Friday, February 17, 2012

swtor valor power leveling stability is Chen ruolin present advantage - WGA

129732242180002500_14News reporter Zhou Jihong interview 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, she won the women's 10-metre platform champion and became China's first Olympic diving Champion; 2000, the identity of her 3 times to the Chinese diving team leader at war games the secret world power leveling, scores well; she was Zhou Jihong, China diving business cards and labels. From London there are less than six monthsTime, Zhou Jihong and her team are in Jinan for winter training. Yesterday, the national diving team training base in Shandong province Sports Center, interview with Express Reporter Zhou Jihong. "China can go to dive today, is because there are different sounds, different ideas and let me continue to progress, I will work harder, managing teams.  "Zhou Jihong said. A memorable game:Sydney Olympic Games "not being prepared, but fortunately we have Xiong Ni," as the Chinese diving team leader, Zhou Jihong has participated in three Olympic Games, which is the most impressive Olympic? Zhou Jihong said: "or the 2000 Sydney Olympics, led it was my first time to participate in the Olympic Games. "The 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, in the Chinese diving teamExpectations are high, but Tian Liang and Guo Jingjing, and Fu mingxia (microblog) have been dropped, the project did not get points in the first three championship, Zhou Jihong pressure greatly, she was depressed, even later in the game. Until the men's three-meter Board, after Xiong Ni won the gold medal, Zhou Jihong of exciting the first time they go and hold Xiong Ni, scene of two cry on each other's shoulderClassic on the Olympic picture. "Each Olympic Games there is soul-stirring moments, when the Sydney Olympic Games, team just getting started, you are very young. Xiong Ni game experience, sinking the gas, finally got his gold medal. "Although the Chinese diving team has won 5 gold medals in Sydney and 5 silver medals, but the Zhou Jihong in this Olympic thrash," difficultyGauge is not sufficient, it is a very important experience for me. "From the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, she and Xiong Ni cry on each other's shoulder at that moment, has experienced a rapid ascent and diving team into a track of steady development. In 2000, 5 gold; 2004, 6 gold medals in 2008, 7 gold medals, China diving team has basically achieved the projectRule. A member who does not care: Guo Jingjing "If you marry her, will I have time to participate in the" media at a time, Guo Jingjing was Zhou Jihong around topics that do not open. Zhou Jihong admits their own feelings and Guo Jingjing is very deep, "when she retired when I was reluctant. But players, have their own ideas, just don't care, to respect herDecision. "In fact, while leaving the diving team, but Zhou Jihong Guo Jingjing will often return to the team and some players. Zhou Jihong told reporters, "we have had contact last week, Guo Jingjing training, talk talk about her wellbeing. "Media reports of Guo Jingjing and Kenneth Fok in October of this year went into the aisle a message, Zhou Jihong said," IHave not heard of. "So if you married Guo Jingjing, would attend her wedding? Zhou Jihong said: "I have never thought of, the arrangements should you want to watch the game. "Guo Jingjing after retiring, there is a sound pickup think diving team has fallen, but Zhou Jihong is not recognized this claim," I do not feel anything. "Zhou Jihong admits," over the years, Guo JingjingOutstanding, looks good, has played an active role to promote diving. "Now, who is the Chinese diving team leader? Zhou Jihong said: "our policy is based on the old with new, old team lead, young players to learn. In our old members, Wu minxia, he Chong, Qin Kai, Chen ruolin take over champion of international competitions, they have different characteristics,Is representative of the Chinese diving team. "Zhou Jihong Wu minxia was specifically mentioned," she's pretty good, have overcome injuries, relatively high demands on themselves. "An inspirational words: thank the people who trust you" a lot of people helped me, I thought I was lucky "in early 2008, before the Chinese diving team coach Yu Fen (micro-blogging) Zhou Jihong reports devour bonuses, 2009Year national games, Zhou Jihong and questioned by games diving gold slate. In the face of these external pressures, Zhou Jihong is used to motivate a Word, "thank the people who trust you. "Zhou Jihong said:" a different perspective, a different sound is a reminder to me. To tell you the truth, today, China can go to dive, it is because there are different sounds, different concepts IContinue to progress, I will work harder, managing teams. "Zhou Jihong said:" do not have a Word? ' Appreciate those who trust you ', I've been using the words to motivate themselves. "Of course, Zhou Jihong also admits that" no idea is impossible to face questions. I feel very lucky, encountered difficulties when there are a lot of people come out and help me in the spirit. "NowZhou Jihong, "something unhappy is not against you, inspire you. Man can be so smooth, always encounter a variety of problems. "A simple life: like watching TV" has no special dishes, fried eggs, fried "Zhou Jihong in life was like? "In addition to diving, I don't have any special hobbies is simplySingle. "Zhou Jihong said.  Spare time, she likes to watch TV in the room. "Go out there when I was young to sing KTV interested, my voice more suited to sing the song of Meng Ting wei, with flower rain clouds in the wind of the blushing rose quietly opened, sing to sing a few songs. "Zhou Jihong said, training and competition as usual, she rarely Cook,"Basically cooked it, nor any special dishes, fried eggs, fried. "On the male aspect is the world's largest Board February 20, diving the World Cup will be held in London's Olympic venues, China diving team sent Wu minxia, Chen ruolin, he Chong, Lin Yue and Qin Kai 5 Olympic champions, and Qiu Bo, He Zi, Zhang Yanquan world championMatch. Zhou Jihong told reporters that the biggest highlights how much do not get the Gold Medal of the World Cup, but the men's springboard for players using 109C (churning forward four and a half weeks Tuck) success of difficult actions. "Qin Kai and Luo Yutong only successful ' won ' 109C, to be in difficulty and on Russia for two players close, they must be in the World CupCompetition testing this action, "Zhou Jihong said:" our aim is to make the greatest efforts to World Cup play to their level, dive and his own game projects. "Is is the issue of games lineup for the World Cup squad, Zhou Jihong said:" the players participating in the World Cup does not mean you can participate in the Olympic Games, this is just a selection of theAlready. Until June in order to determine the list of the Olympic Games. "Eating diving team of the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival this year is the Olympic year, during the Spring Festival, Chinese diving team is not a holiday, only eat on new year's Eve to new year's Eve, started this afternoon on a normal training. Yesterday was Spring Lantern Festival, dive teams and no holiday break. Zhou Jihong told reporters with a smile, "later after the end of training, eating together, the whole teamLate at night. "So what do entertainment at night? Zhou Jihong said: "players training day has been very hard diablo 3 gold, does not have any activity. "On Chen ruolin stability in the diving Hall yesterday, is to her advantage, Jiangsu diving Olympic champion Chen ruolin express reporters saw was sitting on the mat, no and He Zi, he Chong and other players into training. Chen ruolin why no trainingPractice?  Zhou Jihong said: Chen ruolin fever two days before, had been tube fed, but should not affect her participation in diving World Cup. Zhou Jihong admits, this month's winter training, Chen ruolin practiced quite well, the current status is normal, "but she is still in developmental stages, his body is not very stable, appears cold, a little wrong with old swtor valor power leveling, I said she became ' the glass man’。 "In 2011, the platform was implemented on Chen ruolin at the swimming World Championships in Shanghai Grand Slam, at several points star also won the champion in the series. Zhou Jihong, stability is Chen ruolin present advantage, "in the London Games, steady play is very important. She has a good psychological quality, if the water is good, there is opportunity. "This version of writerFei Han sent reporters to travel around (express, Jinan) Others:

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