Saturday, December 3, 2011

keep the 2

129667837419677892_290HSBC China PMI index preview November value of 48, the former value of 51, 3% plunge, a cliff fell. The downturn in China situation clearly, the stock market downturn, falling, air, have become almost share do in chips. International market players now are not content with air, but with great fanfare in the air."Air" followed "bets against the euro", confirms the dollar's strategic intent: the complete answer to all threaten the potential risk of US dollar hegemony diablo 3 power leveling, make the fed more comfortably ultra-loose monetary policy, to free up liquidity around the world, maintaining a modest recovery at the same time, tried to hinder economic growth in Europe and China, it would be better in China, Japan, Europe and three economies into long-term "stagflationCircle ". "Air" has both external factors, such as the disappointing euro, global recession; there are also internal factors--2008 years since the financial crisis, China adopts an extremely bold ultra-loose monetary policy, M2 growth at one point near 30%, cause a flood of liquidity, housing prices skyrocket, the high inflation rate. Then had to take emergency continued tightShrinkage, and cumulative results eventually leading to a sudden turn of policy, like the stock market, all bad in the short period of time set released for air provides plenty of subject matter. Recently, master of short chanos statements directly on the bearish, and shorting the agricultural Bank of China, muddy water company is is famous for its capture destroyed almost unit, Rogers also in China's stock market has been very depressed when said openly: "China stocksTickets are too expensive, you also need to plunge. "Behind these tactics in the air, with great strategic background. At present, the air is of two kinds of people: first, the strategic air, from the medium and long term delay China's development, preventing Chinese take European debt, the United States rapidly rising debt crisis; second, tactical air, for example, some financial giant. Needs to be emphasized is that manyInternational Investment Bank took advantage of China's "growth" debate, support the growth of China does not need, such as they are in the third quarter the macroeconomic reports that China's current economic slowdown is an active, normal, even if fall 2%-3%, growth was in the world. And they said to key customers in the dark diablo 3 gold, will surely cause severe tightening economy in ChinaSlow down, everything from real estate to macro-level arrangement in the Mainland and overseas markets to do aerial position, withdrawal of funds from both the Mainland and Hong Kong markets. International financial giant is the first I have seen the truth of economic trends, waiting for details, keen to see that China's economic policy turned very slowly, and reveal the real estate bubble burst, the market funding strand breaks and other "soft spot". There areWeakness, attacks, they embedded in international commodity markets for a long time a large number of empty, by hot money withdrawal and air markets include shorting the currency. In short, international financial giant tactically clever $ in line with the strategy, including the United States national strategy, hoping to slow China's rapid economic development, continue to keep the dollar hegemony, including the United States to dominate the global economyPattern. Even so, I still don't think shorting China will succeed. Because China is not the United States, and certainly not the eurozone, China's economy has great power, accelerate the growth of objective economic base, has a great deal of policy space, especially in many countries there is no room for reform. Once policy preconditioning earlier, fine tune the bigger, faster reformsPoints, will immediately activate a powerful driving force for China's economic health, sustained high growth can cover high risk. Recently, Chinese officials repeatedly stressed that growth, when senior aware that growth is strategic when needed, strong macro-control of gravity will shift to support economic growth. By then, Chinese economic downward trend will be reversed immediately, all will shift to a policy to suppress the negative factors areSurface. ����Do countries who will suffer in the air accident, air will also ask for their humiliation. Of course, the "growth" is not guaranteed anything, not for real estate, nor lead to a flood of liquidity, but to have started the vast majority of capital construction projects not because of "ischemia" suspended, the normal operation of the real economy, while protecting the investors ' confidence, investment andDomestic demand Tiger qi. "Growth" campaign had reached a critical point, must guarantee the stock market, giant crocodiles cannot cooperate with the international financial markets in the air, a share must not be allowed wards of huzhi below 2,300 points. ����Survive the Chinese new year, keep the 2,300-point stock market in China, there is hope. I believe, ensure growth is the primary task of the future, because the recovery "robust growth" criteria for anti-Click the "air", this is about survival of the Chinese nation.

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