Thursday, January 12, 2012

diablo 3 gold at each entry are the number of students in more than 1 million RQB

129668732763437500_131On suspicion of extorting money, "hope Cup" mathematics competition Division of Beijing Organizing Committee of Beijing Municipal Education Commission and other departments for prosecution. Recently, the Municipal Education Commission issued a compulsory education on the prohibition of organizations ' participation in the notice of discipline contest, pointed out that recently some civil society institutions and organizations to hold "hope Cup" mathematics competitions on behalf of the school and student-oriented compulsory, organization-wideUrban discipline of competitive activities, collect application fees and proportional return to schools. At the same time, through a variety of ways to mislead parents that it would contest award winners from this class in the selection of outstanding students, recommended to the higher level schools, leading to many parents blindly registration examination. The argument has been made, "hope Cup" Division Head of the Organizing Committee of Beijing stance, had been requested by the City Board to learnRefund. Yesterday, "hope Cup" National Organizing Committee said Zhou Guozhen, competitions of the Beijing Organizing Committee of the contest site in 2012 the right to organize has been cancelled, and investigation of irregularities have been made to the Organizing Committee. Zhou Guozhen said the National Organizing Committee of the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Division are two details of the survey, first of all, whether the Organizing Committee of the contest site has high charges and, secondly, is theWhether using "hope Cup" platform to do the other profit-making activities, "If the survey results show the exact violation, the Organizing Committee of the contest site will be processed, the worst result was cancel its qualifications, hosting the event in Beijing. "It is reported that the Beijing Organizing Committee of the contest site beginning in 2003 commitment" hope Cup "event in Beijing. Zhou Guozhen said prior to 2008 the old republic power leveling, the arenas groupAuthority is strictly in accordance with the Constitution Act, beginning in 2008, a number of irregularities have emerged one after another. Zhou Guozhen said Beijing Division races in March or April next year will be held as scheduled and arenas across the country. At present, the National Organizing Committee has commissioned a Morningstar training institutions such as the registration work for next year Beijing arenas of the National Organizing Committee will directly supervise the race matters。 Preparing the national and the local organizing Committee was to do with it? No subordinate relationship, according to Zhou Guozhen introduction similar to join nature, apply to the National Organizing Committee local organizing Committee take on events, first of all, the National Organizing Committee to check the qualifications of the applicants, whether in local register is a legal entity and, secondly, the National Organizing Committee will send people to local knowledge in activities of the institutionSpecification for third, joined the hope Cup's local organizing Committee to strictly follow the hope Cup articles IV, if the National Organizing Committee found violations of the Organizing Committee, will be limited. "After all, the local organizing Committee has no subordinate relationship with us, but a similar joining of nature. "Zhou Guozhen said the Organizing Committee to join in these places, the National Organizing Committee did not chargeAt no cost. "Hope Cup" how much is the registration fee? 10 yuan per person for students, primary school students $ 12 per head of the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Division is found one of the reasons, is the question of the application fee. It is learnt that the Organizing Committee of the Division to charge a registration fee of $ 25 or so students, and student fees in training schools and students in public school fees also varySample. Zhou Guozhen, organizing Committee of the national requirements of "want the Cup" race entry fee is $ 10 per head of middle school students, primary school students $ 12 per person (in the cost of primary schools include a training materials). Fees to be taken all over the Organizing Committee, on a per-student cost of $ 3 surrendered to the National Organizing Committee. "Hope Cup" national mathematics tournament first held in 1990. 1998Year hosting the 9th hour, participating cities have more than 300, participating students has more than 1.2 million members. Since then, at each entry are the number of students in more than 1 million, calculated in accordance with the annual registration fee of at least tens of millions of Yuan. In 2009, when the 20th, participating high school Trojan has almost 20 million people. Where the entries of primary and middle school students in Beijing have beenNearly million, an average session will apply thirty thousand or forty thousand, according to this calculation, annual registration fee of at least $ 300,000. Who is going to organize next year, "hope Cup" competition? Education and training of the National Organizing Committee may delegate organizing examinations "hope Cup" holding one session annually, each holding two try, for the first test in mid-March, first test in the application to the examination. After the test, schools 1One-fourth/5 students and primary school students can enter in mid-April for the second try. Second try arrange examination room in the region. Beijing Organizing Committee has now been suspended the right to organize, how Beijing Organizing examination next year? Zhou Guozhen, at present the National Organizing Committee is working on this issue, intends to entrust organization of education and training institutions exam. In addition diablo 3 gold, due to the City Board of file rules, Primary and secondary schools are not allowed to provide the examination room, also are not allowed to let the classroom, the National Organizing Committee intends to classrooms through education and training institutions and universities classrooms as a test site.

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