Wednesday, February 29, 2012

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129742915509843750_281The morning of February 12, 2012 of the study of the arts and literature and Director of the Department of Beijing Film Academy, school of photography began initial performance Institute began a 13-day study of the arts of the initial test, retest, and three "long-distance". For students preparing to enter the examination room first. (Source: zhongxinwang) 18-20 days, re-examination of the performance Institute of Beijing Film Academy is in full swing, a studyTry what? Plastic surgery candidates who are advantage? Department of performing arts was as rich as amid rumors of candidates? Participated in the training of candidates is dominant? Yesterday afternoon, performing zhongxinwang reporter Peter Wang, Vice President College teachers of exclusive interviews, read each of these hot spots. Early in the 17th when the list into 1356 of the retest candidates areNoted that their new round of examinations and the examination room location, campus has no past 19th noise jam, orderly. Arts and 19th afternoon exam retest at the same time, Department of performing arts teacher Huang Lei micro-film premiere, who is a classmate and starring Peter Wang teachers to come and join in. 1, re what? Peter Wang said re thanFirst two top exam recitation and only collective pieces, retest to test table, he said: ", line and form, performing vocal music, the four. All pass, you can enter, try again. "How much is asked to try out three, Peter Wang said the final result. 2, plastic surgery candidates who are advantage? Beiying this year shows clearNot deny plastic surgery candidates, and hospital admitted more than other art colleges to focus more on overall, a lot of "natural" candidates who call unfair. Peter Wang called on everyone to maintain calm, as he admits: "examiner is also advocating natural beauty, all of us can't handle natural beauty, people closer to nature the more natural, just like the show, performing first to liberate nature, return to the organicSex is the most important. "" If something deliberately to pursue appearance, sometimes to candidates, there are some deviations. "Peter Wang explained," I mean deviation, is probably not enough natural, nature is very important. "3, the performance was very good on the candidates? Reporters found in track interview Beiying performing arts kaozhong, over 80% candidates who had earlier participated in the study of the arts schoolsTraining, according to a study of the Star City art school admissions teachers revealed that candidates who perform home almost "is not bad money". The teacher may say so: "art school training month well thousands of, if it is attached to training more expensive, family of bad conditions it is difficult to afford. "Beiying performances in the initial population, carry luxury brand bag, vehicle examination there are plenty of candidates,For this, Peter Wang is not authorized, he said: "this is not common, because we had too many candidates. Online registration of 8,000 people, more than 6,000 people attended the scene confirmed that they cover the many ordinary Chinese family, they come from all sectors, from all regions, with their diversity of characteristics, in fact I think it was good andNot a lot. "4, whether the candidates who participated in training a dominant? "Trained and lack of trained candidates are the same. "Face the most candidates in advance of learning, Peter Wang also gives" study of the nude "candidate who ate a" reassured ". He said, "because we treat everyone as a new candidate, he stands, complete our set of examinationsAnd with excellent performance, this is the bonus factor. "(Zhang Xi)

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