Wednesday, December 21, 2011

United States stock market 25th traditional "Black Friday" to fall on the day received

129667750433115392_56New York, November 25 (reported by reporter Li Yang) United States stock market 25th traditional "Black Friday" to fall on the day received, thus hitting a 1932 Thanksgiving week with the worst performance. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, United States stock market 25th only traded for a long time. East Coast time at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the New York market closed, the three major indexes all ended lower: Dow JonesIndustrial average over the previous trading day dropped 25.77 points, closing at 11231.78 points, or 0.23%. Standard and poor's 500-stock index fell 3.12 points, closing at 1158.67 points, or 0.27%. The Nasdaq composite index dropped 18.57 points, closing at 2441.51 points swtor credits, or 0.75%. Looking at theFull week, the Dow tumbled 4.8%, the index dropped to 4.7%, while the NASDAQ tumbled 5.1%. This is for two months United States stock market's worst weekly performance, and economic deterioration of the environment and outside the United States has a substantial connection. This week swtor power leveling, the United States Congress "Super Committee" failed to reach a compromise on the reduction of deficits; whereas the European debt crisis continues to deteriorate, triggeredInvestor panic. The Dow this week more than 200 points appear two business days of collapse. International rating agencies continue to cut European countries for rating, United States markets closely. 25th, ratings agency standard and poor's will Belgium's long-term sovereign credit ratings from "AA" lowered from "AA" rating Outlook to negative. Under Fitch's company, 25thMixed Portugal credit rating of the three banks, and warned that if Portugal sovereign rating was lowered further, the ratings of the banks may continue to be reduced. Fitch 24th has decided to make Portugal rating to "junk". 25th is after the second day of Thanksgiving, known as "Black Friday", millions of Americans will take advantage of shopping at the retailer promotions.But United States 25th outlets of several major stocks is very general. Wal-Mart company shares slightly up 25 cents, to $ 56.89, or 0.4%. Macy's Department stores fell 11 cents, to $ 29.45, or 0.4%. Best buy (Best Buy) fell 8 cents to $ 25.63,-0.3%。 (End text)

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