Tuesday, December 27, 2011

depending on how the next development. "After that

129668763092812500_141Lovelorn 148 days, Christmas reignite Labour reached a provisional agreement, halt or report from the end (reported by reporter Xu Bei) Beijing yesterday, the United States media claimed said, NBA and the players had reached an interim agreement, followed by both employers and employees held a press conference, Union President David j. Stern, said: "we have initially agreed. We will give ourselves a new NBA season. "On behalf of the players taking part in the talks thanLeigh Hunt, said: "we will give everything to lawyers, depending on how the next development. "After that swtor power leveling, both require members voted through this new collective agreement, Stern said the bosses will hold a conference call the next day. Hunter players arrangements were not disclosed the old republic power leveling, in front of the players Union submitting disclaimer as President of the Trade Union of Derek f: "Then there is a lot of work to be done, lawyers and legal advisers will accept many Affairs. "The players had previously submitted to the District Court of the NBA has been prosecuted, they really need to go through the necessary legal procedures to be fully ended this labor war. Subsequently, the players need to reconvene the players Union, more than 450 participants, including NBA players will vote, so thatCan make a new agreement enters into force, employers are also working to make this step. After the vote by both sides, NBA and the players Union needs two weeks to formally signed a new collective agreement, to halt before officially ended, but prior to that, the team should be able to meet the players returning. Present agreement is only a framework agreement reached between the employers, such as drug testing, minimum age for talent, NBDL delegation rules and other rules of the collective agreement also requires NBA and players Union continued to be finalised, after new labour agreement is officially signed, official NBA can make player trades, free agent signing, and so on. According to insiders, players accept 49%~51% proposed by the employer before floating profit sharing programme. New season will have 66 games the new labourAfter the entry into force of the agreement, NBA games for the new season kicked off on Christmas day, NBA officials are design competition schedule on that day, it is learned that the opening of the season and the Christmas Wars including the Celts against Nick, against defending champion heat such as calves and bulls game against the Lakers. "If all goes well, training camps will begin on December 9, regular competitions from the HolyChristmas begins, there will be 66 games this season. "Stern said, while free agency might be opened along with the training camp. In the halt of 148 days, organized a number of NBA player charity tournament, including Le Blanc, Anthony, who also plans to launch 4 home games. Durant, Volvo and other players are participating in the most charitable game to maintain state. With the NBAAbout to start, the players can finally put their energy into real on the pitch. Thermometer NBA supermarkets closed reporter Zhang Jianqiang NBA halt buying spree the end game is over. Things return to normal, and even some foreign aid will be running in the middle. CBA clubs are ready yet? The day before yesterday, United States supermarket Thanksgiving sale, attracting a mad rush,People had to grab your favorite merchandise, use pepper spray to deal with other people. The past month so close to the CBA, NBA halt as player sales in supermarkets, among clubs in order to grab wants foreign aid, is far more than pepper spray each other? JR Smith's luxury requirements, prompting buzz. For example, he wants to live in Lake Villa, away from home to live in a five-star hotels. Best ofSuch behavior too far, but the others living in the NBA is like that. CBA clubs at the time of introduction of big-name stars, only see the salary issue, but perhaps never concerned these stars in the United States of life. This small temple is the saying goes, let the Buddha. NBA consecutive away games, players often within the arena of the airportChecked, and then headed a special plane, away from home as well, a five-star hotel. Not to mention food, accommodation and subsistence. NBA teams usually 10 o'clock in the morning train to 1 o'clock, and then the rest of the time is all your own. CBA is usually one or two practice, a lot of foreign aid is not used. CBA foreign aid away, happened many times, and that are also household names not NBA stars.Penalties for some because the referee blowing, running away and do sth. in a fit of pique. NBA starts again, players will be asked to go back, because of many of the players are currently effective in the CBA has the ability to return to the NBA to find jobs, they the choice is large. NBA smooth if labour terms, estimation is around December 9 training camp concentration. The next 10 days, there will beA large number in Europe of the United States players began returning, like Kirilenko and Tony Parker would have been well before they are "out clause", some may only want compensation for contract to return to the United States. But what about the CBA? Following this period of time, I am afraid that General Manager wanted to pack the passports of foreign aid in their pocket. This year's unusually harsh CBA rules, foreign aid fellRuns may incur basket society's punishment. And if you take the initiative to change the way foreign aid star to leave, but will become a matter, the only need is to give fans an explanation. CBA League, only one hand "out clause", only the Yi. If Yi Jianlian left, other foreign aid of his own to "jump out"? NBA the pay back, "Buddha" are also optional Temple and habitats. NBA players: Durant finally and a job (Thunder): does any of this be true? I had just put my mother or grandmother woke me up and waved my shirt and hat, shouted at them to yell. We thank thee, Lord, please be sure to really end up. Jiesen��tangmusen (King): we have a ball? Gumaer��kelaofude (Eagle): This feels a little unreal. Lin Shuhao (Warrior): and a job at last! Delike��weilianmusi (forest wolves): finally heard the good news, so here we go. Damien��weierjinsi (free agency): Hey, I'm trying to go to the gym on the way. Stewart Granger (Walker): the halt never really ended, both sides must also be received on theTo vote on the content. Tailunsi��weilianmusi (rocket): better give me a call my broker, let us look at the specific details of the terms and conditions. Bulande��lashi (Walker): still waiting for the boss and the players ' vote, want bosses to accept the results. (Reporter Xu Bei)

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