Wednesday, February 29, 2012

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129748657200937500_155"Fenghuangwang Barcelona, 2012MWC of science and technology report" on February 27, 2012, Mobile World Congress (2012Mobile World Congress) on February 27-March 1 in Spain Barcelona. As the mobile industry's top event, global communications, IT, the Internet giant will meet nowField, the pulse 2012 industry trends. Fenghuangwang technology will be on hand to track reports of this exhibition. After the issued Ascend D1 Q high-end smartphones, Huawei has published the MediaPad 10 FHD flat products. The tablet with Android 4 system, 10 inch screen size, resolution1920*1200. Huawei Huawei MediaPad MediaPad 10 FHD haisi equipped with quad-core processor 10 FHD Huawei MediaPad 10 FHD 4GB RAM and ROM of 128GB also tsw gold, battery life will provide 3 warhammer gold,000 mAh battery. Key to introduceIt's processor, using their own processors haisi K3V2, allegedly twice times the performance of NVIDIA Tegra 3, the architecture of the processor with 35nm, Duo AP, clock speed up to 1.5GHz, using solid state memory NT technology warhammer online gold, equipped with 64-bit memory, and strong. Huawei MediaPad 10 FHD positiveHuawei Huawei MediaPad MediaPad 10 FHD positive 10 FHD back bottom side Huawei, Huawei MediaPad 10 FHD MediaPad 10 FHD 2012MWC more information, please refer to the fenghuangwang 2012 Mobile World Congress of science and technology topics:

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129742915503281250_269On February 15 star wars the gold republic credits, around the Southeast University business plan competition officially kaiying entrepreneurship training winter camp. Attend this 60 winter camp camp, are the result of "Challenge Cup" entrepreneurial competition level selected or recommended by the College elite. Pioneering winter camp lasted for 5 days, everything revolves around "friendship, training, race" of the subject. Through project PKChallenge, which business challenges and entrepreneurial knowledge expert seminars and other activities, improving camp Venture, rich business knowledge, and they wanted to go to enterprise business practice. It is reported that, as an important project in entrepreneurship education, business training winter camp session every two years, is the Southeastern University students one of the characteristics of innovation and entrepreneurship training activities. According to the League of Southeast UniversityChi Zhou Yong described as early as 2006, Jiangsu school set up the first University Student Center for innovation and entrepreneurship. And introduced to the South-East section of the University Fund management regulations, regulations on the operation and management of the pioneering Center for policy files, setting up a special fund age of conan gold, encourage and support entrepreneurial creativity of scientific and technological achievements in school projects, funds allocated in special funding for entrepreneurship education,Provide business venues at the same time free of charge for students. Jiangsu Province science and technology venture star Li Haifeng according to your own personal experience says, fine decoration of 90 square metres for two years free office space to help him save sixty thousand or seventy thousand, Xuanwu District plus labor of $ 300~800 per month subsidy and Eastern Science Park venture mentor coaching, in the initial grant him tremendous help. In the innovationIndustry training, further attempts of Southeast University. Last year, the school of youth entrepreneurship instructor training courses, recruitment of 45 young business mentors swtor credits, training courses for up to 3 months of solid, reserved youth entrepreneurship instructor talent. After many years of practice efforts, Enterprise education in Southeast University has achieved many results. At present, the school has built more than more than 100 external innovations to createIndustry practice base and research base, 40 student venture team, of which 15 teams incorporated companies settled in college students ' science and technology park. Southeast University also in "Challenge Cup" won 6 gold medals in the National Collegiate business plan competition, innovation challenge in 2011, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University international students defeat with utmost effort on Princeton, Georgia Institute of technology and Fudan University and other famousColleges and universities, total ranked fourth in colleges and universities and the Mainland's first name has been made good. "From a passive employment, self-employment, innovation and entrepreneurship have become the historic responsibility of society to give a new generation college students. "Winter camp" Battalion Commander "Professor Hu Hanhui, kaiying ceremony brought to camp are wonderful –" business venture as a life ", emphasis on entrepreneurship for everyoneAn unavoidable task. (Intern Li Yun reporter Li Runwen)

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129733522821096250_44Hefei evening news 5 "80", "90" post, argue with people on the road early this morning, and mistaken 3 pedestrians along the way are also each other's associates, not only beat 3 pedestrians, knife-stab wound man. Causing the death of one man innocent, two passers-by were injured.  Yesterday morning, the intermediate people's court hearing the case in the chaohu Lake of Hefei city. It is understood that this 5 defendantsPer capita are people of chaohu city, Max 26 years of age, minimum of 19 years old, they were junior high school education, are mostly unemployed, they are alleged to have committed the crime of intentional homicide. And they tried, there was woman tsw gold, Wang and Cao.  They suspected of harbouring sin. On July 25, 2011, defendant, Huang, Jin and Li an, an, weeks to a in chaohu city health roadGate of the ABC, trivia and wood over a, and Miao Mou. Division one and two relatives were from nearby KTV, walk slowly on the road to health. Several mistaken Division of the defendant and its relatives were wood-a call to people. So 5 people to the Division of a line of people beaten. In the fight guild wars 2 gold, Huang also took out carrying a dagger on Division one and two relatives even pokedKnife, 5 people after running away. En route flight, Huang found his right hand had been scratched, together with four other defendants tool returns the scene, certain persons against again Division.  Secretary died after being rushed to hospital invalid, and his two friends then constitutes a minor injury. On July 26, 2011, accused with his girlfriend June Lee (pseudonym),After contacting June soldiers with a friend (pseudonym) drive to Lake chaohu, Li Mou with the defendant, Huang, a three person after meeting, was informed of their crimes, and they hide in a Community House, until captured by the public security organs. Until after the police arrested them warhammer gold, this cut five of the men knew that they accidental passers-by.

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129749114117656250_21NATO's mission in Afghanistan the international security assistance force soldiers (a) according to the Agence France-Presse, and the New York Post, February 27 the secret world gold, the Taliban declared a few days ago, to the NATO mission in Afghanistan of the international security assistance force, food poisoning, caused the deaths of 5 soldiers.  NATO to investigate this and find signs of poisoning, but there are no casualties. The Taliban groupWeaving 27th says, had an "Afghanistan Cook" Afghanistan food poisoning in Eastern Nangarhar province a NATO military base and kill 5 soldiers.  NATO says it found signs of suspect tried to poison age of conan gold, but before causing any harm, suspicious food have been quarantined. According to NATO, which a staff member found a food supply facilitiesIt was poison, to the reporting lines, the facility was shut down immediately, and no people, poisoning. NATO's mission in Afghanistan the international security assistance force spokesman said, staff found in fruit and coffee are signs of poisoning age of conan gold, but no casualties, the current investigation is still in progress. (Shek Chan)

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129742938760937500_26When many people are wanting to venture to take the first step and are struggling because they want to get out of your familiar and comfortable territory, moving on to a new world of the unknown. They repeatedly asked, including my business consultant, now the time is suitable for business. In fact, there is no so-called perfect timing. This the same as establishing personal relationships with others, such asFruit is always waiting for the so-called right time, always could not take the first step. What personal qualities and business environment suitable for join the business, I and a lot of experts explored the results there. Personally, I think, is for creation of new enterprises, economic recovery is time to mature, but the success of the enterprise, more depends on entrepreneurs themselves, rather thanRelying solely on business concept or the environment. Therefore, we need to contrast itself is subject to the following conditions: 1.   Operating companies is that you have been dreaming of. Which for now is necessary for business, but only if that's not enough. That and "I want to change the world (voluntary to join a cause)" or "I have had enough of company's torment(To leave) "is not the same.   Entrepreneurship means that you must have a very attractive business ideas, and ready to face the risks willingly. 2. You know what to take actions and make decisions without fear or favour. People who can do that is very suitable for being your own boss. So that one can gain from the process of overcoming the enormous satisfaction and completely on their own decisionResponsible for the consequences, whether it is right or wrong.   Develop and implement plans for you, what is never difficult. 3.   You are thrilled about the opportunities to make a lot of money. You must have read, Google (Google) and Apple (Apple), founder of their original idea, come up with great ideas, and break in a short period ofWithin a few years benefited a lot.   You like this, most of which is to make money is your own, rather than being incorporated into corporate profits. 4.   Do you believe that the current economic situation to your advantage. The recent economic downturn has opened the doors of opportunity for new products, while labor costs there are many low skilled workers. Used to have a lot of great entrepreneursIs the economic downturn and recession phase of creating enterprise just concluded. 5.   Are you good at setting a final deadline, to arrange for priority order of things. You think if we can do things according to their own planning step, final results than the boss expected.   Self motivation than premiums for you and even pay to be effective. 6. You want to changeTaste, and more interesting things. First of all, business is the dream of your own, and not someone else 's.   On this premise, you can delegate or looking for a partner to be responsible for what you think boring things, such as marketing, you don't have to play in person not interested in doing their own thing. 7.   All sorts of challenges to let you fully display their abilities. If you love to learnNew things, encouraged by the changes, you will be like a new business environment.   Every day is different, including innovative services, achieve the financial goals, marketing and sales, and exposed to all kinds of customers. 8.   With desirable locations. Many entrepreneurs prefer to work at home, they feel more comfortable whileCould have better interactions with their families. Others like the free partition is located in the center of the attic space or the local coffee shop, so can commuting distance shortest.   This high degree of globalization in today's era, at the other end of the Earth even if you start a business is not a problem. 9.   Your business idea is not difficult to implement. In fact, in the last 20 years, into theThreshold cost of most industry has collapsed. Now with $ 100 will be able to set up an e-commerce site, or thousands of dollars for a smart phone application software development.   If you have done a full investigation, believe that their own skills and knowledge, you can easily fit, then you're a startup. 10. You have prepared for the second job.This is particularly useful for the baby boomers, and your career, is now ready to meet new challenges, while those with leisure time.   For this group of people, and founded his own company also has another advantage: you don't even have to give up work. If you meet the above 10 section of several articles, so now is the golden opportunity of entrepreneurship.Especially when the people around you think back and forth without end of time, it was clear they meet me in the other characteristics listed in the article, which means you have fewer competitors will face. What are you waiting for?

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129742915509843750_281The morning of February 12, 2012 of the study of the arts and literature and Director of the Department of Beijing Film Academy, school of photography began initial performance Institute began a 13-day study of the arts of the initial test, retest, and three "long-distance". For students preparing to enter the examination room first. (Source: zhongxinwang) 18-20 days, re-examination of the performance Institute of Beijing Film Academy is in full swing, a studyTry what? Plastic surgery candidates who are advantage? Department of performing arts was as rich as amid rumors of candidates? Participated in the training of candidates is dominant? Yesterday afternoon, performing zhongxinwang reporter Peter Wang, Vice President College teachers of exclusive interviews, read each of these hot spots. Early in the 17th when the list into 1356 of the retest candidates areNoted that their new round of examinations and the examination room location, campus has no past 19th noise jam, orderly. Arts and 19th afternoon exam retest at the same time, Department of performing arts teacher Huang Lei micro-film premiere, who is a classmate and starring Peter Wang teachers to come and join in. 1, re what? Peter Wang said re thanFirst two top exam recitation and only collective pieces, retest to test table, he said: ", line and form, performing vocal music, the four. All pass, you can enter, try again. "How much is asked to try out three, Peter Wang said the final result. 2, plastic surgery candidates who are advantage? Beiying this year shows clearNot deny plastic surgery candidates, and hospital admitted more than other art colleges to focus more on overall, a lot of "natural" candidates who call unfair. Peter Wang called on everyone to maintain calm, as he admits: "examiner is also advocating natural beauty, all of us can't handle natural beauty, people closer to nature the more natural, just like the show, performing first to liberate nature, return to the organicSex is the most important. "" If something deliberately to pursue appearance, sometimes to candidates, there are some deviations. "Peter Wang explained," I mean deviation, is probably not enough natural, nature is very important. "3, the performance was very good on the candidates? Reporters found in track interview Beiying performing arts kaozhong, over 80% candidates who had earlier participated in the study of the arts schoolsTraining, according to a study of the Star City art school admissions teachers revealed that candidates who perform home almost "is not bad money". The teacher may say so: "art school training month well thousands of, if it is attached to training more expensive, family of bad conditions it is difficult to afford. "Beiying performances in the initial population, carry luxury brand bag, vehicle examination there are plenty of candidates,For this, Peter Wang is not authorized, he said: "this is not common, because we had too many candidates. Online registration of 8,000 people, more than 6,000 people attended the scene confirmed that they cover the many ordinary Chinese family, they come from all sectors, from all regions, with their diversity of characteristics, in fact I think it was good andNot a lot. "4, whether the candidates who participated in training a dominant? "Trained and lack of trained candidates are the same. "Face the most candidates in advance of learning, Peter Wang also gives" study of the nude "candidate who ate a" reassured ". He said, "because we treat everyone as a new candidate, he stands, complete our set of examinationsAnd with excellent performance, this is the bonus factor. "(Zhang Xi)

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129748657305625000_275"This is my sat but two of the most economic and most convenient bank direct shipping on the sea. "Taiwan played Myriad international travel service head office start MS 繡 Choi Jin-" sea 峽, Kowloon ", issued such a feeling. 24th, gone with the "sea 峽, China" 緩 緩 shore, at Pingtan come aboard for the first time "sea 峽, China" Taiwan travel group. Data understanding, this "sea 峽, Wanchai," ride the Taiwan total 4 personal travel groupMore than 150 odd walk, this is Taiwan walk off into the group for the first time through but "sea 峽, Kowloon" Landmass to travel. They make in Fujian but because a 4 day holiday leisure walk. "Yeah than building goldFuwen said future make meeting more come more going to select lines in Taiwan aboard "sea 峽, Kowloon", start from the Landmass travel itineraries. Pingtan County travel Council introduction, "sea 峽, China" is only open through to Taichung air line, future but the program open to link Pingtan Taipei air line, area 極 makes travel and cultural exchange on the two Bank's main channel. (Journalist 鳳 communications Member Zhu Xin Wang, Washington)

129749422774218750_2 - UTQ

129749422774218750_2, Director of the British Institute of securities Li Daxiao 2012 investment strategy report said yesterday in the company, now entering the starting point for long-term investment in the securities market. Li Daxiao believes that current economic and domestic economic conditions in Europe and America is moving in the right direction, especially with the national consumer price index (CPI) consecutive fall and real estate continued under control and macroeconomic controlAnti-inflation mainly to steady growth. From the view of all data, indexes, starting point of the Chinese securities market into a long-term investment, support the current market go the eight main reasons: the concept of regulatory changes to improve corporate governance and shareholder culture tend to most issues have been touched to the fundamental interests of the financier; market valuation levels reached historic lows; securities market policy support, And gradually form a stabilizing force in the industrial capital, and supply and demand relations have changed, and speed up the pace of long-term capital market; economic high growth market to improve. (Chen Zhong)

129747570621875000_59 - HFO

129747570621875000_59Staff writer, New Delhi, February 25 (reporter Wang Lei)-messages in Kabul: Afghanistan protests in Afghanistan caused by American soldiers burned the Koran 25th entered the fifth day of protests. 25th, according to local television stations reported that Afghanistan security sector, 2 Westerners were shot dead in the Ministry of the Interior on the day the building. According to Agence France-Presse on 25th, 2Dead in the West is United States advisers. In Afghanistan the international security assistance force spokesman confirmed that 2 of the deceased was a gunman shot dead, but he did not disclose the identity of the gunman. Media analysis says that attackers are likely to be police officers. Afghanistan security sector believes that this shooting incident and Afghanistan protests in Afghanistan caused by American soldiers burned the Koran in protestMoving about. At present, the Ministry of the interior building has been closed, non-staff access. NATO has said it would recall all NATO personnel working in the Government sector. Afghanistan has claimed that on the day of the Taliban responsible for the incident, and said the same day killed 4 Americans, goal is to revenge us soldiers desecrated the Koran. (Editor: Huang Weijun)

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Monday, February 27, 2012


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

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129733906147815000_55Adele, of the 21 songs in an annual production of the Rolling in the Deep chances very high Adele across the business and art, both heading for Foo Fighters Wasting Light is album of the year highlights of the 54th session of the Beijing time, the Grammy Awards ceremony is about 13Today (Monday) morning, this Grammy due to reduced the award, resulting in extremely competitive (see full list), our forecast to be: 1. pass class award: 1.1 years of production (RecordOfTheYear) award-winning index: Adele-RollingintheDeep:★ ★ ★ ★ ★ MumfordSons-TheCave: ★ ★ ★ ★ BrunoMars-Grenade: ★ ★ ★ ☆ KatyPerry-Firework: ★ ★ ★ ☆ BonIver-Holocene: ★ ★ the Grammy RecordOfTheYEar nomination of sweeping away two years before this nomination a strong commercial atmosphere, truly the business and the balance of art, is a rare Nice once in recent years. KatyPerry Firework, and business sentiment BrunoMars Grenade, artistic content and MumfordSons of the TheCavE and the Holocene, BonIver, as last year and that some works representative of the corresponding style in the field of production and recording levels and deserve this honor and across the business and art, both heading for work on non-Adele RollingintheDeep, let it be. This award can be taken into account acquisitionBaoleng factor of inertia, not MumfordSons of the TheCave of the PleaseReadTheLetter of the year: Fan Er? As for the Firework and the Grenade to the accompanying run case, grab a handful of nominations in the past, there is no specific analysis. But BonIverNomination of this harvest was in accordance with the list of songs by many European and American popular music fans unable to make head or tail of ..., but let their literature reviews followers and small fresh refreshing and had a dark, although the Grammy for independent and alternative music "prior pig, hindsight" nomination style remains unchanged, but the importance attached to this type of music is growing. 1.2 album (AlbUmOfTheYear) award-winning index: Adele-21,: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ FooFighters-WastingLight: ★ ★ ★ ★ LadyGaGa-BornThisWay: ★ ★ ★ ☆ BrunoMars-Doo-WopsHooligaNS: ★ ★ ★ Rihanna-Loud: ★ ★ this "album of the year" nominations are basically year nominations in recent years one of the most one-sided and boring, if not see the FooFighters, of the WastingLight, I really think that this is a "pop album of the year" nomination list, 5 nominationsAlbum 4 come from the areas of Pop, and "pop album of the year" nomination of high degree of coincidence, was much less kekanxing by competition this year. Areas of both Rap MyBeautifulTwistedDarkFantasy, KanyeWest, TaylorSwift rural areas SpeakNow, BonIver, BonIver or alternative music field, Jazz area of cross-border cooperation among the TonyBennettVariousArtists of the DuetsII of any works, and will increase the intensity of competition for the Grammy's biggest prize with dignity. Dog bloodNomination list, album of the year for the current year of suspense is not very big. Throughout the recent years Grammy Award in the "album of the year" award on the vest are the following: first, respecting the gods, cross-border cooperation (as RayCharles 05 years of HerbieHancock, 08 and 09 RobertPlantAlIsonKrauss the corresponding album), second album theme active, meaning deep, social, spiritual encouragement of the General Assembly (such as U2 06 years of the HowtoDismantleanAtomicBomb of 07 and the TakingtheLongWay of the Dixie Chicks last year ArcadeFireOf the TheSuburbs); third album word of mouth is good, sales dominate the world (so that the example is not left to enumerate, nearly Fearless, TaylorSwift, Speakerboxxx/TheLoveBelow, Outkast, far Santana of the SuperNature, JaggedLittlePill, AlanisMorissette, and more). This Grammy Award judges clearly retaining the first two albums in the nominations list, remains the only album only for height and third line 21, Adele. Of the 21Although sales are dominating the whole year, but from a music style and excellent music reviews and not much at all. Also reviews of those sales also does not break through the weakest of the WastingLight has any hope, plus FooFighters is the most senior artists in the nominations list, taking into account Grammy has respect for the glorious tradition of the WastIngLight also has a certain probability. LadyGaga was nominated the BornThisWay sure, but Grammy is never the year trophy awarded to the theme and tone of the dark's album, even nominated to run around, see inverse KanyeWest music reviews-day of the MyBeautifuThis treatment will know the lTwistedDarkFantasy. Another bright spot in the list of nominations come from Rihanna's Loud, glorious day girl from the good Sisters KatyPerry last year where the TeenageDream took over the baton of soy sauce, you know Rihanna studentsTablet best two albums of the GoodGirlGoneBad and the RatedR but even Grammy that year for "pop album of the year" don't squeeze! 1.3 years of song (SongOfTheYear) award-winning index: Adele-RollingintheDeep: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆MumfordSons-TheCave:★★★★  KanyeWest,Rihanna,KidCudiandFergie-AlloftheLights:★★★☆  BrunoMars-Grenade:★★★  BonIver-HoloceNE: ★ ★ this nominated song of the year is definitely one of the highest artistic standards in recent years, even in the nomination list "Mercury Music Prize" does not have any objection on.  Nomination is still in the works and Adele both sales and the comments are full of the harvest RollingintheDeep chances of maximum. Other nominated works,MumfordSons of the TheCave on the type and depth of lyrics from the songs, Fan Er is past Grammy preference, but in recent years the trend of increasing commercialization of this award winning, does not occupy too much advantage. KanyeWest joint star deduction is the most outstanding in recent years by the AlloftheLightsChorus track stars, Grammy awarded song of the year on cooperation of the song dates back to 86 Michael stars. Jackson launched music made by raising donations for the victims in Africa and 87 of the WeAreTheWorld of DionneWarwick, led by the stars Foundation to raise money for AIDS the recorded songs That ' sWhatFriendsAreFor, comparing these two popular non-commercial singles in the world, have to say Kanye this piece is slightly insufficient energy. Mars BrunoMars Grenade runescape items, worthy of nomination, but is some distance away from winning. BonIver, of the Holocene though song quality is superior, But can be nominated at the Grammy Awards for the music industry is already a miracle of independent music. 1.4 best newcomer (BestNewArtist) award-winning index: TheBandPerry: ★ ★ ★ ★ BonIver: ★ ★ ★ ★ NickiMinaj: ★ ★ ★ SkrillEx: ★ ★ J.Cole: ★ the best newcomer nomination is rare in the history of Grammy nominations list appeared simultaneously in two places for rappers J.Cole and--NickiMinaj, the nomination calls for independent music new combination of very high FosterThePeople walked past this nomination had to sayIs this a big regret. Nomination of this list, we are most concerned about hip hop singer NickiMinaj said, although we must not deny NickiMinaj superior strength and popular rap's popularity, but Grammy currently has never "best newcomer" award goes to any rapper, whether KanyeWest,50Cent also is a Drake, PuffDaddy, no voice a year is not very high, the last example failed to live, not to mention the competition the award was actually female rap artist and not wait on the Grammy Awards vesting see rap music is not a matter of one or two days, last pass class handouts rap: the Cup is still in the area dates back to distant 05--Outkast of the Speakerboxxx/TheLoveBelow get "album of the year". Look at the classic "heat death" law, whether it is Britney, LinkinPark, Avril or JonasBrothers, and TaylorSwift, jUstinBieber, no one is not the most popular Red Star of the year, unfortunately they are on this award I was disappointed.  One of our lovely Miss NickiMinaj very unfortunate sth that has two big disadvantages are exclusive Village combo TheBandPerry, which is the only rural areas through this Grammy categoriesNomination, I do not know whether protection two years ago local folk songs too strongly, leading to pass on such a nomination this year country music full convergence. But this is all the more TheBandPerry the nomination of precious, pass classes to know Annual Grammy winning country music appears in the list, then non-TheBandPerry of this year that the only child not to be,And the combination of this new country music sister and brother is absolutely can afford to take the prize. (PS: If the United States made a Perry--KatyPerry to join the combination of pop music, that their effect will be lifted to a higher level, nn), as this session of the General class of the most nominated black horse, independent folk combo BonIver also has a lot of probabilityTo win this prize, after all the nominations list, only they have backed by other general classes of the nomination, this is a great advantage. But it looks like the rapper, independent music artists also have not been favored by this award, far ImogenHeap and Feist, MGMT and FlorenceTheMachine, BonIVer ArcadeFire last year and break the spell of activating such independent music to eat duck eggs, let us see. This nomination because of the electronic music artist Skrillex Dubstep style popular the world last year, the 88 music genius was nominated for Grammy consideration of contemporary music trends, but comprehensiveCompare competitors, unless a Grammy to continue this award a posture of the cold in the end of last year, otherwise the winning probability is too remote.  Jay-Z explore the rap newcomer J.Cole, had been nominated already is a huge affirmation. 2.Pop (popular) category: current nominations for Pop field, due to the merging of the various awards and structured so thatFog of the already fierce competition in the field more widespread, although the singer, but the audience has to benefit from, I'm afraid any one in recent years this session of the session of the popular areas of nomination are not so bright.  As the areas of most concern, this Pop Awards nomination standards are also absolutely worthy of the fans look forward to. 2.1 best pop singer of the year (BestPopSOloPerformance) award-winning index: Adele-SomeoneLikeYou: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ BrunoMars-Grenade: ★ ★ ★ ★ KatyPerry-Firework: ★ ★ ★ ☆ LadyGaGa-Yo ? AndI: ★ ★★ Pink-F**kinPerfect: ★ ★ ★ the awards have merged over the past "best male pop vocal performance" and "best pop singer" two awards, is the Grammy debut behind thin, fierce competition for the Awards nomination list is very nice. Many singers from the nominated works, both singing and voice on the interpretation ofSpeaking, Adele won a well-deserved. We first regardless of the final outcome, these nominated singer non-BrunoMars be the most depressed, because he is the only male singer who in the nomination list, "best male pop vocal performance" no and "best pop singer" merging, this is equivalent to indirectly declare he is the currentLaimei "best male pop vocal performance", but also retains!  Unfortunately had bad flying my hands trophy sth KatyPerry Firework, recorded version again, as always, has shown their excellent treble and singing, also following the song of the IKissedAGirl in 09 and Grammy Award "best streamingFemale singer "and Adele is also famous in the song of the HometownGlory directly after tragic lost, once again, the two clash, and the year in Grammy live performances is the author of a lifetime on sth But ultimately winning or not, KatyPerry is the fourth in a row nominated for "best pop vocal performance", which isIs a recording in the Grammy Awards, fruit fans cheered in advance. Yo ? AndI is LadyGaga four single of this album, wise there is no entry in the TheEdgeOfGlory and the BornThisWay any of this Grammy Awards, I have always wanted to learn and their ideasWhat general style such as fame and fortune as the clouds really ordinary people learn not to sth  Miss Pink single F**kinPerfect in the selection set, nomination not surprising, but also for the pink sister Hua Lili of "best pop singer" with the running record marked a glorious one. 2.2 best pop band/combo (BestPOpPerformanceByADuoOrGroupWithVocals) award-winning index: TonyBennettandAmyWinehouse-BodyandSoul: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Maroon5andChristinaAguilera-MovesLikeJagger: ★ ★ ★ ★ Coldplay-Paradise: ★ ★ ★ ☆ FosterThePeople-PumpedUpKicks: ★ ★ ★ ☆ TheBlackKeys-Dearest: ★ ★ of this award is to the past "best streamingBand "and" Best Pop collaboration with "new awards of the two awards was born after the merger, it is the result of the nomination was very, very nice, level is very high and the competition is very fierce. From the nomination in the first chorus of the song, two works nominated one is the legend of two years cooperation--the forgotten BodyandSoul, a song was popular last year the United States--Two Grammy Darling chorus of songs of the MovesLikeJagger. Before the "Best Pop collaboration with" winners or Miss respect for, or is the most Red chorus throughout the song, just on those two first. Taken into account in the BodyandSoul is interpretation AmyWinehouse be unruffled by emotion, died last yearAnd jazz living fossil of TonyBennett head, Grammy is not seen monks also depends on the Buddha, and winning more you can pay tribute to the way AmyWinehouse, dual purpose, so this song eventually becomes the hope or larger. Band combination works in the nomination, although the three song quality is superior, but in the past "Best pop band "is usually the red for the year in winning songs of the band, and the three songs no one can reach past the VivaLaVida, of the IGottaFeeling of the Hey,SoulSister of the level of popularity, I hope that the origin of the PumpedUpKicks is an independent band new, So little chance. Worth mentioning is the work TheBlackKeys that cover the nomination, Grammy judges that two years is the combination of pet and hard last year to plug the two trophies, a soy sauce cover work was nominated this year, just a new album soon they runescape items for sale, next year Grammy for "rock song" and "alternative album"Listed in the nomination. 2.3 best pop album (BestPopVocalAlbum) award-winning index: Adele-21,: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ LadyGaGa-BornThisWay: ★ ★ ★ ★ BrunoMars-Doo-WopsHooliganS: ★ ★ ★ ☆ Rihanna – Loud: ★ ★ ★ CeeLoGreen-TheLadykiller: ★ ★ ★ Please send the list of "album of the year" nomination list and award-winning analysis and comparison on their own. Recommend passing the TheLadykiller album, concept and production were very great, but unfortunately notA Grammy so that port, and do not think this album if there are "best alternative album" or "the best RB album" nomination list is more pleasing to do sth 2.4 best traditional pop album (BestTraditionalPopVocalAlbum) award-winning index: TonyBennettVariousArtists-DuetsII:★★★★★  SusanBoyle-TheGift:★★★☆  SethMacFarlane-MusicIsBetterThanWords:★★★  HarryConnickJr.-InConcErtOnBroadway: ★ ★ BarbraStreisand-WhatMattersMost-BarbraStreisandSingsTheLyricsOfAlanAndMarilynBergman: ★ ★ Portrait, TonyBenneTT Grandpa has n times for this award, almost never dropped, and this has led the music industry big Savage, the album sales is also not to be underestimated. Horizontal comparison, except SusanBoyle TheGift of chicken blood album sales on Grandpa mildly threatened, other nominated works full of LEGO. And if tWinning onyBennett grandfather, BarbraStreisand Grandma n was nominated one of the trophies, so why not this? 3.Dance (dance) classes: this dance classes since the establishment of this Award nomination should be, commercial atmosphere of the weakest one, because this dance class awards against outstanding business achievementAnd list of popular works, often appear in this list in the past hit singles and popular singers of all entries to the competition is very intense areas of Pop, but not unexpected glorious Lok, which include Britney albums and singles of the last word of mouth good. Due to the lack of commercial heat, this nomination is more biased towards the field of dance inElectronic music circle of esthetic and audience, such as Deadmau5, Skrillex cheap runescape items, CutCopy appearance of the top of the field of electronic music DJ and singer, makes this look even more professional. Had to mention last year in the United States of pop up in the Dubstep dance classes of cyclones in this nomination received unprecedented attention. AlthoughSo this thing has that have been popular for years in Europe, but Miss Britney last year on his album the FemmeFatale applied to this element, many United States pop music audience on the style like a plus. 3.1 best dance recording (BestDanceRecording) award-winning index: deadmau5andGretaSvaboBech-RaiseYourWeapon:★★★★☆  Skrillex-ScaryMonstersandNiceSprites:★★★★  DuckSauce-BarbraStreisand:★★★Robyn-CallYourGirlfriend: ★ ★ ★ DavidGuettaandAvicii-Sunshine: ★ ★ ☆ SwedishHouseMafia-SaveTheWorld: ★ ☆ nothing worse than calling for world peace and join todayAmerican most popular nightclubs Dubstep more exciting? In the absence of any red singles competition, Deadmau5 basic potential in this award will receive. His only rival is Skrillex, has a general class of "Newcomer of the year" nomination of backing the new electro sound genius is also a great chance to get this award, DubsteChip p is also his competition. Anyway whatever the outcome, the awards have identified the award to Dubstep. Miss Robyn is no doubt a little pity, the CallYourGirlfriend evaluation of comprehensive wind red, without running into the Dubstep in American popular this year, if that Grammy does not give theStyles of music awards, was Out to the Galaxy out of sth 3.2 best electronic/dance album (BestElectronic/DanceAlbum) Deadmau5-4x4=12 CutCopy-Zonoscope DavidGuetta-NothingButTheBeat Skrillex-ScaryMonstersAndNiceSprites Robyn-BodyTalk,Pt.3 for a winning forecast, there are two situations are the most difficult to predict, a strength is a strong, close was nominated works, a nominated work is theKinds of help are not fools.  Unfortunately, this year's "best dance album" nomination belongs to the latter case. Nominated works, a is a 5 song EP (Robyn-BodyTalk,Pt.3), a is 6 songs plus a Remix (Skrillex-ScaryMonstersAndNiCeSprites), a disorderly stack combination is bad song good song double CD (DavidGuetta-NothingButTheBeat), a popular doctrine of ostreatus highlights free (Deadmau5-4x4=12), and the rest are good quality and music reviews Zhang, but sales are negligible, but is newPeople (CutCopy – Zonoscope). Here one can and "best electronic/dance album" works really hard to match the head. So the "difficult decision" was also given to Grammy Award judges to do it, I threw up slot unable to sth Personal selfishness would like to CutCopy, alternatively to Deadmau5 can justIf Skrillex, can only show that is directed at one of the judges, rather than the album. 4.Rock (Rock) category: Rock of the year nominations should be one of the best in recent years in the field, while rock music market last year compared to two years ago did not see much improvement, but because many of the works selected from AlternatiVe area, making the final nomination list very interesting, competition was fierce for the previous two years.  However accidents are, this year the nomination completely abandoned in the past in the field of respect for tradition, and so is fully ignored, it is estimated that Grandpa who never thought of playing rock. 4.1 best rock song (BestRockSong) awardNumber: MumfordSons-TheCave: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Coldplay-EveryTeardropIsAWaterfall: ★ ★ ★ ★ FooFighters-Walk: ★ ★ ★ Radiohead-LotusFlower: ★ ★ ★TheDecemberists-DownByTheWater: ★ ★ this Award nomination list for the overall quality is very good, there is no chicken. But winning songs should be no great suspense, is undoubtedly the most promising of the TheCave of the MumfordSons won this award. Coldplay's new singleEveryTeardropIsAWaterfall although the topic of positive, but the business achievements and reputation obvious than their previous works; FooFighters arrangement of the Walk, and general business performance, name cannot afford for rock song of the year; the LotusFlower is the last year the most popularReviews like the one, but Uncle barrel wood demon style of pieces marked with perennial Grammy winners do not match the criteria.  TheDecemberists, of the DownByTheWater, I really think should come to compete for "best country song". 4.2 best rock performance (BestRockPerfoRmance) award-winning index: FooFighters-Walk: ★ ★ ★ ★ MumfordSons-TheCave: ★ ★ ★ ☆ Coldplay-EveryTeardropIsAWaterfall: ★ ★ ★ ☆ Radiohead-LotuSFlower: ★ ★ ★ TheDecemberists-DownByTheWater: ★ ★ merge although this award is "the best rock vocal performance" and "best rock group" the product of the two awards, but in the end the nomination result was embarrassing, no one is a rock and roll singer in the nominations list, all rock band,Judges prefer TheDecemberists village is concentrated to the origin Indie singles of the DownByTheWater nomination, without willing to reward NeilYoung, EricClapton, TomWaits old a nomination like this, we can see that the Grammy's respect for tradition has oneGradually being played. Interestingly this Award nomination list and "best rock song" exactly the same, but as this award more important combination of rock songs from the comprehensive interpretation of performance, choreography and singing, so the winning results are likely to "best rock song" vary. From the songs on the deduction of rich and layered, FooFightersWalk significantly more in line with "RockPerformance" the word. And that last year this award for unprecedented combinations TheBlackKeys trophy awarded to the independent music, this year if given the same origin of the Indie MumfordSons, nomination is a bit too rock bosses not face. The other hand,The rock Awards, Grammy always have the glorious tradition of pork (U2 appears except sth), so as MumfordSons and FooFighters were locked up front for a "best rock song" and "best rock album", Coldplay has some probability won this award. 4.3 best rock album (bEstRockAlbum) award-winning index: FooFighters-WastingLight: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Wilco-TheWholeLove: ★ ★ ★ ☆ RedHotChiliPeppers-ImWithYou: ★ ★ ★ JeffBecK-RockNRollPartyHonoringLesPaul: ★ ★ ★ KingsOfLeon-ComeAroundSundown: ★ ★ reviews before, we first take a look at FooFighters Awards honor on record: since 2000, the band as long asWill be nominated; as long as the nomination does not have U2 certainly winning. Look at this year's "album of the year" nomination, simply from the pop album of the WastingLight were killed in the crossfire of a desperate way, and ended the "album of the year" no rock album nominations for two consecutive years of embarrassment, to rock n ' roll fight for breath, so this prize winning knotFruit you should already know. Then take a look at his rivals: the TheWholeLove are a quality very good album, but more suited to its location clearly should be "best alternative album". Red pepper and KingOFLeon evaluation of their worst since the debut album honor list. Another guitar master JeffBeCK performance album as it relates to the judges is for the rich diversity of nominated works and make a decision. 5.Alternative (alternative music) category: best alternative music album in 5.1 (BestAlternativeMusicAlbum) award-winning index: BonIver-BonIver:★★★★☆  Radiohead-TheKingofLimbs:★★★★  FosterThePeople-Torches:★★★  MyMorningJacket-Circuital:★★★  DeathCabForCutie-CodesAndKeys: ★ ★ this year's "best alternative album" nomination and the same last year, selective ignoring some good quality of similar albums, such as the LetEnglandShake PJHarvey, JamesBlake, JamesBlake, LykkeLi of the WoundedRhymes and so on, especially the PJHarvey God, were ignored by huali Li do not know because the album theme of the American people are too sensitive.  What's puzzling is recognized as one of the worst since the DeathCabForCutie debut album can be listed, kind of waste places. Without strong competitionOpponents, Grammy nominations this year is on this list holds the BonIver was sweeping, and their qualifications are shallow, there is not much weakness.  Only a little competitive Radiohead new bricks, as assessment of some, is not too big for chance. 6.RB (RB) classes: Although this RB class isAll areas of integration award in the field of music, one of the most ruthless, past "best RB singer" and "the best RB singer", "combine the best RB/cooperation" and "best alternative and RB performances" full integration "BestRBPerformance" awards, normally, nominated by the fog of results should be stunning, four, but did not knowNot RB field judge full of great change, a very large change in the selection criteria, the last nomination results worthy of becoming this all music in the nomination of one of the most boring, look good and most. Works from the nominated style, stuff is totally biased judges elected in the traditional style of the RB works, works for almost all Urban styleIgnored and suppressed by the unprecedented. Beyonce's innovative since the debut of the 4 keliwushou in this area, JenniferHudson, and JillScott, and Ne-yo, and JazmineSullivan, and QuincyJones, and ChrisetteMicheLe the nomination even half the force in that area in the past nomination didn't catch that, fully human touch to the head, apart from the jury for shorts are not left, this phenomenon occurs is really no other reason.  Aspect of the missing, many followers of the RB on this Grammy winning result and not have much interest in this field, just like so and. 6.1 the bestTraditional RB singer (BestTraditionalRBPerformance) award-winning index: CeeLoGreenMelanieFiona-"FoolForYou": ★ ★ ★ ★ EricBen é t-"SometimesICry": ★ ★ ★ ☆ bEttyWrightTheRoots-"Surrender": ★ ★ ★ ☆ R.Kelly-"RadioMessage": ★ ★ ★ RaphaelSaadiq-"GoodMan": ★ ★ ☆ this is this a nomination for Grammy nomination best RB area, eachFirst works are masters level. Strong momentum due to CeeLoGreen in the past two years, and excellent interpretation of the nominated works, is likely to let him get the award. Veteran singer EricBen é t in the excellent interpretation of the SometimesICry is also very competitive. King of R.Kelly and genius RaphaelSAadiq strength is strong, can nominate work slightly insufficient energy.  BettyWright and TheRoots of cross-border cooperation also has a certain probability of winning. 6.2 best RB albums (BestRBAlbum) award-winning index: LoveLetter-R.Kelly: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ F.A.M.E.-ChrisBrown: ★ ★ ★ ★ SecondChance-ElDeBarge: ★ ★ ★ ★ PiecesOfMe-Ledisi: ★ ★ ★ Kelly-KellyPrice: ★ ★ this award with a past "best RB album" and "best contemporary RBThe album "two major awards, but results of nomination, obviously most of the album is more towards traditional RB albums, which once again confirms the new generation of judges do not like contemporary RB RB field work. So even though the F.A.M.E. sold well and the single red, but still not much advantage, if this spot is placed in sales in recent years decided to win the prize of "bestContemporary RB albums "in the fundamental can be direct award. But considering the judges to present today the taste, King R.Kelly sales and reputation of its harvest album, clearly the most promising of the LoveLetter. But considering the quality of the album itself and if so, SecondChance, ElDeBarge is the bestSelect. So in summary, if this award according to sales assessment, the F.A.M.E. well-deserved; according to quality assessment and ElDeBarge yield to nobody; to integrated both, is the choice of the LoveLetter.  Two grievances RB woman, nomination is the greatest reward. 7.Rap (RAP) category: rAP award in the field of this knife in all areas of child of at least one, simply "best rap vocal performance" and "best rap group/cooperation" was merged into "BestRapPerformance", and the nomination list is as amazing as ever, nominated works are great progenitor, competition is the most intense in addition to Pop outside the territory of aBlock.  Only a pity is that in previous nominations usually appears there will be works of art, while DasRacist this year, BeastieBoys, DiddyDirtyMoney combinations, such as the absence of the collective, had to let people sigh deplorably. 7.1 the best rap (BestRapPerformance)Award-winning index: ChrisBrown,LilWayneBustaRhymes-LookAtMeNow: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Jay-ZandKanyeWest-Otis: ★ ★ ★ ★ LupeFiasco-TheShowGoesOn: ★ ★ ★ NiCkiMinajandDrake-Moment4Life: ★ ★ ☆ WizKhalifa-BlackandYellow: ★ ★ the awards with past "best rap vocal performance" and "best rap group/cooperative" two awards from the nominating, judging is obviously rap cooperation prevail, notAccidents, final winners should be from LookAtMeNow and was born in Otis, two stunning interpretation of the few household names in Rap in the song make people fight praised different is that the former is more biased towards the business, which literary atmosphere a little thick. From the nomination results, if the award is not merged, the current judge of "best rapper" isGoes to LupeFiasco, but the ducks just flew.  Nominate more shocking is LilWayne in the 6 ' 7 ' is not asserted, so, kind of works in accordance with the selection of tables should be should not be neglected in the past. 7.2 cooperation best rap song (BestRap/SungCollaborAtion) award-winning index: KanyeWest,Rihanna,KidCudiandFergie-AlloftheLights: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Dr.Dre,EminemandSkylarGrey-INeedaDoctor: ★ ★ ★ ★ RihannaandDrake-WhatsMyName?:★★★☆  KellyRowlandandLilWayne-Motivation:★★★  BeyoncéandAndré3000-Party:★★  DJKhaled,Drake,RiCkRossandLilWayne-ImOnOne: ★ finalists for this award the gold content is also very large, especially the front four, whether it's business or reputation, are very good. If you simply from looking at the artistic level, KanyeWest, led by stars of the interpretation of AlloftheLights moreSuperior, business results but this song is not so very bright as past winners of this award, so ultimately win is not 100% sure.  This also makes slightly better business results of the INeedaDoctor of the WhatsMyName?, have a bit of competition you want. 7.3 best rap song (BestRapSong)Award-winning index: KanyeWest,Rihanna,KidCudiandFergie-AlloftheLights: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Jay-ZandKanyeWest-Otis: ★ ★ ★ ★ ChrisBrown,LilWayneBustaRhymes-LookAtMeNow:★★★★  Dr.Dre,EminemandSkylarGrey-INeedaDoctor:★★★☆  LupeFiasco-TheShowGoesOn:★★★  WizKhalifa-BlackandYEllow: ★ ★ this award makes hard choices, because the competition is too intense, can be said that almost four-piece before close. If not the AlloftheLights pass behind such nominations, finally winning result of some hard to guess. But in spite of this, the Otis and the LookAtMeNow in music reviewsExcellent results and business are also to be reckoned with, and the INeedaDoctor of the more superior business results with the same people cannot be ignored. 7.4 Best Rap albums (BestRapAlbum) award-winning index: KanyeWest-MyBeautifulDarkTwistedFantasy:★★★★★  Jay-ZandKanyeWest-WatchtheThrone:★★★★☆  NickiMinaj-PinkFriday:★★★  LilWayne-ThaCarterIV:★★  LupeFiasco-LaserS: ★ need a choice just KanyeWest students which albums are winning. This level of production, and evaluation of the MyBeautifulDarkTwistedFantasy full album take the inverse days "album of the year" nomination, in addition to the album the dark depressing topic and contradict the General Assembly advocating harmonious fraternity,I can't think of another reason. If the judge really think this album is too heavy, so to the same superior quality of the WatchtheThrone is also acceptable, and doing so can the way to Jay-Z a human supplementation. As for PinkFriday, NickiMinaj, favorite friends may wish to look at saySinging the female singer in the world of rap status, godmother you know rap MissyElliot God for the year this award also accompany long running life, but if the judges too much business, NickiMinaj awards are valid. (构词成分。 stray cats) (It was WWT) Others:

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