Tuesday, December 27, 2011

will next week blowout 15

129667840550146642_356 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">star wars the old republic power leveling</a>16:30 securities and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the new securities law history the most positive effect 15:01 will appear on the smoke bomb bodies is the bad: will next week blowout 15:00 size of non-lifting of the table (11.28-12.3) 13:30 disadvantages align? Analysis 09:3,011 one spy too many open-end Fund for the next week 09: 27 biopharmaceutical important opportunities in the future (shares) 09:24 central 09:08 to hand back culture 12 opportunities "drown" shares languishing in the vulnerable 09:08 consumption of fuel at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei 08:54 Guangdong toll road last year, losing $ 3.17 billion in debt to an amount close to $ 300 billion 08:53 Cheng Yu-Tung "the richest manDream "Eve: 08:51 CHOW Tai Fook IPO risk vaguely revealed weeks may not be read: a-shares in Shenzhen panorama (comments) 08:50 week may not be read: incorporated in Panorama (comments) 08:40 next week prospects: ten plates of layout quality unit 08:39 Gu Mingde: reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08:38 state reserve 12 outbreaks 08:37.6 trillion cake 10 units of packaging machinery to meet the daily limit cent end of day 7 prospectus capacity on a-shares his speech crazy 08: 335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08:32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for Yin-08:31 an important signal, or can be broken down pattern 08:30 Li Zhilin: not to artificially depress the stock market 08:30 open market money "drying up" 08:30 08:29 today listed company blockbuster news tour approaching what sector of concern? 08:26 three 08:23 the outbreak of force in one food and drink industry trend dairy sector vitality blaze (list) 08:19 annual report layouts: double good 5 unit Qian Jing bright 08:19 cattle stocksGather and review soldiers: tianyuan steel rose five pick Crown 32% broker realizing who can end the a-share IPO exit 41 08:16 "robber barons era" 08:15 Chopper: He Zhicheng insurable 50% decline in house prices in 10 prosperous times 08:13: hit list "air" 08:11 private heated 2,307 breaking 08:10 how big is the probabilityFrame three gold rating unit three-sector consensus, including dancing is 08:08 SFC RQFII trial measures coming soon 08:04 LI: future world crises or from United States 08:01 08:02 research report featured two power units have the potential to local Telecom China Unicom broadband Antitrust Council: "mesh" the separation of 08:01 to ask Beijing to normal housing standardsLuxury threshold increasing preferential policies to stimulate domestic demand expanded 08:00 31 mainland provinces have been let go 07:58 Cao Renchao double single family second child policy for next year's a-share water: most serious period in the history of Xie baisan: nerd 07:46 the top ten brokers forecast market trend next week 07:41A unit IPO global SFC for 3 consecutive years a new 07:37The SFC "cutting the military Governors" or 07:35, game, song: yayuan-free New York 07:19 the Asian currency crisis in 80 years to the worst Thanksgiving performance rise prices fall in oil prices (market) 07:18 management and save? No. 20121 the old republic power leveling, or flower of agricultural science and technology (with shares) 07:00 Iceland Government refused China real estate tycoons Huang nubo buy Iceland landFind what to buy next week can make a 06:50? Zhongcai 06:18 featured gold stocks Department: United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06:00 bonus in State-owned enterprises in Beijing ahead of the Super 30% 05:36 has not reached the per capita income target companies ' annual report announcements 5 "money" King light 05:01 the Ministry published on "three basic level" industry "ten25 "development plans (shares) 05:00 shangzhengsuo publishing rules for the implementation of financing from pilot or to General 04:59 development and Reform Commission, experts warned the next ten years will be an asset bubble burst a decade 03:56 textile" Twelve-Five "plan was passed by the Ministry of chemical fiber stocks eye medal 00: $ 582.2 billion debt in Shenzhen continued low interest rates and four pilot their own debt collectionEleven-twenty fifths building of agricultural adjustment of two top leaders is about to eleven-twenty fifths the CBRC: local financing loan and real estate loan risk prevention and control

you can make the transfer of shares. ����In addition

129667648234365392_9Reporter includes a trainee reporter Xia Beibei Beijing under 1%, which is China's securities market in the past 10 years the average annual withdrawal rate. This figure is far below the 6%, NASDAQ and NYSE United Kingdom AIM 12%. The last 5 years, we have no company a shares delisting. "Delisting" is becoming the fundingA challenge of the market. But the challenge is trying to solve the gem. Recently, the SFC and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, said preliminary programme has been forming for delisting, the gem system, to seek the views of the community, the move caused great concern in the market. When journalists call the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the gem management staff of the Department, also in the process of further justification, does notDisclose schedule and details. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water and focus: who discovered fresh black who now cannot wait shareholders Li 8 a 12-year Player 8 deep investments to realize the IPO of a tiger 29 months "Ring "go near trillion [micro-Bo] Li Daxiao: for SFC initiatives applauded [Unit 's] shaking good will let short died of is miserable in programme no announced zhiqian, industry persons to out has own on venture plate back city system of recommendations, they General hope this once of back city system don't then discount, and hope regulatory layer can will back city processing of permission decentralization to stock exchange. And withThree quarterly disclosures, Hanson moved (300,081, unit) 's performance also made it a potential delisting risks. "Delisting don't discount" direct withdrawal often make people understand this word can no longer be traded. Shenzhen Stock Exchange said it before, quit the two-step buffer system will be set up, first of all, before the delisting will be given a 30-day stock trading time, second, After the delisting will be listed on the Agency share transfer system, you can make the transfer of shares. ����In addition, the 18th Commission briefing and head made "establishment of a separate section" perfect gem system. "I understand the assertion is that delisting if gem company later circulation needed, turned to share agent systems. In it also opened up aA plate to accept, to distinguish Board of delisting companies and short-term financing or restructured company, not completely swtor power leveling, withdrawing. ����"Shanghai Stock managed trading center, said Zhang Yunfeng to the Huaxia times reporters. Zhang Yunfeng said, in fact, I want to directly cancel system introduced, can lead not to condition the company really retire, not justTransfers is a contradiction or buffering. Haitong securities (600,837, unit) senior analyst Chen zhengrong, told reporters: "the best is not even a buffer and transition, is clean and complete withdrawal, without compromise, too many intermediate links easy to take to the Board the kind of circuitous delisting the old road. Only really have a company retire, enterprises will only deterForce. "" Required by the gem now, after the temporary suspension of listing if net profit for the year is positive, you can resume listing. I think it should be ' net profit ' changed to ' net profit after deduction of nonrecurring ' because both the financial subsidies for the debt restructuring can lead to report profits. If you do not deduct, net profit was too easy. "Chen ZhengChina milk said. Companies complete withdrawal, the ultimate losses are borne by investors. ����The interests of investors in this process and how to protect it? Chen zhengrong believes that this involves a responsibility issues of delisting companies and executives. "Diyajin can take into account a delisting risks, each year from the profits of listed companies and executive remuneration in the extraction,Dan delisting of the company, can be used to compensate for delisting impaired investors. In addition, but also on the delisting of the company's executives due to dereliction of duty. Civil compensation caused by the delisting of the company, but also to introduce unlimited joint and several liability. "" Delisting is one of China's stock markets will close, and will certainly lead to some people pose a risk, I believe that we could take the gem backTrial operation of the urban system, slowly perfecting a framework and standards that everyone can accept. ����"Financial commentators Hou Ning said. SFC should decentralization to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange it is learnt that the delisting, the gem of the new system, on "delisting criteria", the Shenzhen Stock Exchange added two new standards: a provision is that if companies 3 times in 3 years by stock exchangeOpen condemnation will be delisting. ����The other is, if stock prices continued in the 20 trading days less than the par value per share, it needs delisting. For the above two criteria, investors have questioned star wars the old republic power leveling, the actual possibilities of action are not large, there is no real significance. Second, in the a-share market, stock price below the face value of 20 years in the case of rare, not to mention the 20 consecutiveSessions. In this regard, Chen zhengrong said: "we are delisting criteria before they are mainly around the fundamentals of the company released two standard reflects the standard with the requirements of the market to the delisting of the company, actually makes sense. Our goal is to let the market decide who the delisting. "Zhang Yunfeng, says:" as one of the criteria for delisting of stock price, in itself, in line withInternational practice, is the true power of decision over to the investor, perfecting some of these companies just want to ' beautify the fundamentals ' escape from delisting has ignored the market problems, is a good start. "" Now there is a very important issue. Who is the right of a decision to master the delisting of the company? This power should be given standing regulation, listed companies know best securitiesExchange, however, mastered the powers of the SFC. My suggestion is that on the withdrawal issue, the SFC should thoroughly delegation of authority to the stock exchange, then they at a later stage on the stock exchange decided to conduct a compliance audit can be. "Chen zhengrong said such litigation disputes even after delisting, only instead of administrative litigation of civil procedure, in accordance with theListing agreement for resolution, also to avoid a delisting decision rights abuses arising from the concentration by the SFC. It appears from the various phenomena, gem delisting systems launches really near, which companies most at risk? Reporters found by querying the Wind data, Hanson moved to potential risks. Wind data display, 2010 annual report of the company's net profitDown 44.74%, net income fell on the gem ranks fourth in the list. In 2011, the company fell 77.12% three quarterly performance, still held the fourth place position in the list.

on 24th

129667750423896642_34 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>Xinhuanet, Bishkek, November 25 (reporter Guan Jianwu)-Kyrgyzstan Ministry of emergencies said on 25th, recent avalanche in southern Kyrgyzstan, causing 3 deaths, two of them are Chinese nationals. Emergency Ministry officials told Xinhua star wars the old republic power leveling, avalanche occurred on the highway to the southern city of OSH in Bishkek, on 24th, avalanche snow amounted to 10. 50,000 cubic meters。 When 25th night search and rescue and cleanup efforts, the staff found a car buried in the snow. 3 bodies found in the car, they are a Kyrgyzstan citizen and two Chinese citizens. Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Embassy has confirmed the news, 3 per capita in China killed amid gold mine company. Kyrgyz emergencies Ministry earlier said, In view of the recent avalanches occur when a high speed road from Bishkek to OSH, a reminder of the best around. It was reported that the road almost every year someone died in a avalanche.

depending on how the next development. "After that

129668763092812500_141Lovelorn 148 days, Christmas reignite Labour reached a provisional agreement, halt or report from the end (reported by reporter Xu Bei) Beijing yesterday, the United States media claimed said, NBA and the players had reached an interim agreement, followed by both employers and employees held a press conference, Union President David j. Stern, said: "we have initially agreed. We will give ourselves a new NBA season. "On behalf of the players taking part in the talks thanLeigh Hunt, said: "we will give everything to lawyers, depending on how the next development. "After that swtor power leveling, both require members voted through this new collective agreement, Stern said the bosses will hold a conference call the next day. Hunter players arrangements were not disclosed the old republic power leveling, in front of the players Union submitting disclaimer as President of the Trade Union of Derek f: "Then there is a lot of work to be done, lawyers and legal advisers will accept many Affairs. "The players had previously submitted to the District Court of the NBA has been prosecuted, they really need to go through the necessary legal procedures to be fully ended this labor war. Subsequently, the players need to reconvene the players Union, more than 450 participants, including NBA players will vote, so thatCan make a new agreement enters into force, employers are also working to make this step. After the vote by both sides, NBA and the players Union needs two weeks to formally signed a new collective agreement, to halt before officially ended, but prior to that, the team should be able to meet the players returning. Present agreement is only a framework agreement reached between the employers, such as drug testing, minimum age for talent, NBDL delegation rules and other rules of the collective agreement also requires NBA and players Union continued to be finalised, after new labour agreement is officially signed, official NBA can make player trades, free agent signing, and so on. According to insiders, players accept 49%~51% proposed by the employer before floating profit sharing programme. New season will have 66 games the new labourAfter the entry into force of the agreement, NBA games for the new season kicked off on Christmas day, NBA officials are design competition schedule on that day, it is learned that the opening of the season and the Christmas Wars including the Celts against Nick, against defending champion heat such as calves and bulls game against the Lakers. "If all goes well, training camps will begin on December 9, regular competitions from the HolyChristmas begins, there will be 66 games this season. "Stern said, while free agency might be opened along with the training camp. In the halt of 148 days, organized a number of NBA player charity tournament, including Le Blanc, Anthony, who also plans to launch 4 home games. Durant, Volvo and other players are participating in the most charitable game to maintain state. With the NBAAbout to start, the players can finally put their energy into real on the pitch. Thermometer NBA supermarkets closed reporter Zhang Jianqiang NBA halt buying spree the end game is over. Things return to normal, and even some foreign aid will be running in the middle. CBA clubs are ready yet? The day before yesterday, United States supermarket Thanksgiving sale, attracting a mad rush,People had to grab your favorite merchandise, use pepper spray to deal with other people. The past month so close to the CBA, NBA halt as player sales in supermarkets, among clubs in order to grab wants foreign aid, is far more than pepper spray each other? JR Smith's luxury requirements, prompting buzz. For example, he wants to live in Lake Villa, away from home to live in a five-star hotels. Best ofSuch behavior too far, but the others living in the NBA is like that. CBA clubs at the time of introduction of big-name stars, only see the salary issue, but perhaps never concerned these stars in the United States of life. This small temple is the saying goes, let the Buddha. NBA consecutive away games, players often within the arena of the airportChecked, and then headed a special plane, away from home as well, a five-star hotel. Not to mention food, accommodation and subsistence. NBA teams usually 10 o'clock in the morning train to 1 o'clock, and then the rest of the time is all your own. CBA is usually one or two practice, a lot of foreign aid is not used. CBA foreign aid away, happened many times, and that are also household names not NBA stars.Penalties for some because the referee blowing, running away and do sth. in a fit of pique. NBA starts again, players will be asked to go back, because of many of the players are currently effective in the CBA has the ability to return to the NBA to find jobs, they the choice is large. NBA smooth if labour terms, estimation is around December 9 training camp concentration. The next 10 days, there will beA large number in Europe of the United States players began returning, like Kirilenko and Tony Parker would have been well before they are "out clause", some may only want compensation for contract to return to the United States. But what about the CBA? Following this period of time, I am afraid that General Manager wanted to pack the passports of foreign aid in their pocket. This year's unusually harsh CBA rules, foreign aid fellRuns may incur basket society's punishment. And if you take the initiative to change the way foreign aid star to leave, but will become a matter, the only need is to give fans an explanation. CBA League, only one hand "out clause", only the Yi. If Yi Jianlian left, other foreign aid of his own to "jump out"? NBA the pay back, "Buddha" are also optional Temple and habitats. NBA players: Durant finally and a job (Thunder): does any of this be true? I had just put my mother or grandmother woke me up and waved my shirt and hat, shouted at them to yell. We thank thee, Lord, please be sure to really end up. Jiesen��tangmusen (King): we have a ball? Gumaer��kelaofude (Eagle): This feels a little unreal. Lin Shuhao (Warrior): and a job at last! Delike��weilianmusi (forest wolves): finally heard the good news, so here we go. Damien��weierjinsi (free agency): Hey, I'm trying to go to the gym on the way. Stewart Granger (Walker): the halt never really ended, both sides must also be received on theTo vote on the content. Tailunsi��weilianmusi (rocket): better give me a call my broker, let us look at the specific details of the terms and conditions. Bulande��lashi (Walker): still waiting for the boss and the players ' vote, want bosses to accept the results. (Reporter Xu Bei)

after his divorce

129667697075927892_39Zhongxinwang, November 24 fattest woman in Guinness Book of Records in the United States women's Porter (Pauline Potter), originally only 291.6 per kg body weight the old republic power leveling, after his divorce, storm fertilizer to 330 kg. According to Taiwan "joint news network" 24th report, a few days ago with her ex-husband compound, through 6 on the day, not by weightLimit.   Porter's ex-husband ailikesi weighs only 63.5 kilograms was Porter weight one-fifth, but he praised his ex-wife "in bed" not words, but are rather soft, each posture is in place. Potter and ailikesi met in 2002, beneath this one in 2008 for her stepson, had to divorce. Loss after marriage swtor power leveling, through eating to visionHeart pain relief.   After 3 and weighed 203 kg surged to 330 kg fat to daily life cannot be. Porter hit a fat woman after Guinness, occasionally call ailikesi found that he still loves her, and require complex. Ailikesi will take care of Porter, first of all, is to help Porter to lose weight. ()

internationalization of currency to go with their direction of development is no doubt

129667864472021642_407After high profile in Nigeria announced the currency as its foreign exchange reserves, Thailand's Central Bank also expressed the same wish in public. According to a foreign news agency reported yesterday star wars the old republic power leveling, Thailand's Central Bank President Zhang Xuzhou said Thailand's Central Bank has begun to RMB into its foreign currency reserves. He also expressed views on future development, "If the Yuan's global liquidity enhancement, Thailand's Central Bank plans a phased increase of peopleCurrency as the size of its foreign exchange reserves.  "Internationalization of renminbi in these countries made" passive "is a step forward. Thailand trade and economic cooperation Zhang Xuzhou closely said Chinese currency in Thailand of the share of foreign currency reserves less than 1%. Analysts noted that Thailand and China's trade with frequent, as its reserve currency is the Renminbi real needsWith the trend of the times. By the end of September, Thailand's foreign exchange reserves amounted to $ 169.4 billion. Journalist access yesterday Thailand customs related data found that in January-July, Thailand and China on bilateral cargo imports and exports reached $ 33.14 billion, an increase of 30.8%. As of July swtor power leveling, China is Thailand's second largest trade partner, second only to Japan. China is Thailand's largestMarket and the second largest source of imports. The internationalisation objective required in recent years, are growing ever louder about internationalisation. In fact, the reason for, the currency of the country is to match its economic development.  As the world's largest exporter and the second-largest economy, internationalization of currency to go with their direction of development is no doubt, this is an objective need. NepalRiliya Sanoussi, Central Bank Governor said in recent days, Nigeria's Central Bank will increase the proportion of currency in its reserves in response to the growing European debt crisis.

Monday, December 26, 2011

need to be clear from the source and the establishment of mechanisms. By contrast

129668731587343750_15This newspaper a contributing commentator's Chan, Ka Hing is also a citizen in danger and rescue shouldn't cost instead of paying the principal changes have taken place in distress, number.   Otherwise you will have a logical paradox, single Government can buy, why small SLR to be paid by individual citizens? In modern society, citizens in distress rescue costs associated with, is a need to address and resolve issues. BecauseRescue and specialisation, the higher the costs may be higher for individual citizens more unbearable. A boy from drowning, Tongzhou district, Beijing, into the water to the residents nearby rescue efforts were in vain. Families request police salvage, salvage for the civilian police wants to pay $ 10,000 fishing to team. Due to turnout is a commercial salvage team behavior, not by government departments directly under the scope of and require charging even for profit。   Family members to come up with so much money, and finally a child by several villagers helped in shore fishing, but had died. Shortly before swtor power leveling, in spite of ban violations across the four girls mountains 14 "donkey" dispute between the rescue costs. The rescue of thousands of people, except outside the time and energy consumption, resulting in the rescue costs $ 130,000. And even though the donkey's friends assume only an extremely small proportion, But after all, is merely an unconventional solution. In fact, the natural disasters in the citizens is in danger, larger groups, finally rescue costs paid by the Government. For example, when a sudden earthquake, hail, flood disaster, Government urgent actions at all resources, saving people from fire and water. This was precisely as the superiority of the Socialist system and toWorld as the world in the eyes of the Chinese flag. Over the years, the Chinese Government a series of rescue operations won praise in the world, and be ashamed of one's inferiority in Western developed countries, because such superiority. Some countries often do not see this, so rescue on the speed and quality is less then a raise. Some United States media have lamented in 2004, United States 构词成分。Numerous air rescue is not satisfactory, and feeling mega 2008 Wenchuan earthquake "Chinese-style rescue unparalleled."   On the aid issue, calculated easily cold, generous warmth. Both are citizens in distress, rescuing shouldn't cost instead of paying the principal changes have taken place in distress, number. Otherwise you will have a logical paradox, single Government can buy, why small singleBut have to be paid by individual citizens? Therefore, citizens in distress rescue costs, relates to the citizens of the socialist countries on the nature of distress relief, need to be clear from the source and the establishment of mechanisms. By contrast, this fall on the Government's solution does to the civic pride, a sense, this is a special benefit of Chinese citizens. If you require individual citizensCover distress rescue expenses, in a sense is a citizen of this goodwill of deprivation. Specific operations will require special expenditures by the Government. When the citizens in distress, government departments must rescue. No rescue of professional competence the old republic power leveling, funded by the Government to employ professional teams to implement. There are exceptions, of course, that's some trick citizens or blatant challenge in national legislation, which is bestLast name said as a "nothing found" who wilfully guilty of dangerous waste and rescue resources. On the whole, this relief of distress of citizens ' individual expenses is not huge, absolve individual citizens to worry about, this is a reflection of the country's soft power, and Government to do. ()

Recording natural and human landscapes of China's coastal areas. The overall tour of more than 18

129667716800615392_81CCTV launches documentary of the frontier line companion volume the coastal line Beijing News reported on November 26 after CCTV international channel launched Baiji documentary distant · after border row, sister paper of the coastal line and will be held on November 28 began broadcasting. As home to the distant · companion volume of the frontier line, the distant · coastal line will continue taking steps and making system the old republic power leveling, travel programs displayed on the perspective of changes in coastal areas,Recording natural and human landscapes of China's coastal areas. The overall tour of more than 18,000 km, and Liaoning, Hebei swtor power leveling, Tianjin, and other 10 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.

the Hong Kong SAR

129667634780927892_13Trend bears raise male a-share IPO Crown for 3 consecutive years of more global A-shares since its October 2007 high, long bear pedestrians, during which the investor gains seen after 1664 rallied at the end of surprise, also undergo chonggao to 3,478 can't attack on depression. At the end of each year, we will review and reflection in this issue, the daily economic news reporter after detailed statistics, to show investors several yearsThe a-share IPO since versus international markets, and the detailed processes. We deeply understand the hearts of investors gloomy and dull pain, together with the investor, delisting system and looked forward to similar to gem bonus new rules to benefit continues to occur, let investors with hope in the new year. This year's a-share IPO to raise total Super United States this year, the a-share markets IPO fundraising total in the worldIn what position? Maybe you don't want to hear the answer, but if you're a share investors, it is necessary to have the following information: as of November 23, 2011, the a-share IPO to raise the total amount of nearly $ 223.3 billion, ahead of the second United States fundraising total of $ 207.6 billion, 3 consecutive years since 2009 the highest in the world. 3-year IPORaise nearly 930 billion over the past 3 years, the a-share market raised through IPO to $ 925.217 billion in total. It's better than the same period in United States markets IPO fundraising total at 56%, higher than the total Western Europe all IPO fundraising 115%, namely Japan and Hong Kong SAR, China 7.9 times and 1.4 times times. This can't help provoking, shares why in such aImmersed in a short time so much money? Things had to start from 2 years ago. In May 2009, the SFC unveiled the guidance on further reform of the reform and improvement of the IPO (draft for soliciting opinions), then the SFC said that officially released at the end of request for comments and will be arranged after the IPO. This means the suspended 8 months to restart the IPO.1 month later, Guilin sanjin (002275, closed at $ 14.16) became the restored since the IPO the first new listings, its release date on June 29. Eventually, the unit raised amounting to $ 911 million, raised a net decrease of $ 860 million. In 2009, the a-share IPO to raise total that ranks first in the world. Giant spirit according to the 2009Year, the a-share IPO since there were a total raise the total amount of $ 218.9 billion, total raised NET $ 211 billion, total super raised $ 70.63 billion. Among them, fundraising total was China building up to (601,668, closed at $ 3.13). In contrast, Hong Kong, China is the world's second of that year. According to Bloomberg data and statistics,IPO raised US $ 29.69 billion, approximately 188.5 billion yuan; same year United States third largest IPO to raise up to us $ 20.16 billion, equivalent to 128 billion yuan; Western Europe and Japan is 36.7 billion yuan respectively, and the total IPO to raise $ 3.55 billion. A-shares restart until the June 2009 issue of new shares, but are stillCatch up from behind, it's rather difficult to understand. Even stranger is that after the start of the 2008 global financial crisis, global stock markets suffered badly, when the Dow Jones industrial average fell 34%, Germany stock and Japan stock market fell by 48% and 40%, the Hang Seng index fell swtor power leveling, but these look pretty poor performance is nothing like the a-share, the same year the Shanghai composite index was down as much as 65%, Shenchengzhi decline has reached 63%. In other words, the a-share while bottom in 2008 performance in the world, but after 1 year IPO raising is ahead of other markets. SSE data shows that in 2009, initially released on through the Exchange raised $ 125.125 billion, for 2008; $ through again raised a total of 2,091. $ 900 million. It is worth mentioning that, in 2009, first in Shanghai Stock Exchange IPO is the total since 1990 the second highest in 20 years, a figure second only to $ 437.992 billion in 2007. Gem drive IPO blowout in 2010, the a-share IPO ushered blowout in history. Giant spirit, according to a share in the yearA total of 338 IPO, total raised capital of 483 billion yuan, total raised NET 462.15 billion yuan, total Super proceeds of $ 196.5 billion. Among them, raise up to agricultural Bank (601,288, closed at $ 2.54) of 59.591 billion yuan. Then, the same year as global stock markets IPO raising what is the sum of? BloombERG, according to market Hong Kong, China remains the world's second, its total raise 329 billion yuan equivalent; United States followed suit, raising equivalent 306.2 billion yuan; Western Europe and Japan raise amount equivalent to $ 180.1 billion and $ respectively. This means that the IPO of the year raise the volume of Chinese stock market has accounted for 53% of these four markets, close toUnited States and Western Europe combined. According to statistics, huzhi fallen 14% last year, while the Hang Seng index gained 5%, Dow Jones industrial average rose cent and the Germany DAX index or 16%. According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange disclosure 2010 gem fundraising amount up to $ 96.3 billion, growth of 372%. Gem amazing ability to raise capital are available for its equity and in circulationDetected value growth: throughout 2010, the total issued share capital rose by almost 14% of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Board, junior 72%, gem growth rates up to 406%. A stock circulation market value basis, Board up 14%, small 115%, gem is as high as 571%. Gem launched the a shares beginning in 2009 once again into theIn financing to new heights. On June 5, 2009 the old republic power leveling, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange release of the GEM listing rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, opened on October 30, gem has sounded the Bell on the day the first batch of 28 companies listed collective. Giant spirit according to statistical data, throughout 2010, the total gem IPO to raise up to 91.72 billion yuan, accounting for IPO of the year raise the total amount of nearly19%. Up to 2011, the a-share IPO financing still ranks first in the world. Giant spirit figures, as of November 24, the a-share markets since a total of 239 IPO, total amount raised close to $ 223.3 billion, total raised NET 210.1 billion yuan, total super raised $ 86.5 billion. Among them, China's hydropower (601,669, closed at $ 4.53) Raise up, reached $ 13.5 billion. Then take the global situation. According to United States professional IPO statistics RenaissanceCapital data, as of November 25, since the beginning of this year's United States markets IPO together raised $ 32.7 billion, equivalent of $ 207.6 billion, this data 6.9% drop last year. It is interesting this yearIn September, the United States $ 0 is the result of the IPO market, which is since 2002 the United States 9th one-month no IPO. According to Bloomberg statistics 2011 IPO financing totalling $ 33.59 billion in Western Europe, equivalent 213.3 billion yuan, Japan due to large earthquakes, only 21.7 billion yuan IPO equivalent;Hong Kong IPO is equivalent to $ 153.5 billion. Nanhua futures macro-Director Zhang Yiwei reporters to the business daily, the a-share IPO market is leading the world in a row, a large reason is IPO systems exist. Because approval system IPO now, everybody is willing to issue new shares. In addition, the a-share IPO valuations in the world areIs high; this means that making money in a-share IPO have effect. Stock market high speed expansion in the coming years is expected to continue. Decline in global IPO fundraising this year 41% 1 month away is also the end of 2011, but a-shares has basically sat steady global IPO leadership position. Seating and how you may wish to take a look at other markets. RenaiSsanceCapital for this year's IPO raised more than $ 100 million equity raise total statistics, results showed that United States US $ 30.3 billion, ranking first in the world outside of China; followed by Hong Kong SAR, China, US $ 29.5 billion; next 3 digits are the United Kingdom ($ 16.1 billion), Singapore (US $ 7 billion) and Spain ($ 5.2 billion). If number of IPO as a benchmark for comparison, United States market this year, 75, ranking first in the a-share of global; the Hong Kong SAR, China win 26, Brazil and the United Kingdom 11, Germany and Korea 7. It is worth mentioning that, since this year, the IPO raised $ 125.8 billion in total global market, up plunging 41%. Among them,Asia Pacific IPO world IPO48%, 25% percentage of North America, Europe and Latin America and 22%, respectively. At the same time, 2004 ~2011 annual global IPO to raise maximum of one year is 2007, amounted to $ 266.8 billion at that time. A year with the lowest amount in 2008, only $ 85.2 billion.

short continues to occupy a clear upper hand

129667889652802892_126Stock indexes continued weak hit this week, but falling resistance characteristics are also evident. On one hand, market constantly vulnerable under the impact of negative messages down, but the reaction is not particularly strong, while market reaction to the positive news is more prosaic, overall, the market cautious wait-and-see attitude dominated. Expected worsening fundamentals and possible furtherLoose policies expected splints condition, market or will continue to render the weak turbulence patterns. People's Bank according to the information published on 21st October Exchange fell nearly $ 25 billion per cent, which was the first time since December 2007, weakening of RMB's appreciation, real estate adjustment situation obviously, domestic Exchange settlement and sales habits of the residents and the European debt crisis caused risk aversionOgata multiple factors such as increased resonance leads to exchange of sequential growth is expected in the devaluation of the Renminbi appreciation is expected to greatly weaken or even expected, European debt crisis may further deteriorate giving rise to increased risk aversion and thus makes the dollar rebound or render further seasonal movements and foreign trade surplus fell back under the overlay of many different factors, such as, Exchange may occur during the year againstBombs, but may be limited. Due to changes in foreign exchange and monetary base related to the increase or decrease, so obvious negative effects on market liquidity, but judging from the market's interpretation of, more inclined to see it as a future reserve overall downward adjustment triggered one of the conditions, actually reinforces expectations that Central Bank will ease monetary policy in disguise. Capital inflowsUnit (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved the old republic power leveling! Central Bank Deputy Governor Hu xiaolian recently proposed, within the macro-prudential policy framework, based on the capital adequacy of financial institutions, stability of the operating conditions and the implementation of the national credit policy, on the adjustment and optimization of control parameters, andFor major services in those areas of small and medium financial institutions right tilt. Media reports Wednesday, Zhejiang Provincial rural credit system allowed directed down 6 or so institutions renminbi deposit reserve rate of 0.5% per cent, Central Bank on Thursday confirmed the message, and said such a move cannot be interpreted as lowered their deposit reserve ratio, is cancellation of the punitive measures. We expect future movementsWill be further under the Central Bank's monetary policy to fine-tune pattern tends to improve. The open market, interest rates on Central Bank on Tuesday to 3.4875% 1-year Central ticket issue 15 billion yuan, with the $ 15 billion in 28-day repo operations, and to 3.1618% interest rates on Thursday issued $ 1 billion worth of the March issue of Central, open market this week due to 530 Yuan, the Central Bank reported net invested $ 22 billion.����Due to the near end, funds for the time being there have been some signs of tension, the Central Bank injected a net detrimental to seasonal pressures ease short-term funds. Released 23rd November preview HSBC manufacturing index from 51 fell sharply last month to 48, after a brief rebound in October again after shrinking, The new orders index decline was particularly sharp, reflecting the needs through a more significant decrease is expected to announced in early December in the mining and Manufacturing PMI index will also be continuing weakness, which reflected the economic downturn clearly emotional repression on the market, but the positive sign is that, after the publication of the data, the market again to switch the focus to the policy could further micro-On adjusting expectations. From the main seat position, weak in the short term pattern more specific context, short continues to occupy a clear upper hand, four short of traditional main futures, guotai Junan securities-stocks, haitong futures once again to the great wall and huatai brings together a large number of empty positions gold short positions prior to a book of heroes by four, and permit futures empty absolute positions in more than 6000, the empty weight of such scale are rare in the history; on the other hand, although the overall limited size, but empty single chips did receive a certain amount of loose swtor power leveling, especially permits in futures markets have become more resilient and guotai Junan Tuesday and Wednesday of the context, there has been a certain level of close up. Overall, in the case of market weakness, short continues to occupy a clear upper hand, futuresLater trend, the guideline is still not optimistic. Overall, current market internal and external negative news bearing capacity enhanced for good news too, is not strong. We believe that the policies and expectations of further improving liquidity remained strong but before the policy is significantly clearer context, technical weaknesses and uncertainties in the external environment will be short-term inhibit market long on enthusiasm,Markets and policies to improve internal and external uncertainties expected splint State continuation of weak turbulence patterns, to wait for the central economic work Conference in early December on the market is expected to make more specific guidelines, currently we are particularly reminded investors not to overreact to negative message, context in the policy has been fine-tuning adjustment, worsened the fundamentals of information will be more intensive market onPolicies may further loosen the expected as well as on the market some support. Futures operations strategy, we recommend investors to short-term actions in the near future, and should not be too high fell and killed, while the middle line can do more or less bargain ad risk control layout.

rich interfaces

129667677909521642_43Recommended models: Acer ICONIA cherry red TAB A100 reference price: $ 2,499 recommended reason: Du Biyin-effect small convenient Acer launched the cherry red version of ICONIA TAB A100 Tablet PC, prior to it and blue version of the same configuration high-end. It can support 720PHD playback HD movies in General can provide smooth viewing. In addition, the A100 is equipped with Dolby stereo sound effect, to viewing different shocks. A100 with 7-inch frame the old republic power leveling, is very convenient to carry, it is a mobile cinema. Acer ICONIA TAB A100, Acer ICONIA TABA100 uses the power of NVidia Tegra 2 dual-core processor, 1GB, 16GB of storage space, screen resolution 1024 x 600 also. In terms of expansion, the A100 has Bluetooth and Wifi-enabled, with micro USB and micro HDMI interface, andAlso available through additional external Micro SD card expansion up to 32GB of memory.  In addition, the A100 camera reached front rear between 2 million and 5 million pixel camera.  Edit comment: Player, Du Biyin efficient, compact and portable, these several points A100 destined to be a great "mobile movie". 2nd page of ASUS Eee PadTF101 Asus Eee Pad TF101 reference price: $ 3,999 recommended reason: base the design of the film saving Asus Eee Pad TF101 positioned as "Transformers", a unique base design just to support the cinema. The other hand, the ASUS EeePad TF101 has also been prepared toLeading other tablets on the operating system, the first upgrade Android3.2 operating system so that it maintained a unique style of the many Tablet. ASUS EeePad TF101 configurations, ASUS EeePad TF101 Tablet is a 10.1-inch screen, Android 3 space flight (meshSupport before upgrading Android 3.2) operating system, configuring the Nvidia Tegra 2 processor, 1GB, 16GB DDR2 memory storage space. Carrying 1.2 million megapixel front-facing camera and rear camera 5 million pixels. With mini HDMI interface, Bluetooth and 802.11b/G/n wireless network adapter.  Edit comment: unique stand, cinema is very convenient. 3rd page Motorola XOOM recommended models: Motorola XOOM reference price: 3,980 recommended reason: 10 "screens excellent screen XOOM mainstream configuration, by virtue of their design, the tablet computer market competition in the next XOOM will continue being consumers, with a 10 "XOOM movies is very appropriate. On a design, XOOM 10.1-inch screen, the shape is more traditional, body whole body black, material of the front of the fuselage with a acrylic glass cover, the back is made up of two parts, plastic on the top and bottom metal. Frame size is 249.1x167.8x12.9mm, 730 grams, weight than iPad2 heavier, but the feel is good. Motorola XOOM configurations, Xoom Tablet machine with dual-core processor is NVIDIA Tegra2, 1GHz GHz, powerful entertainment performance and provides the USB2.0,HDMI, audio out, SD card slot, rich interfaces, total weight of only 730g.  Editing comments: 10 "screen, excellent screen, the film selected. 4th page of Sony Tablet s recommended models: Sony Tablet s reference price: $ 3,688 recommended reason: texture thin edge watching SonyLaunched its first tablet also adopts new "scrolls" design, gave us a big surprise.  Phone feels very thin, you can "walk". Configuration, Sony Tablet s with 9.4-inch capacitive touch screen swtor power leveling, based on latest Android operating system. Or NVIDIA Tegra processor 2Processor, a 500 megapixel camera. Storage Optional 16GB, or 32GB. No released version 3G. Although Sony Tablet s is a new product, but it had been integrated into your home. Sony Tablet s can be used as a learning infrared remote control device, on families in the various brands of TV, audioRings, player, air conditioning, or even DSLR camera remote control can be achieved. Unique "cool" feature that lets users through DLNA "home entertainment network" and the same device for multimedia content sharing supports this feature.  This includes Blu-ray players, TVs, computers, wireless speakers, cell phones and other devices. Editing comments: literary Fan Er shape, textureLightweight. Edit summary: summary, Acer A100 configuration is ideal for large, coupled with slimmer fuselage, full of "mobile movie"; ASUS TFT 101 base design, movies more convenient; Mot XOOM configured mainstream Sony Tablet s thin, and very suitable for mobile viewing.

and closest to the original joint venture model

129668652452500000_173Hexun homepage established mobile microblogging mobile stock/fund news blog rolling news industry news dynamic enterprises and enterprises earnings overseas car news car reviews new car recall steam automobile marketingCar quality exposure test kit supplies complete collection of cool RC car new car kit thematic character models in profiling the hot shopping guide fee quotes quotes promotions queries real-time road traffic law in violation of traffic safety car car insurance cars compact medium car dealers car luxury cars sports cars MPV SUVSvw way view the Audi Q5 BMW 5-series Faw Toyota Prado, Mercedes-Benz GLK Haver H6 na Zhi Jie 7 SUV look better than Aurora loulan hexun.com Evoque biekeangkelei Nissan automobile > body font size print RSSNovember 27, 2011 source: ninth Tencent Guangzhou motor show (microblogging) compared to prior years ' starting lineup of new vehicles significantly extended, but go back and look into the recent new car spy photos and the new directory access, you can find, there are still many new models the absence of Guangzhou auto show, so that we will over time back to next year fourBeijing auto show of the month (Twitter), it is easy to detect many manufacturers have pushed Bao direct pressure on Beijing auto show, almost all manufacturers have had reservations, according to known models to look at the various plants on ice on hand what new models. 26 new models out of Guangzhou auto show will be listed on Honda (including Dongfeng Honda and Guangzhou Honda) focus on ice cars:Thought ming, and replacement CRV, and revision front fan this three paragraph models are is newly two period new car access directory in the appeared, which Dongfeng Honda on include has new push independent brand thought Ming and latest appearances of 2012 paragraph CRV, can said is weight level models; and newly revision of front fan itself of improved project on does not more, is in Guangzhou auto show Shang show old version models, let people how many some lostLook. Dongfeng Li Tian SI Ming is pushing the latest version of the brand, the first models are also known as SI ming, subsequent models are so named is currently not known, but throughout all joint venture brands, natural gene thinking Ming is the form most of the good coordination, and closest to the original joint venture model, of course, power is still the old routine, in order to maintain the cost advantage without making any changes�� 26 new models out of Guangzhou auto show will be just starting new replacement overseas market Honda CRV, domestic directory and quickly follow up reflects Honda's importance for the Chinese market, the new car looks to Edition of the same swtor power leveling, this indicates that the 2012 CRV in time to market for the Chinese market will be worldwide. 26 new models withoutMargin of Guangzhou auto show will be listed due to revised frontal fan shape change is unlikely, if not very carefully almost invisible to change the region the old republic power leveling, in fact, in addition to the front bumper has done detail adjustments, vehicle change is negligible, certainly from the perspective of joint venture brands itself, this change is also causing many consumers to focus enough. 26 new models out of GuangzhouExhibition will gradually listed snow Tibetan reasons analysis: Honda of thought let people elusive does not through, next-generation thought domain absent Beijing auto show, and will China first ceremony placed in has Guangzhou auto show Shang, as Dongfeng Honda its of weight level models one, does not show thought Ming is has may is for protection first debut of next-generation thought domain of purpose, after all two paragraph models level same, even even modeling areMore, just to reverse, the promotion of key models; think of 2012 CRV, Honda's erratic without starting on the Guangzhou auto show, should be as well for next year's Beijing auto show booth highlights considerations; newly revised frontal fan, after all, changed by much, based on vehicle sales consideration, listed may not do ' before.

ancien directeur technique de Barcelone p

129624490150468750_236NetEase sport signalées 7 octobre : Selon le daily news de sport, ancien président de Barcelone Laporta soup?onnés détournement parrainé des commissions énormes affaire sera l'heure locale d'Espagne pour audition le 10 octobre, comme défendeur dans Boer tours même si incapable d'y assister, mais son avocat doit être présent. Le quotidien sportif :Rosel a refusé de Laporta à témoigner Laporta devient l'accusé parce que, en avril 2008, le Laporta puis de président de Barcelone veut influencer dans le développement des marchés de l'Asie centrale Barcelone et prendre le parrainage, il a un accord de coopération avec le premier courtier en tutumulu, en retour, le tutumulu sera 10 % comme le courtage de la quantité de parrainage.Tutumulu et démarrer immédiatement Laporta après finalisation des accords de coopération en Asie centrale, il était lié à l'Ouzbékistan vous Deke Président du Club deyalahuofu, qui est un naturel de travail gaz Tycoon. Tutumulu de lobbying, deyalahuofu vite convenu avec le FC Barcelone des projets de coopération une série. Cependant, rangtutumulu pas pensez est à ce momentBoers tours après sa rencontre avec deyalahuofu, Laporta a tutumulu et chasser, choisissant plut?t de contact unique deyalahuofu. Laporta rangtutumulu wonder et réalisé certains grave et établi plus tard par tutumulu, Barcelone a été avec vous Deke Club a signé une série d'accords de coopération. Selon les protocoles, deyalahuofu à BarceloneFournir des frais de parrainage atteint 100 millions d'euros. En vertu de l'accord conclu avec Laporta, tutumulu pour obtenir des 10 millions d'euros de commissions de courtage, mais l'argent et tutumulu ne pas, puis tutumulu prendra Laporta à la Cour. Maintenant, les chambres de première instance était imminente, tutumulu vous avez carrément: ? Tour de Boer en violation de l'accord, tout ce que je fais est au-dessus de ConseilChoses. ” On notera que le lundi audience est venu comme, ancien directeur technique de Barcelone p, actuel président Rosel et Massey, Jordi Pujol, a. Iniesta, Eto ' O swtor power leveling, Fabregas également tous apparaissent comme témoin de la scène du procès, ils devront être compte tenu des éléments de preuve. Cependant le Marka a émergé the old republic power leveling, Rosel Boer tour ne sera pas témoignerMais également pas d'allégations contre Laporta.

and 8% equity of the company. Main funds into stocks

129667889777490392_449Dalian International Bulletin today, Dalian SASAC will be held by the controlling shareholder of the company shares are transferred to the State-owned resources in Dalian 30% group co. the old republic power leveling, Ltd.  Equity transfer Datum day on October 8, Dalian State resources Investment Corporation was completed on November 16 the registration procedures of alteration. According to reports, the Dalian registered capital of the State-owned resources Investment Corporation 1$ 0, scope of business includes investment and management, State-owned assets management and administration, business management services. Dalian, Dalian SASAC, the State-owned assets investment management group, Dalian bus passenger transport group, held respectively in the construction of Dalian, 80% swtor power leveling, and 8% equity of the company. Main funds into stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) certain unit cut meat fled certainly regretSudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Dalian, Dalian, the equity transfer was in accordance with the request of the Government, to give better play to the resource of the company's investment and financing platform. After you complete this time equity transfer, operating management of the company and the main business are not changing, controlling shareholder of the company and the actual controller also did not change.

Gold-line reproduced above

129667786242646642_183Securities dividends promised new rules mean gem into the articles in the industry said, forced the dividend rules of implementation of and follow-up to, IPO from gem company began, boards and small bonus rules will also progressively introduce reporter Hou Jiening after the SFC bonus has just introduced new initiatives, journalists today was informed that the Securities and Futures Commission for listing on the gem the other day the company launchedRed rules, requiring the gem company dividends promised to write a Constitution, and tips on major matters in the prospectus. In addition the old republic power leveling, the Commission requires the gem company to develop the dividend return plan, should be continued. According to the requirements of the securities, the issuer should be clear in the articles: issue shares to be listed after profit distribution policies, including the distribution of profits,Specific conditions and the amount or proportion of gold bonus, specific conditions, the distribution of profits to distribute stock dividends during the interval, such as distribution of profits shall perform the procedure for the consideration. At the same time, issuers on profit distribution planning decisions and adjustment mechanisms also need to be clear in the articles. As a result of large changes in the external business environment and internal operation of the need to adjust the profit distribution policy, should beProtection of shareholders ' interests as a starting point, at the general meeting of shareholders for detailed demonstration and explanation in the proposal. Under the new rules, issuers need to disclose in the prospectus profit distribution policy and implementation during the reporting period, including the distribution of profits is not cause, and retained the use of funds. In addition, the company's dividend return factors considered by the planning and formulation and decision-making processes also require that the prospectusDisclosures in the book. The industry believes, the SFC corporate dividend requirements are listed on GEM sources began to grab. At the same time, concern is that of the SFC to require issuers in prospectuses Home on the dividend policy for "significant matters tips", to issue shares to be listed after the profit distribution policy, the specific plans to reward plan, dividend policy and dividends instructions�� This corresponds to, sponsor organizations, lawyers and intermediaries such as reporting accountants have many duties, to the issuer's dividend policy disclosure verification and the verification opinion. Special requirements of the SFC, verification of intermediaries should indicate whether the profit distribution policy issuers focus on giving investors steady returns, whether it is conducive to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors, the companyDuration and prospectus disclosure of profit distribution matters, such as the relevant provisions. Although on the surface, the new rules of the securities is intended primarily for information disclosure of companies pay dividends for the specification and refinement, and does not constrain what percentage of the cash dividend, but investment bankers point out that, although any hard constraints is not listed, but in the course of the practical implementation of, the SFC may be in a similar window guidanceCommitment requiring enterprises to dividends, particularly for IPO companies, have been implementing this requirement. Practitioners say, compulsory dividend rules of implementation of and follow-up to, IPO from gem company began. Bonus rules governing boards and small and certainly will continue. This reporter learned that, although the current Board and small bonus rules have not yet issued, but the IPOVolume of material to be listed companies have joined the dividends promised in the original prospectus. November 10, the Commission held a media briefing, promised in response to market the four hot spots, to force listed companies increase cash dividends reward shareholders, strengthening the construction of credit of listed companies, and so on. Recently issued to the various market organisations implement the document, regardless ofIntegrity construction and efforts to increase dividends swtor power leveling, starting from second board companies. On November 18, Commission officials said, the gem exit system will also seek advice from the public. Open frame early release under gem in the GEM listing rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange 11 clear delisting criteria, including the last two years of losses, a recentDisplays the fiscal year audited a negative net worth of that year, the company implemented stock 120 consecutive days cumulative turnover of less than 1 million shares. In July this year, General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange announced Song Liping, on this basis will also add two standard cumulative Exchange publicly censured 3 within the last 36 months, prices for 20 consecutive trading days less than the nominal value of stocks transactions,Stocks have ended the GEM listing. (Securities daily) Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

allowing effects such enthusiasm from Guangzhou to other cities across the country. ”

129668763064218750_80Sports marketing expert discussion on the constant mode does not encourage burn praised Derby Guangzhou evergrande (Club official Twitter) Football Club (microblogging) invested 700 million for two years successively won the a and Super champion, such "cash burn" champion's behavior was outside comment. Yesterday, to Guangzhou football promotional activities of several United Kingdom senior football researchers, club management staff and senior management of these sports are given by the same voice: hengda "burning the money CrownArmy "is not a sustainable business model. Luowen·ximengsi Odyssey media investment holdings Limited (OMI) Chairman, worked in China for many years the old republic power leveling, can speak fluent Chinese, who has numerous bodies of China's strategic advising he first: "in my opinion swtor power leveling, evergrande achieved champion is bought, it is obtained by burning a lot of money, so there is noPossible to meet spending needs from the Club's operations, the budget is not balanced, and therefore is a Club of unsustainable business model. I think any club as long as they burn, is likely to win the Championship. "Ximeng·chadeweike at Coventry University (SimonChadwick) is a sports business strategies and marketing Professor, he changes from aForce balanced angle presented their point of view, character and charm as he thinks football matches is unpredictable, if an investment Tycoon suddenly composed a super football teams so lopsided the match, which can easily take away the Championship, this consumption can be said to be irrational, soccer has become ugly. "Build a strong team in a short time, of course, is a temptationForce, but in the long term, this is not sustainable, is bad. I think we need to pay attention to competition between team cooperation, efforts to make power closer to each other, this football is good-looking, more attractive. "Richest man in another expert denounced the city by the Middle East of unregulated money after the model of Jin, Chadwick further States that is debt in Europe's three largestHome club Manchester United, Real Madrid and Barcelona in next year's UEFA introduced a fair financial policy under the premise of, are likely to Miss Champions League match, "can you imagine without the three clubs the UEFA Champions League participants do? "Chadwick reports, recent European football a welcome phenomenon, the Club has more emphasis on medium-and long-term sustainable development, such as increasing research investment, increasedVenue construction and new Football Academy, strengthen the construction of Echelon. In Guangzhou, a number of football clubs competing with City status, teams of Tottenham Hotspur football club from London's international business development Senior Manager Mu Aidan (AidanMullally) first of all commend, "with the city competition is a very good thing. "He said," precisely becausePatterns of team competition occurred in the city of London, to make it stand out from the United Kingdom ' football ', and this competition has made the team more consciously take every game seriously, thus creating a more positive enthusiasm, this passion not only in London, also extends to the United Kingdom and elsewhere. So, my suggestion is for Guangzhou team, attention should be paidThis same city competition, but also to create a good atmosphere of competition, a good atmosphere to the masses, inspire ordinary people passion for football, allowing effects such enthusiasm from Guangzhou to other cities across the country. ”

United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06

129667840558584142_37416:30 securities and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the new securities law history the most positive effect 15:01 will appear on the smoke bomb bodies is the bad: will next week blowout 15:00 size of non-lifting of the table (11.28-12.3) 13:30 disadvantages align? Analysis 09:3,011 one spy too many open-end Fund for the next week 09: 27 biopharmaceutical important opportunities in the future (shares) 09:24 central 09:08 to hand back culture 12 opportunities "drown" shares languishing in the vulnerable 09:08 consumption of fuel at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei 08:54 Guangdong toll road last year, losing $ 3.17 billion in debt to an amount close to $ 300 billion 08:53 Cheng Yu-Tung "the richest manDream "Eve: 08:51 CHOW Tai Fook IPO risk vaguely revealed weeks may not be read: a-shares in Shenzhen panorama (comments) 08:50 week may not be read: incorporated in Panorama (comments) 08:40 next week prospects: ten plates of layout quality unit 08:39 Gu Mingde: reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08:38 state reserve 12 outbreaks 08:37.6 trillion cake 10 units of packaging machinery to meet the daily limit cent end of day 7 prospectus capacity on a-shares his speech crazy 08: 335 trillion capping 2013 peak 08:32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for Yin-08:31 an important signal, or can be broken down pattern 08:30 Li Zhilin: not to artificially depress the stock market 08:30 open market money "drying up" 08:30 08:29 today listed company blockbuster news tour approaching what sector of concern? 08:26 three 08:23 the outbreak of force in one food and drink industry trend dairy sector vitality blaze (list) 08:19 annual report layouts: double good 5 unit Qian Jing bright 08:19 cattle stocksGather and review soldiers: tianyuan steel rose five pick Crown 32% broker realizing who can end the a-share IPO exit 41 08:16 "robber barons era" 08:15 Chopper: He Zhicheng insurable 50% decline in house prices in 10 prosperous times 08:13: hit list "air" 08:11 private heated 2,307 breaking 08:10 how big is the probabilityFrame three gold rating unit three-sector consensus, including dancing is 08:08 SFC RQFII trial measures coming soon 08:04 LI: future world crises or from United States 08:01 08:02 research report featured two power units have the potential to local Telecom China Unicom broadband Antitrust Council: "mesh" the separation of 08:01 to ask Beijing to normal housing standardsLuxury threshold increasing preferential policies to stimulate domestic demand expanded 08:00 31 mainland provinces have been let go 07:58 Cao Renchao double single family second child policy for next year's a-share water: most serious period in the history of Xie baisan: nerd 07:46 the top ten brokers forecast market trend next week 07:41A unit IPO global SFC for 3 consecutive years a new 07:37The SFC "cutting the military Governors" or 07:35, game, song: yayuan-free New York 07:19 the Asian currency crisis in 80 years to the worst Thanksgiving performance rise prices fall in oil prices (market) 07:18 management and save? No. 20121 the old republic power leveling, or flower of agricultural science and technology (with shares) 07:00 Iceland Government refused China real estate tycoons Huang nubo buy Iceland landFind what to buy next week can make a 06:50? Zhongcai 06:18 featured gold stocks Department: United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06:00 bonus in State-owned enterprises in Beijing ahead of the Super 30% 05:36 has not reached the per capita income target companies ' annual report announcements 5 "money" King light 05:01 the Ministry published on "three basic level" industry "ten25 "development plans (shares) 05:00 shangzhengsuo publishing rules for the implementation of financing from pilot or to General 04:59 development and Reform Commission swtor power leveling, experts warned the next ten years will be an asset bubble burst a decade 03:56 textile" Twelve-Five "plan was passed by the Ministry of chemical fiber stocks eye medal 00: $ 582.2 billion debt in Shenzhen continued low interest rates and four pilot their own debt collectionEleven-twenty fifths building of agricultural adjustment of two top leaders is about to eleven-twenty fifths the CBRC: local financing loan and real estate loan risk prevention and control

there is also a surname of the famous old street in Yangzhou city

129668652377031250_12Shan Guild Hall (information) "businessman most luxurious in the River, the Windows were wide paste fine yarn. Quick-pay limit of 300,000 West even less from home. "It is very popular since the Ming and Qing dynasty in Yangzhou of bamboo in the words of a song, depictions from the Northwest Shanxi, Shanxi merchants (people of what is called" West ") along the most prosperous colonies in Yangzhou xiaguan, near BeijingOfficial along the Canal and salt Transport Division and the note-issuing Customs (customs), they are also selling salt-rich, dominated party. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) opposition of many countries of the euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single Twelve-Five plan will be published to enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metals: Amazing sex scandal counted between global leaders [gushen supremacy] daily limit King surfaced water skin: overseas hot money today, is not optimistic about China's hundreds of years later, there is also a surname of the famous old street in Yangzhou city, visits to local salt Chamber of Commerce's oldest Museum ruins of Shanxi and Shaanxi Guild halls, just past shengjing ceased, only land gate tower and several old houses, as well asDeep lane humble Guild emplacement. The Ming dynasty in the early seventies, the rise of Shaanxi merchants Yu Jingwei shore, old haunt of the prosperity in Guangling, known as across all merchants became famous first and qualifications in elder. However "the Hubble, its dying suddenly", after the Ming dynasty, massive influx of the merchants business in Yangzhou salt industry, to the early years of the Qing dynasty, pressed West, forming monopolies, so that laterMost people refer to Yangzhou salt merchants in history, "only badge, I do not know Shan", and marriage together war emblem in the year past, more nearly be buried and forgotten. "Open method" after opening trade routes of rate of Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang's rebellion to overthrow the Yuan dynasty, discomfit mobei Mongolia remnants still eye covetously on the Central Plains, and await the counteroffensive, along the Northwest ethnic minority centrifugal trends keeps increasingLong. New revenue two-thirds Ming Empire had to be spent on border defense construction in the Northwest, along the edge of the great wall is located nine towns surrounding Guanzhong, protecting Imperial Tung Wen College, guyuan, Ningxia, extension of sui, four towns in Shanxi, Gansu province. After the setting up of "three-way Governor" resident guyuan (now are the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, located in Xian, Lanzhou, yinchuan triangle Center), takes lead in military 20Yu, horse more than 100,000, is responsible for the East extension of sui in huangfuchuan (North of Yulin swtor power leveling, Shaanxi Province), to Jiayuguan in the West and southwest to Tao Li-min (now southern Gansu) stretches for thousands of miles of the border area. But frontier the bitter cold, sparsely populated, enormous quantities of grain consumption each year to thousands of the frontier stone, and required hundreds of thousands of horses, transporting costly from the Mainland, many complaints, government finances are overwhelmed�� Ming Hongwu three years (1370), Zhu Yuan-Zhang's adopted mockery recommendations, implementation "salt opened in the" new deal, will implementation thousand years of long of Government salt monopoly system loosened up, allows civil businessman to customs border conveying food in exchange for salt distribution of license "salt introduction", about 30 pounds food may change a copies "salt introduction", and is at that time quality best the old republic power leveling, and most can make money of Huai salt introduction.The Imperial Court "retreating", against the people, "Huai salt prices expensive, much more", border guards want problems resolved in one fell swoop, and sit back and enjoy its location of Shaanxi businessmen, benefit the most, since emerging. Shaanxi qinchuan in the 800, excellent, for grain-producing regions in China since ancient times. Such as Ming Dynasty Yongle period (1403-~1424 year) food reserves of nearly 11 million of Shaanxi Government bunker stone (MingOne stone is about more than 90 kg), sufficient to cover the garrison feudal army pension diet for three years, Wanli (1573-~1620 years) in the nation's 260 House, ranked by market value tax-grain size, Xian Fu after known as the granary of Songjiang Prefecture (now Shanghai area), was ranked fourth. In view of this, grain conveyance for the introduction of "salt in the opening act", are tailored for Shaanxi businessmen tiltPolicy, while, Guanzhong granary grain farmers set off into the city for business, selling and selling salt craze. By contrast, has always been food shortages in Shanxi province, Shanxi merchants to enjoy the "salt in the opening" policy, only pushing a single wheel truck to buy grain in Shandong province, and trafficking in border was to causes a bit of bother "buy grain for", while away from the frontier of Huizhou, far mountain road, Huizhou merchants unable to take part in theIn the. ����This is the early years of the Ming dynasty, Shaanxi and Shanxi businessmen, merchants started relatively early important reasons. Shaanxi merchants exclusive "HKSAR" policy is changed in the middle of the Ming dynasty. Ming Hongzhi five years (1492), head of finance and the Ministry of revenue tax Ye Qi took office soon, would lose grain for the introduction of the "open method" was changed to the silver-for "folding method", that is, businessmanNo more thousands of miles away to send food to the border, but directly with the silver to buy salt, is able to get traffic in salt's permission. ����Ye Qi Sanyo people (now Jiangsu Huaian), a move apparently broke in Shaanxi and Shanxi "edge" inherent advantages, gave geographically closer to the Liang Huai and dominated by merchants from "within the" opportunity to enter the lucrative salt industry management. Since then, stay inNorth West Frontier food has lost its economic significance, and Shanxi merchants Shaanxi merchants together, have come to the Yangzhou along the Canal in Liang Huai salt transportation hub, becoming a professional salt merchants. According to the record, when no fewer than 500 people assemble in Shaanxi merchants in Yangzhou, a reputation for distinguished "beam of sanyuan, jingyang Zhang and Guo Xian Shen, tongguan it (they) homeland and nationality, Sagaing Yang"This marks a move beyond trend at tongguan, Shaanxi merchants across the country start to take shape. It is in Yangzhou, and they have long been ready to Huizhou salt merchants, ambitious black dog.

high power models of 155kw. Diesel cars also offers two models to choose from

129667573165156250_19Recently, xiaobian learned public announced the first official pictures of the New Passat Alltrack models, the 2011 Tokyo International Motor Show will be held next week on the world's first ceremony, which was expected to be go on sale in early 2012. Passat (PASSAT) is Germany Volkswagen company designed a mid-size car brand. InDesignated as b-class cars in the Volkswagen spectrum ... The "Passat" purported unit monsoon's name, uniform and stable from the Atlantic each year (600,558, unit) toward the equator in the southern direction swtor power leveling, persistence, persistence, constant change. And it's name suggests, almost all of the Passat (Passat) water droplet-shaped appearance makes one feel unmatched flow.Xinpasate Alltrack Passat in dynamic performance, the overall design concept, ride comfort, security, and on the endurance, durability, is outside the standard for mid-range car design. Germany Volkswagen engineers car perfect combination of design and technology, to create a Passat with superior value, wins the love of countless consumers.And Passat wagon, Passat Alltrack drivers 4771mm, width 1820mm. Ground clearance vehicle is 165mm, the approach angle 16 degrees, departure angle of 13.6. Xinpasate Alltrack based on the Passat station wagon based on the design of the New Passat Alltrack model using unique to Volkswagen4MOTION four-wheel drive system, the vehicle is in extreme cases the old republic power leveling, four-wheel drive system can 100% power on all attached to the rear wheels of the vehicle, guarantee that the vehicles can be smoothly turning around. Under normal circumstances, this system is also a major role in front of the vehicle. New Passat Alltrack integral lifting body height and ground clearance of the vehicle, providingGreater flexibility and off-road capability, the automobile body shape-cope with the prevailing fashion of the cross-country sets, able to cope with erosion of the most complex road conditions. This includes: stainless steel front and rear bumper guard and vehicles under the side skirts, roof is also equipped with a matt-chrome material overhead storage, Windows, shell mesh grille and exterior mirrors in the outer ring is chrome decoration. Xinpasate AllTrack Edition models used gasoline turbocharged direct injection engine, low-power version of the model Max 118kw, high power models of 155kw. Diesel cars also offers two models to choose from, respectively, to the maximum level of power and 103kw two. In addition, there are two Passat Alltrack dingpei models, respectively170 HP TDI diesel and 210 TSI petrol models. Both models were equipped with 4MOTION drive systems, and DSG dual-clutch automatic transmission.����(Text/auto comment network Zhang Hongyu) [Car, used car, car, skills and other technical experience exchange group we welcome and look forward to your joining]

Li keqiang

129668574436250000_6Li keqiang: economic transformation of energy saving and environmental protection are an important breakthrough According to voice of the news and newspapers summary reports, Vice Premier Li keqiang yesterday (26th) at the Sixth comprehensive speaking at the opening ceremony of the Forum of Sino-Japanese energy-saving environmental protection pointed out that at present Europe's debt crisis continued to ferment, face depressed growth and price rises intertwined in many countries, more likely long-term downturn in the world economy. Faced with such a situation will require innovative development model, pushingStrong sustainable and balanced growth. In this process, enhancing energy conservation and environmental protection, and integration into the economic and social aspects, is a strategic choice and urgent task. Li keqiang said: "strengthening energy saving and environmental protection is an important breakthrough with economies in transition, but also conducive to form new growth points, on the development of market demand can be created, provided new impetus; enterprise upgrading, promotionOperating efficiency; the residents can improve environmental quality, improving the quality of life. This is why China crack the bottleneck of resources and environment, the only way for achieving sustainable development. "Mr Li noted that, to promote energy-saving environmental protection throughout the whole process of China's modernization. Li keqiang said: "we will take the industrial optimization, engineering the old republic power leveling, innovation and other means to pushEnergy saving and lower consumption, reduce the total amount of pollutants, speeding up the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly production methods and consumption patterns, to a new level of quality of economic growth. "Vice Premier Li keqiang also met yesterday to attend the Forum of Sino-Japanese energy-saving environmental protection integrated Japan Economic Minister Edano edano. Mr Li pointed out that Japan should be removed from the transformation of world economic developmentPotential and the reality of both economies, strengthened in green and low carbon, resource recycling economy, energy, high technology, such as exchanges and cooperation in the field, creating new growth points of cooperation, promote economic development swtor power leveling, the people's benefit.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

of which

129668682427656250_14424th, adjusting urban and rural areas, of research by Sanya City Government Executive meeting residents of basic medical insurance policy of the law. This reporter learned that, starting in 2012, Sanya and two stalls respective funding criteria of insured persons increased from $ 270, $ 190 to $ 400 and $ 320. It is understood that from 2012 onwards, one of residents in SanyaFinancing for human standard is $ 400 per person per year, of which, the central financial assistance of $ 108, provincial financial assistance of $ 28, municipal financial assistance of $ 144, individuals pay $ 120; financing for two adults and no personnel standard 320 Yuan per person per year, of which, the central financial assistance of $ 108, provincial financial assistance of $ 28, municipal financial assistance of $ 134 the old republic power leveling, personal payment 50Yuan. According to the related policy, Sanya hospital treatment adjusted to: a financing in accordance with the standard fee, level 90%, level-II hospitals pay ratios than 80% paid (formerly 75%), tertiary hospitals pay ratios 60%, the maximum payment limit increased to $ 150,000 (the original $ 120 swtor power leveling,000); financing standards in accordance with the second document fee, a level-pay 85%, IIHospital payment ratio 70% (formerly 65%), tertiary hospitals pay ratio 55% (formerly 50%), the maximum payment limit increased to $ 100,000 (originally $ 80,000). Outpatient and manpower standard of treatment adjusted to no afford to pay lines, does not limit the payment number, according to 50% (formerly 40%) paid a $ 250 per person annual Cap (originally $ 200), the second gear 200 Yuan (formerly $ 150). Policies to expand the scope of serious illness and improve the standard of treatment. Eastern Mediterranean anemia in children seriously ill treatment of disease, its outpatient blood transfusion and iron discharge drugs into and manpower Fund range. Women of breast cancer, cervical cancer, mental illness and treatment of opportunistic infections in AIDS patients into major disease areas, implementation of disease kinds of limits. WhileAnd improve major disease hospitalization reimbursement standards (including child major illness): secondary designated hospitals increased to 85%, the three-tier hospitals increased to 80%, the annual maximum payment limit increased to $ 200,000. Major disease regardless of their pay grade, are compensated according to this standard. 9 types of rehabilitation of the disabled included in basic medical insurance Coverage for urban and rural residents. Outpatient small surgery into cityTownship residents ' basic medical insurance Coverage, including ophthalmology, ENT, general surgery, child outer choledochoscope in outpatient surgery can be performed, such as, into the scope and manpower Fund to pay. In addition, the practice of outpatient pay per head, according to payment system for serious disease. (Trainee journalist Lin Fangdai) Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirmed that the description only for investmentChinese reference and do not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

modeling more PEP and dynamicSense

129667593489843750_55 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">the old republic power leveling</a>[News] new generation Porsche 911 Carrera s domestic first at its Guangzhou motor show debut, is the first in Asia to meet with you. New 911 Carrera s maintained a consistent design style of the 911 model, but made changes in the details. Newly designed front bumper exaggerated inletModelling, more prominent sports car of arrogance. LED lanterns more avant garde fashion, fog lamps and diversion version before using the integrated embedded design look more aesthetic. Sideways a little change in the cash flow lines and models, exterior mirrors were placed on the door, wheelbase also increased by 100 mm. New car rear lights were redesigned after, modeling more PEP and dynamicSense swtor power leveling, and rear spoiler are also widened.


129668763146250000_255 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>ESPN: no NBA fixed by agreement between the two sides payroll system problems function getWeiboDaren() { var html = [], user = userData the old republic power leveling, userUrl = 'http://t.163.com/' user.screenName '?method=click'); html.push('' user.name ''); If (user.Daren==true) {HTML.push ('');}HTML.push (' Ta '); html.push('' user.folLower' people pay attention to him '); html.push('' user.reason ''); return html.join(''); }//Microblog messages function getWeiboMsg (data) {var HTML= [], user = data.user, userUrl = 'http://t.163.com/' user.screenName '?method=clickl=sports', tweetUrl = 'http://t.163.com/' user.screenName '/status/' data.tweetId '?method=clickg_mrif(user.daren == true) { html.push('

bad luck. But on the fieldTactics there was able to reflect on the new technology

129668732849687500_3162011 international table tennis Federation tournament in the women's singles finals, beaten by Guo Yue 2:4 with his disciples junior sister apprentice Liu Shiwen, to qualify semifinals, Guo Yue also ended with embarrassing results ended the season with no Crown. After the game, to the disappointment of Guo Yue and tears to shed Stadium. "Today swtor power leveling, playing a training levels of their presence, when two 2:3 behind let, bad luck. But on the fieldTactics there was able to reflect on the new technology the old republic power leveling, is the chance of the Sixth CouncilGuo Yue has participated in the nine-station tour, never advancing to the finals. World table tennis championships in Rotterdam, Guo Yue Li Xiaoxia in the semi-final to face team-mate, 0:4 were swept out of the game. Asia Cup, beaten by Guo Yue 1:4 Chinese name Hua Jiang 珺 in Hong Kong. Objective point of view, the final test match of the Olympic Games next year London, importance is not self-evident. First round of Guo Yue against Japan name is Fukubara loveNearly losing seven Council struggle hard to 4:3 only after a narrow victory. One-fourth finals against Liu Shiwen Guo Yue, the two are now in the position of the five players are embarrassed, the match outcome for both of them are very important. The entire match Guo Yue has been passive and beaten, had been losing, although played very strong, but in the end failed to reverse the lost, 2:4 lost the ball out of four. Foreign Wars consecutive defeatCivil wars continue to defeat Guo Yue now has a very long time get decent grades and self-confidence are also affected. Reporters had Xiao

Friday, December 23, 2011

the euro and Swiss francs belonging to hedge currency

129667837425146642_304After Greece, and Italy, and Spain the successive shocks of the debt crisis, investors psychological ability seems to get more "resistant". So when this week Portugal when the debt crisis highlights, instead, the euro exchange rate fluctuations relative gentle, euro-dollar exchange rate has not decreased significantly. In foreign exchange markets to highly sensitive information This passivation, Can be attributed to three main reasons: first, holiday effects, and the other is risk aversion and the third is excessive digestion. We talk about risk aversion. So-called risk aversion refers to when the market suffered large systemic risk, most people in order to avoid greater damage to property and fled a mood of the market. Risk aversion is clearly heating up of the current foreign exchange market, on the one hand from the growingEuropean debt crisis the old republic power leveling, which led by major non-US dollar currency flexibility in euros lower, while US investors to lose confidence in the dollar of the debt crisis, let alone the United States of quantitative easing monetary policy is inherently negative dollar. In the Forex market, risk aversion, warming will erupted in a or in the currency of a particular property. Currency massive that is sought after, butSurely there are currency sold off. In the Forex market in the past, the euro and Swiss francs belonging to hedge currency, in other words, once risk aversion rise, euro and Swiss franc will be influenced by investors. But now sold off mainly of currency is the euro, other currencies such as the Swiss franc, pound sterling, although declines, but weak trend. Popular currency exchange rate and market feedback,Yen. Dollar repeated testing new lows against the yen. At the same time, recent Japan's Finance Ministry intervened in excessive appreciation in the yen. ����Yen and Yen assets due to relative safety, became favorite of investors. In addition to the yen, another channel of risk aversion is gold. Despite fluctuations in gold prices, but on the whole has been high. Enthusiastically buying the gold price higherHold its own, reflecting investors ' risk aversion become main factors influencing the decision. In the foreign exchange market next week, the market will pay more attention to economic data in Europe and, to this degree of judgment or analysis of economic deterioration. In addition swtor power leveling, because this week Japan's Central Bank officials frequently made remarks on Yen, we can pay attention to Japan's Finance Ministry admission intervention again. Once the admissionInterventions, short to consider homeopathic buying dollars against the yen, then consider buying the yen again.

that is

129668732719375000_38Hong Beijing November 27 March next year, Russia's presidential election, Putin today was formally nominated as Russia presidential candidate. In fact, in September when Putin decided to candidate in presidential elections, incumbent Russia National President Medvedev said that prepare themselves in case of Putin's victory led the Government, that is, the post of Prime MinisterPreparation. A couple of days ago, Russia director Sergei * Naryshkin raised speculation of the Presidential Office, Medvedev as Prime Minister in the Cabinet of the Government under the young people may be smaller than the current Government. Putin as a unified Russia party's candidate in presidential elections, the opposition Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Russia Liberal Democrats have already said, will be nominated its leader GennadyQuarter * Vladimir * Zhirinovsky and Gennady Zyuganov. According Russia independent polls Levada Center polling data released 25th, 31% per cent of respondents support Putin, Gennady Zyuganov support ratio, 8%, Zhirinovsky is 6%. Presidential elections, the State Duma on December 4, will usher in the election. This election is considered a presidential election "Preview",Unified Russia party is expected to keep their majority. But Russia official Research Center for the latest public opinion polls have shown that unified Russia party this year will be "no", may not tenable two-thirds majority. Main reason is that "this election will be held in the context of crisisLevel. "In addition, recent national polls showing only 51% people intended to vote for Putin's Unified Russia party, and data-4 years ago was 66%. In this regard, Medvedev said, most stable enough, unified Russia party lost some seats are meant that Russia's democracy. However swtor power leveling, the Unified Russia party has been trying new ways to attract Russia peopleFor example, began to attract candidates, and expressed its readiness to cooperate with opposition candidate debates. Putin continued to run for President, United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice before 16th had said Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin decided to run for President, is a "mockery of democracy". Was reported by the foreign media on the one hand is now officially stand for President Putin's message, but Putin was also concerned where the CommissionRussia party in congressional elections could lose the vast majority had expressed concern. Like the United States title was ABC News reports, the polls show Putin's Party can only take 53% seat, the Wall Street Journal entitled the Putin's political parties faced loss of seats. United Kingdom BBC website news, although it is concerned about the same content, but has chosen toGeneral recently in a forum about work appreciate Russia music details, to more refined Putin's personal colors. Since Putin announced after the election, Russia about Putin's "cult of personality" seems to be growing louder and louder, and Russia in October polls, 25% respondents considered that the domestic present to Putin's personality cult. 2004Years when Putin became President, only 10% people think that there is a cult of personality. In Russia, from vodka to canned vegetables the old republic power leveling, many products are named after Putin, supporters even create for him a female "fans" Club-"Putin's Legion". But Putin's spokesman denied the existence of the so-called cult of personality, which he called Putin's personality cult as "stupid idea".


129668763033750000_15Hip scoring small pea press offside chop whistle gunnin ' Phoenix Suns season arena's debut ball NetEase sports reported on November 27 and Hernandez into Manchester United House only one goal, Manchester United in the past month all remaining strikers in the Premiership under misfire was Hernandez who put the reds against the shoulders forward. If it's not bad luck, if not the referee made a mistake, this is a Hernandez gunnin ' Phoenix Suns as the hero for Manchester United win 3-point contest!Recently four English Premier League-Manchester United show on forward-only 1 ball, 4 score Hernandez, who had 3, there is also a Sunderland Brown Oolong gift giving. Newcastle goal was Hernandez this season for Manchester United into the 6th, all 6 goals in the premiership to improve swtor power leveling, it is worth mentioning that, break the Magpies gate was a little pea of the season at Old Trafford in place in the 1thBall. Just because the goals are all away from home before, so Hernandez just hold strong after the game began to show in front of home fans, 10 minutes before he had performed a closed area is not good at long shots, and a restricted area-edge continuous breakthroughs the old republic power leveling, game desire can be seen. First half although Hernandez are active, but the effect is not good, the mainIf because of Manchester United's offensive is not smooth and sending him to the restricted area not much opportunity to Hernandez, when Hernandez opened the gap to pull to the sidewalk to team-mate, but this is clearly not his specialty, two foot crossing points and arcs are bad, although Manchester United supporters like peas called new small cable, but Hernandez lacked features of OLE Gunnar solskjaer to sidewalk that year.Hernandez to play power also has got to be in a closed area, began less than 5 minutes of the second half, Rooney main free kick for a second shot hitting the front of Newcastle, Steve-Taylor unbiased bomb hit Hernandez in possession at the end of entering the gate, although some lucky goals, but cannot admit is Hernandez walked in the closed area is really unique, but is heAppear in the most dangerous area, and in Manchester United's game that it is not uncommon, it is clear that this cannot be explained by coincidence and good luck. Community Shield before the start of last season, Hernandez in play in official matches for Manchester United's first ball was a strange face goal, the "hip" broke again the home fans split shake, but whatever the case, toGoal striker is a good striker, if it's not by hand, any part of the scoring effect is the same. At the end a man United's siege of magpies, Hernandez more chances at this time, but unfortunately his efforts twice because of poor luck and not for Manchester United take on winning gunnin ' Phoenix Suns, one received a Fabio crossing header gongmen, fabulousCroll powerless, but was incredibly Simpson line gear out of the room, while users in front of last minute injury Bushi Hernandez crossing out through the gate of Ryan Giggs, but unfortunately little pea offside half a body, foul play, a place which should be part of Hernandez's miracle so unforgiving banned at all times.