Saturday, December 3, 2011

because he was present when edge

129667775674990392_35Hongyuan a folded two bearing the younger Bush losing ball at a speed so fast his teammates too much Guangdong Hongyuan CBA 3rd round home beaten by bbmg, 92:104, Guangdong macro far away in the 3rd round of baoleng home lost out to Beijing, harvest the first defeat of the season, which two seasons in a row, the Guangdong team at the door – lost to Beijing on December 19 last year, arena of Guangdong Hongyuan 78:80 to Beijing. But this night, losing is not the worst extinctionIncome is more anxious than lose the game injured two people. Yi Jianlian right knee ligaments of old wounds can be triggered, and Dong Hanlin knee in a game was the top a bit, took only 3 minutes in respect of an injury. Victory over the Beijing team, team bunengziyi with excitement, changing rooms was started a PARTY. Beijing team coach min lulei said last season won Hong-Yuan, it is everywhere, butToday from the process, said Beijing should win the game. Correspondent Tong Zhang Jianqiang Dongguan by this newspaper, November 25 Las small severe mistakes too many injuries ruined the match Zhu Fang Tung made Marbury the rain an offensive foul, but backward shoulder when pressure in the right side of the leg of the Yi, 2nd Festival in 2 minutes time. Yi Jianlian then immediately covered her with kneeCover was present, teammates around him. When Yi when Lenovo back lounge, Singleton even forget what else on the pitch, Yi set up in the past to go. Fortunately Li Yuanyu quickly came and took his place. The same section, Dong Han-Lin has only 1 minute, were switched off, his knee was the top a bit diablo 3 gold, and may be more serious injuries than Las. "AhMay be the ligaments on the right side of old wounds, to Hong Kong tomorrow. "General Manager Liu Hongjiang says," but Dong Han Lin's injury might be more trouble, because he was present when edge, knee seems to loose. Going to check to know the result tomorrow. "Losing so quickly for the new season, the laughter of a few days ago suddenly disappears from the lounge, silence. After a while, Li Chunjiang suddenly said with a laugh,"Well, do not do is lose game, United Arab Emirates and small injuries Tung too suddenly, none of us had expected. "Mistakes in Guangdong team 24 times today, the Beijing team only 8 times, but in fact technical statistics of the Guangdong team to make their own mistakes in a total of 31 times, the whole team. "31 errors, and who we were going to win. Even with our own youth team to play, 31 errors to lose. "Li Chunjiang said," today, we to line passes, too many passes, the old Bob (Bob Hill) has always been how to remind you of? Competition, they are going to do it. "Li Chunjiang smiled and called upon to allow players to pull ligaments, SINGLETON, Wang shipeng, Su Wei points," 31 errors, we even half, sure to win. Tomorrow morning weCoaching summary, and then 10:30 you watch a video. "SINGLETON after arriving in Guangdong, for the first time to fire, and cut down by 33 points and 15 rebounds, and Trey-4 3. But it is regrettable that, the game lost the ball. Each season in Guangdong will have three or four that suddenly seems to be a power outage, the whole team game, "this time to come earlier than ever before, the originalTo expect is to can be a problem only after the fifth round. "Li Chunjiang said," that is going to adjust the mentality of the team behind. "" Black bean "first show is a bit too swift team-mate" too much "Brooks CBA League ushered in the first field of the second half, but it is clear that both the Guangdong team is his own, a process of mutual adaptation is needed, passing the ball to his propulsion speed and high speed,Friends have been unable to adapt. Brooks tried twice to team-mate miaochuan, a back to Su Wei, a students ' kickball with Wang Zheng, mistakes. Su Wei simply did not think he will pass, was running the basket to prepare backboard, the ball through Su Wei's hands. Under the second, Wang Zheng is not ready, hit the ball on the rebound. Really show NBA ball speed is in the 3rdSection of this article. Zhu Fang Yu to the corners of the Brooks pass, "little black beans" made a passing, but basketball is not drawn after the hand arcs, but like lightning headed SINGLETON under the basket. SINGLETON took the ball in the NBA have worked without difficulty, easy to get two points. Liu Xiaoyu Su Wei said after the game: "see it, NBA guard pass is so fast。 "Almost every foreign guards to the team, you need a period of adaptation on the velocity. Foreign aid when Murray first feed Zhu Fang Yu, which just makes the ball action, the ball has been severely hit in the chest. Hudson also tried several times to Su Wei and Wang Zheng last year passing, ball speed is too fast and could not be received. First 14 minutes, 4 points and 2 assists,Cleanth Brooks to play some hasty. "If run-in time and the team a little longer, I think my performance will be much better, fewer mistakes. "Brooks," said CBA competition is very good and the players made a very tough, very hard, it is a pity today's match our team had too many errors. "Marbury said after the game, Brooks is a scoreAnd will pass back diablo 3 power leveling, very suitable for the Guangdong team, but a day before he needed more time. Perhaps Brooks need to do is "slowdown", slows down the speed of passing.

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