Wednesday, February 29, 2012

age of conan gold and no people - GAC

129749114117656250_21NATO's mission in Afghanistan the international security assistance force soldiers (a) according to the Agence France-Presse, and the New York Post, February 27 the secret world gold, the Taliban declared a few days ago, to the NATO mission in Afghanistan of the international security assistance force, food poisoning, caused the deaths of 5 soldiers.  NATO to investigate this and find signs of poisoning, but there are no casualties. The Taliban groupWeaving 27th says, had an "Afghanistan Cook" Afghanistan food poisoning in Eastern Nangarhar province a NATO military base and kill 5 soldiers.  NATO says it found signs of suspect tried to poison age of conan gold, but before causing any harm, suspicious food have been quarantined. According to NATO, which a staff member found a food supply facilitiesIt was poison, to the reporting lines, the facility was shut down immediately, and no people, poisoning. NATO's mission in Afghanistan the international security assistance force spokesman said, staff found in fruit and coffee are signs of poisoning age of conan gold, but no casualties, the current investigation is still in progress. (Shek Chan)

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