Friday, December 23, 2011

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129668732719375000_38Hong Beijing November 27 March next year, Russia's presidential election, Putin today was formally nominated as Russia presidential candidate. In fact, in September when Putin decided to candidate in presidential elections, incumbent Russia National President Medvedev said that prepare themselves in case of Putin's victory led the Government, that is, the post of Prime MinisterPreparation. A couple of days ago, Russia director Sergei * Naryshkin raised speculation of the Presidential Office, Medvedev as Prime Minister in the Cabinet of the Government under the young people may be smaller than the current Government. Putin as a unified Russia party's candidate in presidential elections, the opposition Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Russia Liberal Democrats have already said, will be nominated its leader GennadyQuarter * Vladimir * Zhirinovsky and Gennady Zyuganov. According Russia independent polls Levada Center polling data released 25th, 31% per cent of respondents support Putin, Gennady Zyuganov support ratio, 8%, Zhirinovsky is 6%. Presidential elections, the State Duma on December 4, will usher in the election. This election is considered a presidential election "Preview",Unified Russia party is expected to keep their majority. But Russia official Research Center for the latest public opinion polls have shown that unified Russia party this year will be "no", may not tenable two-thirds majority. Main reason is that "this election will be held in the context of crisisLevel. "In addition, recent national polls showing only 51% people intended to vote for Putin's Unified Russia party, and data-4 years ago was 66%. In this regard, Medvedev said, most stable enough, unified Russia party lost some seats are meant that Russia's democracy. However swtor power leveling, the Unified Russia party has been trying new ways to attract Russia peopleFor example, began to attract candidates, and expressed its readiness to cooperate with opposition candidate debates. Putin continued to run for President, United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice before 16th had said Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin decided to run for President, is a "mockery of democracy". Was reported by the foreign media on the one hand is now officially stand for President Putin's message, but Putin was also concerned where the CommissionRussia party in congressional elections could lose the vast majority had expressed concern. Like the United States title was ABC News reports, the polls show Putin's Party can only take 53% seat, the Wall Street Journal entitled the Putin's political parties faced loss of seats. United Kingdom BBC website news, although it is concerned about the same content, but has chosen toGeneral recently in a forum about work appreciate Russia music details, to more refined Putin's personal colors. Since Putin announced after the election, Russia about Putin's "cult of personality" seems to be growing louder and louder, and Russia in October polls, 25% respondents considered that the domestic present to Putin's personality cult. 2004Years when Putin became President, only 10% people think that there is a cult of personality. In Russia, from vodka to canned vegetables the old republic power leveling, many products are named after Putin, supporters even create for him a female "fans" Club-"Putin's Legion". But Putin's spokesman denied the existence of the so-called cult of personality, which he called Putin's personality cult as "stupid idea".

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