Friday, June 15, 2012

claimed to be increased by more than 300 various features of Leopard appeared. About 4 TERA Gold c

129838007770312500_35Watch past WWDC Apple creativity with point selection WWDC 2011 was held on June 6. "Once again, change everything" before, Apple also how many times has changed our lives? Let us count the previous WWDC Apple's brilliant performance, see how great Apple's creative! See creativity all of the Apple WWDC highlights selected introduction to WWDC WWDC was "AppleBrain global Developer Conference "(Apple Worldwide Developers Conference) short, by Apple on a regular basis every year in the United States held in California. Its main purpose is to get Apple to show the latest software and technology to research and development. In the General Assembly in recent years, Apple is usually released MacPreview of the next version of the OS x operating system. Number of participating in research and development by the General Assembly in 2000 to about 4,200 people. In the 2007 WWDC, Steve Jobs said more than 5,000 people attended in its brief, previous participants up to the General Assembly. Successive first WWDC WWDC to watch selected 1983 Apple WWDC. LandPoints: Monterey, California (Monterey). First it was required to sign confidentiality agreements, as people like to participate in a secret ceremony witnessed Lisa appeared for the first time. The anti-media and public aware developers eyes ears only. WWDC 1987, very strange, Apple and IBM product launching event was arranged at the same Convention Center. On this, IBM introduced the PS/2 interface, and Apple's CP/M as the Mac II's resistance. Apple WWDC 1990 's shift to mass products. QuickTime on stage. WWDC officially released 1991System 7, supports multitasking, file sharing, and drag-and-drop the trash. WWDC 1992 yuehan��shikaoli (former CEO of Apple) on a venue with a bright color sketch pen meaning Apple's future. The WWDC the question is broader, including Newton, AppleScript, open collaboration environment, PowerPC and OpenDoc--Apple's open source framework, in response to Microsoft's OLE. Apple WWDC 1993 transferTo the PowerPC platform, 80MHz not seen in the Hall before the show the Power PC 601 processor, compatible processors before the development of the software, and revealed the QuickDraw DX (a smoother graphics and better print quality) and interactive help. Newton also anticipated to be finalised in the summer release. WWDC 1994--Dylan has released new models of object-oriented programming language, intended to expand the scale of business software. Apple WWDC 1995 ported to OpenDoc technology called Cyberdog project, it is an open source suite of networking, Apple it is intended to be spread to the public. WWDC focus 1996"Copland" plans at the time to some degree show. New Chief Executive jierbote��ameiliao said, according to the schedule of the system should be launched the beta version in late summer, and launched the first commercial version in late autumn. However, it was only available in very limited demonstrations, also does not give a beta version of the operating system. KatErbote��ameiliao at the same time showing a prototype of semi-finished products, in his view, this is a desktop of the future. WWDC WWDC was 19,971,997 years after Apple's acquisition of NeXT General Assembly for the first time, will also focus on efforts to use OpenStep as the basis for the next generation of Mac OS. Plan at the time was described as "RhApsody "the new system, which is based on a version of OpenStep Diablo 3 CD-KEY, and modify the look and make it more consistent with the perception of Mac," yellow box " TERA Gold, as well as to let existing Mac applications in the OS simulation implementation under the" blue box ". This time, Steve Jobs returned to the rostrum of the WWDC, released the next generation operating system-code "Rhapsody", from NeXT�� Jobs WWDC 1998 brought a combination of OS X--the essence of Rhapsody and NeXTSTEP, Copland to the rest of the system. This is the real future. At the meeting, Steve Jobs spent close to half time show developers how characteristics of Carbon, want them to transfer as soon as possible on OS x. WWDC 1999 surprising released PowerBooks and G3, exhausting the 50, then your OS 8.6, OpenGL, Java 2, and the first developer preview of Mac OS x, it looks the same after two years of official version is no different. WWDC 2000OS x promotion in full swing,Developer API instructions upon receipt of the final. Reference Qiao Yan: with this Preview Edition, developers can now free to build killer apps in OS x. WWDC 2001 Steve Jobs showed off a series of flat-screen monitors, Macintosh and all said the new factory will be installing OS x, than the original plan there are two months in advance. MaDebut c OS x Server also, there are new Power Mac G4. 1500 attendees each Apple brand jacket, its OS x flags are printed on translucent. WWDC 2002 launched Sherlock3, Rendezvous, and Quartz ExtremeAddress book and publishing OS x 10.2 Jaguar, it was one. Analog funeral held jobs, say goodbye to OS 9. WWDC 2003 launch of Safari as stable, and after 10 years of research and development of the G5 processor. Although speech leaked in advance, but do not have a large impact. Mosikaonixi (MoscoNE West) had center stage more. WWDC 20,046 until July 2, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Adds Dashboard and Spotlight, there's stunning 30-inch Cinema HD display. WWDC 2005From June 6 to June 10, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Release Mac OS x Tiger, this system is the fifth major upgrade of Mac OS x, which includes more than 200 new features. Apple into the x86 era, and the conversion kit for $ 999: a slightly changedG5 chassis as well as a preview version of the software. WWDC 20,068 until August 11, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Release Mac Pro, as well as the code for the new generation of Mac OSX Leopard operating system. New products carry a powerful quad-core 64-bit Xeon processor, TimeMachine, Spaces, Boot Camp announcement, claimed to be increased by more than 300 various features of Leopard appeared. About 4,200 developers from 48 countries attend the WWDC, WWDC Conference is the most massive over the years. 140 development of seminars and 100 Labs (hands-On Labs) activities. And there are more than 1000 Apple engineers participated in this activity. WWDC 20,076 until June 15, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). More prosaic WWDC 2007. Apple published codes of Mac OS x Leopard 105. and say: "the scale of release of Leopard beyond anyone's imagination, and that will bring more than the developer preview version. "9th to WWDC 20,086 months, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Publish iPhone 3G, and also announced that the iPhone 3GOverseas sale time, app store, Snow Leopard, MobileMe. Tickets sold out for the first time. WWDC 20,096 to June 12, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Publish a new MacBook Pro SWTOR CD-key, iPhone 3GS, Snow Leopard and Safari. WWDC 20106-month 8th, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Once again, the key to change all the iPhone 4 theme, iAd, iOS4. Yes, the iPad is Ou Babu is also the Center for the Arts in San Francisco on January 27 (grass land Art Center) held by Apple press conference release, Not the WWDC 2010. WWDC 2011, Apple will have any surprises? WWDC 2011WWDC mosikaonixi 2011 will take place from June 6 to June 10 in San Francisco (Moscone West), is expected to be the iPhone 5, iOS 5, Mac OS x 10.7 Lion and the new version of the Macbook Air as the theme. Believe Apple will have surprises, you will not be disappointed. Others:

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