Sunday, January 8, 2012

The European Central Bank

129667837427021642_309The European Central Bank (ECB) Management Committee members, Germany's Central Bank Governor, Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann (Jens Weidmann) Friday (November 25), the European Central Bank should not printing money to finance national, euro-bonds may not be able to reduce the cost of financing. Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann notes that, even if the German Government bond yieldsRose breaking 6% also is not supported by the European Central Bank to buy bonds.   He called on the European Central Bank stops buying action, and that monetary policy cannot solve the solvency problems of the Government and banks. In addition, Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann opposed issuing common eurozone bonds, he said, common eurozone bonds may cut interest rates. "Common eurozone bonds shall be issued by the Governments of the Member States to decide whether. ”Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann warned, once issued common bonds in the eurozone swtor power leveling, such as lowering of interest rates that do not make the necessary the old republic power leveling, decisions made by the Member States will be made directly to the other Member States. He reiterated that the responsibility lies with the Governments of the Member States to resolve the current crisis, rather than the European Central Bank.   Cannot reset the responsibility of maintaining price stability in spite of the European Central Bank. In addition, Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann said, the European CentralRow level of interest rates already low, December decision of the monetary policy meeting will take into account the current situation. The European Central Bank's monetary policy meeting on November benchmark interest rate cut from 1.5% per cent, pointing out that regional economic Outlook is highly uncertain, and there is a serious downside risk.

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