slight fluctuations in prices of fruit, aquatic products, edible oil; finished grain, milk prices stable. After the pig meat, pig hams pork prices were down 0. 1%; beef brisket meat prices rose 0. 1%, beef tendon fresh lamb meat, boneless, fresh mutton bone prices flat; common fresh eggs, ious chicken price fell 0. 2%, 0.   1%. Monitoring data show that after the Mid-Autumn Festival, egg prices continued to decline throughout the country, from a shrinking. Compared with the September 12, November 25, the national egg pricesDrop 10. 5%. By region diablo 3 gold, about 60% of egg prices fell by more than 10 provinces. 0%, before the fall of Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi, and 18 respectively. 8%, 18. 2%, 17. 9%. At present diablo 3 power leveling, egg prices have essentially flat with a year earlier.

this summer

129668642216093750_31 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3-gold/">diablo 3 gold</a>News | Campus | College entrance examination topics | Articles by | Civil service | Self-study examination | Textual research on | Textual research on the Division | Class 46 blog | Forum | Editors face to face | Hot spot activity training | Study abroad | Enrollment education newsCentre-> News-> print the body font size: size of share: 2011-11-27 07:33:29.0 reporters chapter micro-Cai Xiaolong junior high school students practiced renfert correspondents all night playing computer protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc with severe was carried into the hospital to play computer scoliosis of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation with 2,119 capital newsEducational/enpproperty--> pupil not correct posture while playing a computer easy to cause diseases of the spine (a) concern: more than a month ago, 16 years old boy Kobayashi is the centreline to the hospital. What makes this ought to have lively and active boys unable to walk? Diagnosis by doctors, long night playing computer and sitting posture not right, KobayashiLumbar intervertebral disc herniation: 8 mm, he had to in a recent surgery. Prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, this type of middle and old aged people got sick in the past, today there is a trend of younger age in Fuzhou. According to the survey, long time watching television and playing computer, face down with reading and other bad habits, making more and more adolescent scoliosis, intervertebral disc problems occurred. How these diseasesPrevention?   Night play on the computer, do not have good habits, but also harms to youth which, Reporter yesterday visiting experts. Overnight playing computer case juveniles ended up lying on stretchers Kobayashi family in Fuzhou, aged 16, at the beginning of this year the first three days. Xiao Lin loves to play computer games, this summer, he would often sit at a computer one day, in order to "killing monsters upgrade"And sometimes even rice have ever eaten. Kobayashi appeared soon lumbar back pain, foot leg soft faults. After school, as have less time to play computer, these problems gradually reduced.   But the national day holiday, Xiao Lin goes back to the front of the computer, is more than 10 hours, now, disease made the low back pain, severe to have been no way to properly walk. Fuzhou General Hospital 476 Hospital (formerlyAir force hospital, Fuzhou) orthopaedic surgery chief physician Zeng Haibin memories, on October 9, Kobayashi was brought by stretcher ward. The investigation, Kobayashi fifth lumbar and first sacral disc herniation between 8 mm and are severe disc herniation. Highlight the disc compression of the spinal nerves, causing severe pain. The doctor had to do a minimally invasive spinal surgery for him, takingOff the disc compression neural. "Youth in the developmental stages, disc flexibility should have been very good, Kobayashi had this with my medicine for more than 20 years, was seldom seen this type of situation", Zeng Haibin introduction diablo 3 power leveling, the original should take place in such a serious disc herniation or heavy consumers aged over 40. Zeng Haibin says disc herniation is cumulative, Kobayashi sudden illness, accumulation of estimates has been 2-3 years.

and its field of application thoseWide.  "In fact

129667864320459142_20"Twelve-Five" plan put focus on the development of high performance fiber technology research and development innovation, under the influence of this, chemical fiber stocks using up reporter recently changing to months before China textile industry association news, "said Twelve-Five planning in the textile industry" has been approved by the Ministry. Subsequently, the General chemical fiber stocks appear to rise. And chemical fiber stocks using up the sources from the textile industry 12Five proposed in the plan focus on the development of high performance fiber technology development and innovation of this initiative.  Also, development not only in the high performance fiber textile "Twelve-Five" set out in the plan, but also in emerging industries planning and chemical "Twelve-Five" came up in the planning. Xinxiang chemical fiber secret Tung Wang Wenxin to the securities Journal reporters talked about, the textile industry "Twelve-Five" in the planningReference to key initiatives such as the development of fiber technology for fiber industry as a whole is good. Fiber product innovation more space as far as I understand, "Twelve-Five" period in China will greatly enhance independent innovation ability of textile industry, especially key technical innovations, forming independent innovation system. Mentioned in the plan will enhance the Super spin and high spin, functional, differential fiber technologyInnovation, enhance technology development and innovation of high performance fibers such as carbon fiber and fiber technology research and development of biomass and other renewable resources. Investment consultants Xiong Xiaokun light industry researcher in an interview with reporters, said: "China's textile industry, research and development of creative ability in some chemical products were not sufficient, and this is what the" Twelve-Five "plan focuses on the development ofAccounts of these projects have a large space for development, in both the overall objectives emphasized the transformation and upgrading, which all point to forward-looking policy direction on the textile industry development in China, China's textile industry will be a major development in the future. "Xiong Xiaokun:" emphasizes that such concerns are chemical fiber by the class of chemical fiber products superior chemical characteristics of the product itself, and its field of application thoseWide.  "In fact, high-performance fiber with corrosion-resistant, heat resistant, high strength and other characteristics, applications include aerospace, transport equipment, as well as daily life, has a natural and ordinary incomparable characteristics of synthetic fibre. "On the other hand, China chemical fiber industry is facing a structural shortage of production capacity and increase its concerns in this area, and industry transformation and upgrading will greatlyEnhance the overall strength of China's textile industry.  "Xiong Xiaokun said. At present, China's traditional chemical fiber overcapacity, but woven Kevlar, carbon fiber and high performance fibers such as ultra high molecular weight polyethylene but still needs to import.  National annual demand of about 5,000 tons of textile fiber, degree of dependence on imports for more than 95%. Dongxing securities research pointed out that the new industries of the State Council of planning,Chemical industry "Twelve-Five" plan and textile "Twelve-Five" plan will focus on the development of high performance fiber industry, the industry as a whole, or in the future will be greater policy support and funding.  Is expected to "Twelve-Five" during an average annual growth rate of output value of high performance fiber industry in China between in-20%. Xinxiang chemical fiber secret Tung Wang Wenxin expected carbon fiber technology innovation to reportersTalk of chemical fiber variety many, so the impact will vary.  It is understood that in seven strategic emerging industries of the State Council, carbon fibers are also key components of the new materials industry. For high-performance fibers such as carbon fiber, aramid keep the average annual growth in demand of around 20%. "Eleven-Five", the Government on research and development of high performance fiberProduction implementation of tax cuts and financial subsidies. Country Yuan securities analyst Lai Yitang that according to "Twelve-Five" plan, in the textile industry in the process of transformation and upgrading, high-performance fibers such as carbon fiber material industry technology innovation by assignment, the, and now high end fibre material diablo 3 power leveling, particularly carbon fibers also there is not a small gap with the developed countries, therefore, that in the field of the technicalAdvantages of stocks in the textile sector is undoubtedly the most worth excavating. Dongxing securities research report believes that national demand about 5500-6000 tons of carbon fiber, domestic capacity only about 1600 tons, and more for low-end products, import dependence is about 70%. National annual demand of about 15,000 tons of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, insufficient domestic production capacity of 10,000 tons, the degree of dependence on importsClose to 40%.  Future high-performance fibers market in our country there is a huge space of import substitution. Cotton price fluctuations promote the development of chemical fiber industry investment consultants Xiong Xiaokun light industry researcher believes that the "Twelve-Five" plan focus on the development of innovation and technology research and development of chemical fiber products in addition to the above mentioned reasons the development space, cotton price volatility is one of the reasons.Beginning in March 2011, cotton prices fell to around 20,000 yuan/ton price, after which, this year, the State set for the first time open shouchu price of 19,800 Yuan/ton, stabilizing cotton prices and prevent cotton prices continue to fall to a certain effect. But for cotton farmers cotton rising costs, bad weather and other reasons, caused some farmers pull cotton seeds and wheat. All these phenomena,After the collapse of cotton prices are likely to, jump again. Investment consultants said research director Zhang Yanlin, where farmers once again under the influence of market conditions, and blindly follow planting plan, plummeting cotton producing areas area will profoundly affect cotton yields, which is bound to set off a new round of the cotton price "roller coaster", so that industry crumbles. Under the influence of this high volatility of price shocks diablo 3 power leveling,Part of the small and medium enterprises in the industry chain will be toward the edge of death, will also further restrict the development of the industry.  As you can imagine, cotton farmers are no longer cotton crops-wheat situation, is likely to once again face shortages of cotton, while the development of chemical fiber products can defuse the market demand for cotton in order to solve the problem of lack of cotton. Xinxiang chemical fiber secret Wang Wenxin Tung believes that cottonClass with man-made are raw materials, cotton and chemical fiber industry development how much there is still a correlation, but how big is the Association, but also hard to say. Promotion textile technological upgrading of textile "Twelve-Five" plan also focuses on the development of new spinning technology and wool, hemp, silk processing technology. In this respect, investment consultants of light industry researcher Xiong Xiaokun spoke to reporters: "in the early developmentOr will increase the cost of research and development, a certain challenge to enterprise development. But in the long run, to improving the overall quality of products, multiple product categories, have a positive role in reducing enterprise cost. "In addition to the technological upgrading of textile products, and technology in China's textile machinery was the textile industry weakness. In the textile "Twelve-Five" in the planning, focusing on reference is made to closeIn modern spinning equipment, weaving equipment and other equipment development on textile-related products. Xiong Xiaokun: "intensify the development of textile equipment in China will further narrow the gap between equipment in our country and international levels. "For large textile enterprises in China's textile machinery imports, Xiong Xiaokun:" textile machinery manufacturers can choose urgent market demand, low investment in hardware and software technologyIntensive product development, moving away from dependence on imported equipment for international, and through the knowledge of the Chinese market, grasp the development trend of the international market, really establish domestic brand, narrowing the gap with the advanced international level. ”

10 months before the new credit of $ 2

129668682451718750_195Fine tuning of monetary policy, lending is naturally the Vanguards. According to the Bank's data diablo 3 gold, in four cases, 10 months before the new credit of $ 2,242,550,000,000, and contrast four all new standards developed by the beginning of lines, the last two months of the new credit line only to some $ 470 billion. Many bankers surveyed admits that lending is a two-way monitoring, not only by the CentralLine size of the control, also from the CBRC loan than 75% red line limit. Even intends to ease liquidity on a policy level, in real difficulty level or keep. Banks are in a dilemma, under Central Bank "credit to fine-tune" policies of pressure, but are subject to their own money to make ends meet; side to comply with the banking regulator "loan than the red line" rules, deposit area and constantly move embarrassedBorders, the Chinese new year is approaching, how difficult the banks will be how to deal with this situation? Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above diablo 3 gold, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

founded by Jack Dorsey

Twitter's Phantom Punch | TechCrunch. Yesterday, the story on everyone's mind in the tech world was the turmoil at Twitter. Led by the Fortune cover story written by?Jessi Hempel,?if you read it, you might think the sky is falling on Chicken Little. Not surprisingly, Twitter responded — sort of.Though it wasn't an "official" response, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone put up a post on his personal blog late last night directly addressing the Fortune article. He even invoked Rocky.Yes. Fight!The problem with Stone's post is that he fails to respond in any way to the actual content of the Fortune story. Instead, he focuses on Fortune's history of flip-flopping. They love Facebook, they hate Facebook. They love Google, they hate Google. They love Twitter… You get the point.It's a smart?maneuver?by the man who actually used to run communications for Twitter back in the day. (As a sidenote, I fondly recall our back-and-forth emails along the lines of "Hey Biz, why is Twitter down now?" "Hey MG, looking into it.") But let's be clear about what the maneuver is: straight-up diversion.Stone's post is implying that Fortune's post is simply a continuation of a cycle they follow to build a company up only to knock them down. Though not stated, the underlying idea here is that these stories create more interest and thus, more readers. That's undoubtedly at least partially true. But again, it's also implying that there is actually nothing wrong at Twitter. And that's simply not true.Anyone with any sort of connections to the tech scene out here will know that a few things have been afoul for quite some time at Twitter. That's not saying the company is collapsing, but Fortune doesn't say that either. There has been trouble behind the scenes. It's real. And it's hardly some well-guarded secret.You'll notice that Stone does not deny any of that. Again, he simply diverts attention away from it by throwing a punch at Fortune for their editorial practices. "Are there problems at Twitter?" "Hey, look over there!!"Stone also notes that, "Twitter has had so many ups and downs you'd think we would have had more negative press." Apparently, he hasn't been closely reading TechCrunch over the years. While all of us love and are addicted to Twitter, we've had dozens of negative stories about the service — and rightfully so. These include stories wondering if yes, Twitter is collapsing. We even had posts with the title "Trouble At Twitter".What Stone likely means, of course, is that the mainstream media has been largely kind to Twitter over the years. That seems largely true but for a different reason than Stone concludes.Stone suggests that the mainstream media has shown Twitter nothing but love, but he leaves out the fact that it's largely because they did view them as Rocky (to borrow Stone's metaphor) for a long time. As in diablo 3 gold, they thought Twitter was a joke that could never compete on the big stage.Hell, most of the mainstream media had absolutely no idea what Twitter was until mid-2009 or into 2010.Stone does end his post strong though. "Twitter is an important company and it's under scrutiny from journalists—this is exactly how it's supposed to work," he writes ?Yes diablo 3 power leveling, that's exactly right. You know what's worse than getting taken down in the press? Getting no press at all because your company is considered?irrelevant?(see: above)."Now it's our job to prove the reporters wrong so they can write an article later about how we have made dramatic progress," he continues. Again, right. At the end of the day, what matters are results. None of Twitter's issues are unfixable. And even better, if Twitter continues to achieve growth and gains success from a monetary perspective, it will coat any problems they do have in a fine gloss that the press and others will look right past. You think Facebook doesn't have internal issues? Yeah, right.Stone then does what needs to be done and (rightly) praises the 400+ employees working for Twitter who are devoting their lives to it. It's rah-rah from a?journalistic?perspective, but it's exactly what a leader of a company needs to do when employees are reading about company troubles in the press.But now I'm glossing over Stone's glossing over of the real issues at hand. In Rocky's boxing parlance, his post was a phantom punch. Sometimes you can win with those. But throw too many and you might end up on the wrong side of Clubber Lang's prediction in Rocky III: "pain."[image: MGM] Crunchbase TWITTER Company: Twitter Website: twitter.com Funding: $1.16B Twitter, founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 (launched publicly in July 2006), is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to post their latest updates. An update is limited by 140 characters and can be posted through three methods: web form, text message, or instant message. The company has been busy adding features to the product like Gmail import and search. They recently launched a new site section called "Explore" for... Learn more. Twitter's Phantom Punch | TechCrunch.

"at this time of year

129614872933750000_888A baby squirrel cheeks for another little guy is drinking goat's milk. Janewalsh once in every 3 hours to feed them milk the little squirrel eager for drinking milk, in defiance of goat's milk drops in the face of Sina Tech News Beijing time on September 25, last week, the United Kingdom experienced Catia hurricanes. Wind treesDen 4 red squirrel babies in blown away. Fortunately there is, which is still alive after the fall to the ground. After the storm, a passerby found the only 5-week-old baby. Subsequently, these survivors were taken to a veterinary clinic near the Northumberland alinweike where he was then sent to MorpethWildlife rescue centre near wuerhamu. Center-Jim Olson said, if it is not to be discovered, these little guys can die in just a few hours, most likely eaten by wild cats. Rescued squirrel babies weight only 70 grams, fall to the ground after shock, motionless. Good passersDid not find their mother, rescue centers worry about the squirrel mother may still looking for their children. In these small squirrels before released into the wild, their staff need to be 24-hour nursing care. Currently, 4 little squirrels live in volunteer Irene-janewalsh's House, she is solely responsible for the little squirrel careWork. Janewalsh small bottle fed milk to eating them, feed once per 3 hour.����Little guys will spend winter under the good care of her. Janewalsh said: "at this time of year, squirrels will gather food store, and prepare for the coming winter. Even if we were in November they released into the wild, They do not have enough time to gather food. We are going in the spring of next year they released into the wild, elected in a secret place of the Northumberland. Now, kids of the body in good health diablo 3 power leveling, they are very active diablo 3 power leveling, very naughty. "Wildlife rescue center dedicated reception and treatment of injured and abandonedWild animals, livestock and pets, and no one wanted. At present, the total of 150 animals living in the Center.����Also centers also often organized children visit, teaches children develop animal protection habits also let them understand animal behaviour. This ambulance from 49 years of Olson and husband Alan�C Patterson in 1993, year operating costs reached 70,000 pounds (approximately 110,000 USD). Because financing is very difficult, Olson worry that Center will soon after was closed. She said: "we may be the largest animal shelter in the eastern part as a whole. We host a large number of wild animals, Including Badger Cubs, little Fox and injured birds. If we do not take effective measures, in the eastern part of wildlife will be facing a very bleak future. "(Autumn ling)

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"they'S elegant and modern representative of contemporary Chinese music

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

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another right-click option from his character portrait

WoW Rookie: The inner workings of instances. New around here? WoW Rookie points WoW's newest players to the resources they need to get acclimated. Send us a note to suggest a WoW Rookie topic.Maraudon or Blackrock Depths, anybody? Instances are your opportunity to meet and work as a team with other players in the World of Warcraft. You'll combat pack after pack of minions and defeat unique, memorable bosses on your way to some of the most enjoyable play in the game. Instances, also often known as dungeons, offer your group (and later, your raid) your own personal copy of a dungeon. No players other than your own group members are able to enter an instance with you. Instances provide some of the most rewarding and well designed content diablo 3 power leveling, challenges and loot possible for your character. The teamwork and cooperative effort required to down the elite mobs and tricky bosses within an instance require a new level of teamwork from your rookie character. We've touched on the basics of finding your niche within a group. Today, let's cover the mechanics of managing instances – becoming "saved" to an instance, resetting them, understanding respawn and more. (One note: this week, we'll discuss five-man instances designed for single groups along the path to level 80, not raid instances requiring 10 or more players to complete. We'll introduce raid instance concepts for fresh level 80 players next week.) The spawning pool Understanding how and when mobs spawn, or are generated and appear in the game world, helps you control your risk vs. reward within a given instance. If mobs are available, there's loot waiting to be had; if they're not, though, you've wasted a lot of time and effort getting a group together. Most (but not all) instance trash mobs are on a two-hour respawn timer. Instance bosses do not have a respawn timer at all. They only return on instance reset. There are two ways to reset an instance: A soft reset happens when all group members leave the instance, dropping out of combat and forcing the mobs to drop aggro and run back to their original places. When the players re-enter, mobs that were dead will still be dead, but everyone will be safely out of combat. This allows a fresh start if things were going a bit awry. Another type of soft reset occurs when all the party members leave the instance for at least 30 minutes, forcing any trash mobs that have been killed to respawn. This tactic can solve a situation in which a boss becomes bugged during the encounter, and the players would like to attempt to "reset" him and try again. A hard reset occurs when all group members leave the instance and the group leader physically resets the entire instance. By right-clicking his own character portrait and selecting Reset Instance, the leader can restart the entire instance and respawn every mob inside it. This is a good choice if you'd like to repeat part (or the entire) dungeon again immediately. You cannot reset an instance more than five times per hour, in order to prevent players from farming the content. Becoming heroic Running instances in heroic mode becomes an option in Burning Crusade content and beyond. Heroic mode is much more difficult than the normal version of an instance, but heroics award significantly better loot. Your group leader should set your group's difficulty to heroic before anyone enters the instance (another right-click option from his character portrait). Because heroics offer such high-quality loot diablo 3 gold, heroics are on a special lockout timer and can only be run once a day per character. Heroics cannot be hard reset by group leaders. The timers are reset automatically every day at 11 a.m. server time on U.S. servers and 8 a.m. server time on European servers. If you are inside a heroic instance when it resets, you'll be teleported to the nearest graveyard. Instance timers Instance timers (often called raid timers, since they're used more often for raid content) prevent players from farming high-end or heroic instances (and raids) over and over to repeatedly get multiple loot drops in a short period of time. If you re-enter a timer-limited instance, you'll find you're in the original instance where you've already killed things. Bosses stay dead until the instance timer resets. This also means that you have a finite amount of time to kill everything in a given instance before it resets and all the mobs respawn. Bear this in mind if you are revisiting an instance with different raid members, as they might not always be "saved to" the same instance as you.Your Raid ID is a number that identifies which instance you are saved to. If you enter an instance that could provide you with a raid ID, you will receive a confirmation box that allows you to accept that ID or leave the instance. Type /raidinfo to see your raid ID and compare it with other players in your group. Armory instance calendar According to Blizzard's page on instancing, instance timers for raids and some regular group instance reset times can be viewed in the Armory's Player Calendar feature, which replicates the in-game calendar feature. "Every player can access their calendar from the Armory via the Calendar tab on character profiles. You can browse your calendar in the same way that you can in game. In addition, you can respond to events through the Armory's calendar interface, which will then become effective in-game. To view recurring events such as raid reset times, select the event type from the drop-down menu on the calendar page." WoW Rookie feeds you the basics to get you off to a good start in the World of Warcraft, from game lingo through joining your first guild and even what to do when you finally hit level 80.Email This. WoW Rookie: The inner workings of instances.


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Copyright notice

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