Monday, December 26, 2011

need to be clear from the source and the establishment of mechanisms. By contrast

129668731587343750_15This newspaper a contributing commentator's Chan, Ka Hing is also a citizen in danger and rescue shouldn't cost instead of paying the principal changes have taken place in distress, number.   Otherwise you will have a logical paradox, single Government can buy, why small SLR to be paid by individual citizens? In modern society, citizens in distress rescue costs associated with, is a need to address and resolve issues. BecauseRescue and specialisation, the higher the costs may be higher for individual citizens more unbearable. A boy from drowning, Tongzhou district, Beijing, into the water to the residents nearby rescue efforts were in vain. Families request police salvage, salvage for the civilian police wants to pay $ 10,000 fishing to team. Due to turnout is a commercial salvage team behavior, not by government departments directly under the scope of and require charging even for profit。   Family members to come up with so much money, and finally a child by several villagers helped in shore fishing, but had died. Shortly before swtor power leveling, in spite of ban violations across the four girls mountains 14 "donkey" dispute between the rescue costs. The rescue of thousands of people, except outside the time and energy consumption, resulting in the rescue costs $ 130,000. And even though the donkey's friends assume only an extremely small proportion, But after all, is merely an unconventional solution. In fact, the natural disasters in the citizens is in danger, larger groups, finally rescue costs paid by the Government. For example, when a sudden earthquake, hail, flood disaster, Government urgent actions at all resources, saving people from fire and water. This was precisely as the superiority of the Socialist system and toWorld as the world in the eyes of the Chinese flag. Over the years, the Chinese Government a series of rescue operations won praise in the world, and be ashamed of one's inferiority in Western developed countries, because such superiority. Some countries often do not see this, so rescue on the speed and quality is less then a raise. Some United States media have lamented in 2004, United States 构词成分。Numerous air rescue is not satisfactory, and feeling mega 2008 Wenchuan earthquake "Chinese-style rescue unparalleled."   On the aid issue, calculated easily cold, generous warmth. Both are citizens in distress, rescuing shouldn't cost instead of paying the principal changes have taken place in distress, number. Otherwise you will have a logical paradox, single Government can buy, why small singleBut have to be paid by individual citizens? Therefore, citizens in distress rescue costs, relates to the citizens of the socialist countries on the nature of distress relief, need to be clear from the source and the establishment of mechanisms. By contrast, this fall on the Government's solution does to the civic pride, a sense, this is a special benefit of Chinese citizens. If you require individual citizensCover distress rescue expenses, in a sense is a citizen of this goodwill of deprivation. Specific operations will require special expenditures by the Government. When the citizens in distress, government departments must rescue. No rescue of professional competence the old republic power leveling, funded by the Government to employ professional teams to implement. There are exceptions, of course, that's some trick citizens or blatant challenge in national legislation, which is bestLast name said as a "nothing found" who wilfully guilty of dangerous waste and rescue resources. On the whole, this relief of distress of citizens ' individual expenses is not huge, absolve individual citizens to worry about, this is a reflection of the country's soft power, and Government to do. ()

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