Sunday, February 12, 2012

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129725023514300594_78POS cash surveys: peak 7 billion cash market liquidity Seemingly calm, simple credit card sets are often linked to usury, fraud horse lane street, entangled in Xiamen xiangan district, urban and rural areas of the city and occupies the island streets full of tobacco, alcohol and clothing store. A shop around the corner to boast about. From his appearance, which is the most common one in Xiamen-Street paving, forty or fifty square meters size, decoration is elegant, with two shop assistants. Different is,Working time per day, shops around xiluo most customers, the no qiyan clothing shop is crowded. Contact the most business in the earlier had been completed. Shopkeepers for more than 30 years old acquaintances described a new customer, careful questioning, in addition to asked the recommender who also asked each other's work, and so on. And then, over a 10 in the morning tor commendation power leveling, customers like GeneralLink shoppers into the stores. Understanding our customers ' interests are not on these colorful clothes, a clerk will take them into the corner of the locker room. Less than a square meter of the dressing room there is a secret door. Express clothing store for dark second floor. Seldom seen in the shop owner, in fact diablo 3 gold, almost every Office here. Filled with POS machine on his desk, monthly flow over 600 million. "We track for a few weeks, finally determine that this is a credit card the illegal cash. Charge a processing fee of 0.8% per cent, which is this row common fees. "Xiangan district public security subbureau police Chen Yuanzhi on Oriental Outlook magazine said, in this narrow room, found several drawers full of credit card, check of more than 800 after more than one credit card purchaseAnd more than 30,000 yuan in cash. In addition, there are 60 different banks ' u shield. In 2011, codenamed "hurricane" in special combat operations, Xiamen police uncovered 34 similar illegal cash outlets. Police estimated that latent markets at the height of 7 billion yuan in the flow of funds between. Seemingly calm, simple credit card usury, fraud and is also caught up in the�� The giant chain, POS machine became the most important part. Only in the "hurricane" seized illegally cashed in gangs use POS machines more than more than 400 businessmen from around the country. Police believe that currently found credit cards and POS machines illegal cash groups trafficking networks are just the tip of the iceberg. Currently under investigation by the national public security department to handle all casesBank card crimes accounted for more than one-fifth. Economic crime investigation Secretary of public security Meng Qingfeng admits that credit card cases of illegal cash has become the public security organs across the country focus of Economic Investigation Division to zhenban bank card crime cases, one of the types of cases are zhenban difficult. "The public security organs have become the last line of Defense. Sources are not blocked, this low-cost, usuryRun industry people who defy the law. "Dormant funds transfer station is located in the island of xiangan district, Xiamen, Huli district, on the island of illicit cash in credit card" credit card companies "more means more" Advanced ". POS machine for credit card and paying for the room often belong to two different homes. Cash on POS machines first credit card, you can go to another room registrationDebit cards from "the credit card company" transfer complete "cashless transaction". This can avoid robbery, while also evading police blow. "Even if we catch people responsible for cash, seized not illegal cash POS and payment collection, it is difficult to conviction. "Xia men City Public Security Bureau economic investigation battalion Captain Weidong Huang told reporters. Sets are usually in the mediaFound on "unsecured loans" or "credit card financing" of advertising, these are "the credit card company" ad. In fact, in the Internet search engine, enter "cash, Xiamen", also can find these companies very directly. These sites all look very normal. Police said, after the 2009 credit card illegally cashed into criminal, "the credit card company" more attention to the secretEffective advocacy methods. "Career card majority choice in the morning trading, and as far as possible in public is mainly encountered robbery. General trading for the first time, selected this place meet at McDonald's or the bus stop, feel that there is no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death, will be to the credit card. "Tan Sri Vincent Tan said. According to the civilian police induction and consolidation, "the credit card company" are generally not visible in the city centreResidents in the building, "we caught a criminal suspect, Xia Hua Road old apartment house rented a two-bedroom, one living room from the door, and general household buys, was also happy to lose out at the door ' Fu '. "It was in this House, every day millions of dollars funding through POS transactions. In fact, in "the hurricane" arrested 45 suspectsPeople, most of them are young people, "not older, which require a higher IQ. Xiamen doing smaller scale than larger people, is the industry's ' credibility ' very good. "Xia men City Public Security Bureau economic investigation brigade police said Wang Aimei. According to the description of the civilian police, than the larger "credit card companies" but also four or five people, and a clear division of labor. Boss responsible for purchasing POS machine, look forTourists. Several equivalent of unskilled labourer who the old republic pvp valor power leveling, a reception the customer, a credit card, on the accounts, a responsible purchase finishing checking package. Small company of only one or two people. However, Weidong Huang considered these "credit card companies" is the chain Terminal, "these providers of POS machine, is a much larger and more professional groups. "Mysterious" on line "for a period of threeMonth special combat during Xiamen police seized a total of 52 POS machines, other than basic from Xiamen. In Xiamen were collected for illegal cash from POS machine, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Anhui, Hebei, Inner Mongolia and other places. According to Wang Aimei carding analysis, manipulating these POS traffic in networks of people from Guangdong and Guangxi region and Anhui, "they are doing,Around sensitive information. Where the Bank is promoting credit cards and POS machines, they are known, are designed to run. "POS traffic in all parts of the chain is the source of a relationship between people and banks. They are designed to collect ID card, to the banks for POS machines and then sold to wholesalers of POS machine. According to arrest criminal suspects about some "offMeasure hard man "can be registered within one month of a dozen companies, applying for a considerable number of POS machine. Here someone forged archives, and other application materials for industry and commerce on the one hand, there are legitimate business name through regular channels application is successful. More critical is the standard of different POS machine fees. Some machines can reach every 50 Yuan, some are each $ 30, "50 blocksMoney handling this camera generally sold very cheap, take it to professional cash not many people, the cost is too high. Different banks for POS machine, fees are different. This is one reason why POS machine market price difference. "Wang Aimei explained. "Also, trading in the ' on-line ' wherever possible, concealing their true identities. "Weidong Huang said. At the end of the buyer,POS machines price usually around $ 40,000, will not exceed $ 60,000. In many cases, a POS opportunity was changed hands several times. "Doing this, camera is changing, but also to avoid the risk, that was found by the police. And no one will make their own camera in his hands empty, often empty machine leased to others, by credit card the amount pumped into charges, sometimesWaiting list for this session can only earn 0.1% per cent each, but add up. "Wang Aimei explained. POS machine can half-brush out hundreds of millions, while others flashed a few times is stopped by Bank. Monitor the increasingly stringent due to the banking system, many people choose to hire POS machine, frequent replacement of machines to prevent discovery. Once in this way, the "credit cardDivision "and POS machines will form a long-term relations of cooperation. Because the Bank POS machine money paid to the owner's account, and then to return to "swipe". POS machine pumped into ratio is generally about lingdianji, but the credit card number a lot, rate a knot, for main withheld after fees transferred to "swipe". Many POS machine owners have taken the initiative inPublishing information on the network. However in addition to mobile phones, and other information that is false. POS credit card rebates Bank UnionPay are profitable credit card company how to obtain a large amount of POS machine can be used to card? Director of the Central University of finance and banking Research Center of China Guo Tianyong (microblogging) told reporters that the credit card existence of malicious cash stems from the major banks in the credit cardDisorder competition stems from the way to Happy Valley enclosure, grabbing market share of commercial bank development credit card business. Guo Tianyong said that thanks to the expansion in the early days put too much emphasis on speed, there exist many problems in the development of Chinese credit card, first of all, reflecting on the revenue. Credit card revenue, the first annual fee is charged, and the second is circulating interest income, the third is the deduction rate from credit card merchantsAccess to. Foreign banks in interest income on credit card cycle tends to 70% per cent, while in China, current banking industry in respect of credit cards has come to an intense level of competition, the major banks have been offering credit cards no annual fee or even directly from annual fees of the activities, banks ' interest income on the loop only 30% per cent of total revenue. As a result, businesses brushesCard consumer rebates became the most important source of income for credit card issuers. After obtaining the merchant rebates, the financial institutions involved in the transaction to make a profit-sharing, including credit card issuers, providers of POS machine and China UnionPay into 70%, and 10%, respectively. As a result, various financial institutions are looking to put as much as possible their POS machines. In our country, POS machine is divided into direct attached POS machines and POS machine, respectively provided by and the commercial bank of China UnionPay, China UnionPay and all major banks in order to expand the coverage of their own POS machine, gradually lowering the threshold of POS machine installation. Guo Tianyong introduces, in Shenzhen, for example, had appeared in a number of beauty salons, small grocery store, they can very easily installed on POS machines, credit cardNow, swipe cards and will have a hotbed. Crazy POS machine, in fact, a "credit card companies" with 1 million funding can be opened, "will be able to cope with cash flow problems. Minimum guarantee amount is $ 200,000 a day, or costs cannot be reclaimed. Brush out 10 million a month, they would earn 150,000, only one room, a few POS machine cost. "Wang AiMUI said. In accordance with existing laws and illegally cashed out more than 10 million, will be sentenced to 5 years to 7 years in prison. "Hurricane" operation netted the suspects, some with business experience, there are those who have engaged in the IT industry. Others links with local syndicates. Illegally cashed one principle is to ensure that the fee is lower than the localLoan shark interest rates, many loansharking syndicate was operating an illegal business. Overall, this is a "very particular about credit" circle, and cash and "the credit card company" there is a mutual trust relationship, many people send the credit card "credit card company," don't take back. Some larger "the credit card company" also provides "one-stop" service: If anybody neededFunds, they looked for ID card to apply for credit cards, provide credit card, the other party pay monthly fees. And loan shark had no substantive difference. Syndicate is designed to take advantage of credit card cash money. For example, "the credit card company" find ID card to apply for credit cards, or borrow one from the cardholder amount of RMB 100,000 credit card. This card has 57 daysInterest-free period. The first month "the credit card company" POS machine for $ 100,000 cash, banks charge a fee of around $ 100. And then use the $ 100,000 loan sharks. The 57th day, then also the $ 100,000. Spend $ 100 take up capital of $ 100,000 for almost 2 months. Loan shark interest per month and if it is 3%, two month interest of $ 6,000. Each month, even ifTo the card holders $ 2000, also there is a huge profit. One suspects this way for half a year a profit of more than 400,000 dollars.

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